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05 SE-R MT v/s 05EAT Stage II

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I can see it now... the LGT lines up next to the SE-R. LGT jumps away and pull 2-3 car lenghts, then the SE-R begins to reel the GT in. All of a sudden, a loud blat-blat followed by an obnoxious BOV Pffftt noise. Both drivers got stunned as a yellow SRT-4 blows both of these family sedans. Boo-yeah!!!

SRT-4 is da fAsTArrrrr!!!! :D

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I can see it now... the LGT lines up next to the SE-R. LGT jumps away and pull 2-3 car lenghts, then the SE-R begins to reel the GT in. All of a sudden, a loud blat-blat followed by an obnoxious BOV Pffftt noise. Both drivers got stunned as a yellow SRT-4 blows both of these family sedans. Boo-yeah!!!

SRT-4 is da fAsTArrrrr!!!! :D


:rofl: :rofl:


For real tho, theres no way an srt-4 is faster then an EAT stage 2..... right???:(

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:rofl: :rofl:


For real tho, theres no way an srt-4 is faster then an EAT stage 2..... right???:(


If the SRT4 is stock, possibly...If the SRT4 is also stage 2 - you'll be seeing the SRT4's tails after second gear.

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Ugh....that makes me wanna puke.



maybe i should jus keep the 98' 740IL my dad has and retire from posting here....


Why, I'd rather have my stage 2 LGT than any neon regardless of how fast it is:D

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I have a friend who has a SE with mods and his car is hella faster than mine even with three people in his car, is much faster than mine. I'm stock though, so you will have a better chance than me. I say do it!




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It's hard to arm-chair quarterback this one. But, given everything I've seen and read (and some personal experience with these Nissans), from the stop the Legacy (provided he can brake boost) should pull it off. From a solid roll in 3rd, the SE-R is going to eat the Legacy's lunch and take his milk money. And I believe that is just the cold hard fact. That 3.5 is going to reach way down inside itself and just scream up through the RPMs, while the LGT will just be finding its voice.


That said all, suggest you put this thread in your User CP... just go to the top and use Thread Tools and subscribe to it. Then when you see the OP's "results, then jump back in. No sense spending another week and a half talking about what could/would be when we can see what really did happen when it happens.


Just my .02



- Pro amore Dei et patriam et populum -
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SRT-4 is putting down a little more to the wheels (230HP) than a Cobb Stage One Legacy 5MT puts down to the wheels... and it weighs 200-400 pounds less. Best stock 1/4 mile time is 13.6 for the SRT-4, at 102 mph.



So yes, a good driver in a stock SRT-4 will be right there and could beat a 5AT Stage Two Legacy GT.


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Ugh....that makes me wanna puke.



maybe i should jus keep the 98' 740IL my dad has and retire from posting here....


To make you feel better, if you are in the LGT with a SRT-4 next to you at a stop light, press on the rear window button to bring it down and start laughing and continue to actuate the rear window up and down, cause they got nothing on us w.r.t to the electronic rear windows, nutin I tellya. :lol:

I keed I keeed
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The Automatic has more drive-train loss. The 5MT will pull harder through every gear.



Whitestar, you know what's sad, is that if we have to explain that

to guys with autos, they'll never get it anyway.


And to those with autos who take offense to it...well, there's a reason

manuals not only have faster ET's, but faster trap speeds.

And if speed was SO important to them, why did they get the autos


Nobody said that having an auto makes your car slow, it just makes

it LESS fast than a manual. Extra weight, more drivetrain loss = less power to weight and less power to the ground.

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SRT-4 is putting down a little more to the wheels (230HP) than a Cobb Stage One Legacy 5MT puts down to the wheels... and it weighs 200-400 pounds less. Best stock 1/4 mile time is 13.6 for the SRT-4, at 102 mph.



So yes, a good driver in a stock SRT-4 will be right there and could beat a 5AT Stage Two Legacy GT.



here are some numbers from a stock SRT-4 that dynoed on the same rollers my stock LGT made 194hp on

2005 srt4 (stock)

run 1 whp 218 tq 230

run 2 whp 219 tq 233

run 3 whp 222 tq 231


Stage1 LGT would be an even match from a roll and should do a number from a dig.

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just face it... the manual is faster...give up


you dont have a high stall tc like a top dragster, you dont have a built auto like all those fast at supras have....and you probably never will


Man honeslty you have th chill out and grow up. I NEVER claimed that it was faster then the manual. Show me in any thread that I said that. in reading through YOURs though it is funny b/c you are the one that is crazy about this topic not me.


I bought my 5EAT for a reason. I drive in traffic to and from work every single day. This is my daily driver and I will be getting another car "real" sprts car in the next few years with a stick to play with. I am happy with it and I know that it will be a little slower then an equally modded MT.


Now with that said, did I run my