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COVID-19 - who's got some?


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Internet censorship is a really complicated thing. It’s too easy to spread misinformation now a days. This is why places that want to start new with no censorship or moderation quickly go out of business. I’m not going to get political here but you can search for the usual suspect.



That's not true, 4chan has been in business for years. :)



But the internet does not need another 4chan.



And any web site that doesn't limit what people can post will turn into another 4chan.


And not many companies want to run their ads next to that kind of content.

And that makes it hard to keep a web site profitable.

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That's not true, 4chan has been in business for years. :)



But the internet does not need another 4chan.



And any web site that doesn't limit what people can post will turn into another 4chan.


And not many companies want to run their ads next to that kind of content.

And that makes it hard to keep a web site profitable.

You have now described what Facebook is.

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The part you're missing is that by choosing to be unvaccinated, or choosing to spew misinformation, a person is violating those very rights of everyone they interact with.
Uh - no. No more than someone vaccinated who gets the virus and infects others is violating anyone else's rights - and folks absolutely are getting sick even though they are vaccinated, though it definitely reduces the impact in most cases if you are vaccinated.


I am vaccinated, as is the rest of my family - and I literally don't care if someone else decides to vaccinate or not - that's on them. They do their risk assessment and move on - I might not agree with their decision, but I'm not going to go crazy over it.


As for misinformation, that's been "the way" for many, many years - thing is, if they believe in it, that's what they are going to do...


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Henning and everyone else who makes a living treading the planks, are entertainers. Unless, like anybody could, they start making unsubstantiated claims about the capabilities of a preparation they are selling, AT A MOST wholesome and minimal markup to demonstrate my most humble testament to my trust in you to assist my burgeoning family. Bless them, godd…
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Uh - no. No more than someone vaccinated who gets the virus and infects others is violating anyone else's rights - and folks absolutely are getting sick even though they are vaccinated, though it definitely reduces the impact in most cases if you are vaccinated.


I am vaccinated, as is the rest of my family - and I literally don't care if someone else decides to vaccinate or not - that's on them. They do their risk assessment and move on - I might not agree with their decision, but I'm not going to go crazy over it.


As for misinformation, that's been "the way" for many, many years - thing is, if they believe in it, that's what they are going to do...



The vaccination status thing may have been a bit of personal bias peeking through, so I apologize for that. The point I was trying (unsuccessfully) to make is that refusal to take any sort of precautions isn't okay. Don't want to be vaccinated? As much as I may disagree with that point of view, that's an individual's choice. Being unvaccinated and acting like we're not in the middle of a pandemic (ie. refusing to wear a mask), not okay. Best analogy I've come up with so far is drunk driving- drinking is okay, driving is okay, but your right to drive is taken away if you've been drinking, because you're endangering the lives of people around you.



As far as the pseudoscience homeopathy thing, I think it's fairly common for the parents to see criminal charges if their child dies because the parents used healing crystals instead of taking the kid to a doctor. I'm not a parent or a DCFS agent, though, so that assumption isn't based on much more than (hopefully not misplaced) optimism and what I've seen on the internet. No, the irony of using this as an argument against misinformation is certainly not lost on me.

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The point I was trying (unsuccessfully) to make is that refusal to take any sort of precautions isn't okay.

That's fair.


For masking, etc., it's on the states to determine if it's mandatory or not - should it be for unvaccinated? sure, I can get behind that, but it's just about impossible to enforce - so the states that opt to mandate masks indoors (NM is one of those states, so definitely what I deal with every day) do it for everyone, irrespective of vaccination status - hell, at work we are over 90% vaccination (soon to be higher when they terminate all the unvaccinated folks without a medical or religious exemption) and we are still required to mask inside 100%. Basically, everyone gets penalized due to some opting not to vaccinate... feels kinda like collective punishment... not a good thing, and it breeds resentment.

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Could be worse- you could be in a state/area/office with all of the resentment, none of the masks, and nowhere near the vaccination rate. I'd guess we're at maybe 50% in my office, substantially lower than that out on the shop floor, and I haven't seen a mask since probably the beginning of June (not that I saw many before then).
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Meanwhile, King County has implemented a "vaccine-passport." I wouldn't be surprised if the whole state started doing something similar soon.





However, down here in Texas, it's the complete opposite. Mask mandates are prohibited.




I feel the freedom in the air down here.


(More info: I'm vaccinated)

MILKRUN  - Click Here

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I’m fully vaccinated, if someone else doesn’t want to be I don’t care.


If I get a breakthrough case I’m not getting tested unless I am so sick I can’t work. Otherwise I’ll go on about my business as usual. If someone gets sick from me who’s unvaccinated and they get really sick or die, that’s their problem. They made their choice, I made mine; vaccines are widely available no excuse other than personal choice to not get one.

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Yeah, man, screw those cancer patients on immunosuppressants. And those losers who have severe allergic reactions to injections, they should just sack up and deal with having their throat swell shut. Small price to pay so Penguin can live his #bestlife.
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It’s still their responsibility to protect themselves and practice their own risk mitigation just as they would need to in response to any respiratory infectious diseases. These being the same people who can’t get flu shots etc and might very well die of influenza. Sorry but there’s no reason for me to significantly alter my day to day life to protect the lives of a very small segment of the population, and it never was prior to this idiocy.


One positive outcome of this entire pandemic is allowing the cowards, and authoritarians among us to positively ID themselves for ridicule and scorn for the rest of their lives.

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Could be worse- you could be in a state/area/office with all of the resentment, none of the masks, and nowhere near the vaccination rate. I'd guess we're at maybe 50% in my office, substantially lower than that out on the shop floor, and I haven't seen a mask since probably the beginning of June (not that I saw many before then).

Well, while we didn't have the bonus spike you guys had in April, looks like we are blowing up about the same as you guys now... (which is kindof surprising since much of NM is pretty much empty people-wise - things are really spread out) overall vaccination rate is a bit better in NM, so where I work (which since we're federal, we are following the federal mandate) is an anomaly even in this state - we're sitting at 91-ish % fully vaccinated - we'll max out January 18th, I imagine, when they terminate everyone whom isn't vaccinated and doesn't have an approved exemption.



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Yeah, man, screw those cancer patients on immunosuppressants. And those losers who have severe allergic reactions to injections, they should just sack up and deal with having their throat swell shut. Small price to pay so Penguin can live his #bestlife.


I find your statement odd as I spend time in WI

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Well, while we didn't have the bonus spike you guys had in April, looks like we are blowing up about the same as you guys now... (which is kindof surprising since much of NM is pretty much empty people-wise - things are really spread out) overall vaccination rate is a bit better in NM, so where I work (which since we're federal, we are following the federal mandate) is an anomaly even in this state - we're sitting at 91-ish % fully vaccinated - we'll max out January 18th, I imagine, when they terminate everyone whom isn't vaccinated and doesn't have an approved exemption.


COVID spikes when the weather is shit.


Hot as hell down south in the summer, people spend time inside: COVID cases spike.


Now getting cold and shitty up north, people spending time inside: COVID cases go up.

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In other fun news my fully vaccinated wife, and my non vaccinated 4 year old son have both been positively diagnosed with COVID-19 as of this morning.


Wife works administrative duties at a clinic in town so she’s ethically obligated to quarantine away from work since she deals directly with providers and patients, many of whom have compromised immune systems. Sucks because company policy is she has to use her PTO first and then unpaid leave for the rest. I am surprised she didn’t get COVID a lot earlier given her near daily exposure to COVID-19 positive patients.


Aside from mild cold symptoms, and the inability to smell most odors she feels fine. So even though she got a breakthrough case the vaccine is helping keep it mild and basically uneventful. She’s been cleaning and doing laundry out of boredom all day.


My 4 year old son, seems completely unaffected and in true 4 year old fashion is taking this wonderful opportunity to not have to be in pre-school to play at 1000% effort, pester the German Shepherd and Rottweiler as much as he can, and of course yell and refuse to utilize his inside voice at all times. If I had that kid’s energy I would be a multimillionaire by the end of next year, even if all I had to make money on was recycling aluminum cans.


I’m also fully vaccinated and have no symptoms at all. After looking at BNSF official guidelines for COVID-19 and critical infrastructure employee guidelines, since I am fully vaccinated I’m not even required to report close contacts anymore. So I will be operating as per normal. Although I’m now hanging out in my office while home and sleeping in a spare bedroom, not that it will make much difference at this point since my son up until this morning has been in close contact with me and he and my wife are probably every bit of 4-5 days in showing symptoms and being contagious.


Oh well, I knew we were all going to get it. Whatever, get over it and drive on!

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sounds about right - already vaccinated typically means a mild case for adults, and kids aren't really at risk for covid side effects - it happens, but it's much more of an impact on adults. (risk is higher for a vaccinated adult than an unvaccinated kiddo) I am sure you'll be just fine with your approach.
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They're actually looking pretty good, now (they had their big kaboom over the summer)



I didn't realize their summer wave was even better than the winter wave, that's kind of interesting.




The big question now (for the whole country, not just Florida) is whether this coming winter sees another big wave. Or maybe the question is which areas see another big wave and which areas see just a blip.

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I’m not sure why everyone is still obsessed with case rates? Who cares?


The metrics to measure are hospitalizations and deaths. We are not going to stop the spread of even vaccinated people like my wife still get breakthrough cases. So why are we measuring case rates as some end all be all number? I’m far more interested in survivability improvements and a reduction in the need for hospital stays personally since those are actually practical and achievable.


We’ll all get it or a variant thereof, if it can be effectively treated for the vast majority of people with symptoms no worse than a common cold then stop worrying and live your lives.

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So why are we measuring case rates ...?

Because they are a useful metric. Case rates (i.e. confirmed positives) are a leading indicator of hospitalization rates and death rates. They are also useful in evaluating the effectiveness of vaccination, masking, social distancing, and other preventive public health measures.

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)


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Because they are a useful metric. Case rates (i.e. confirmed positives) are a leading indicator of hospitalization rates and death rates. They are also useful in evaluating the effectiveness of vaccination, masking, social distancing, and other preventive public health measures.


Masks-N95 must be wore properly, replaced regularly etc etc.but people wear mask cloth, paper ( used over and over) wore improperly especially too loose. Social lol distancing CDC have 6' then 3' what next 6'? Vaccination was then end all, when first reported, now boosters, next more boosters? Preventive, until the next strain or mutation. It will be years, maybe decades before scientists/virologist really know what was the correct approach to handle this Wuhan SARS virus. Until then we are basically guessing/ trial and error to what might work. My issue is when individuals try to preach a fact when it just possible it an approach to a solution or science calls a theory.


Dogmatism and skepticism are both, in a sense, absolute philosophies; one is certain of knowing, the other of not knowing. What philosophy should dissipate is certainty, whether of knowledge or ignorance.

Bertrand Russell

Edited by Yoda_One
Laughing at Oneself and with Other is good for the Soul😆
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Because they are a useful metric. Case rates (i.e. confirmed positives) are a leading indicator of hospitalization rates and death rates. They are also useful in evaluating the effectiveness of vaccination, masking, social distancing, and other preventive public health measures.


Sure case rate is a useful metric to know, but only so you can quantify the actual important statistics on hospitalization and deaths.


Obsession with the case rate alone is for stupid people who hold an unrealistic goal of zero cases. More accurately they hold a goal of using COVID-19 as an issue to continue exerting control over you.

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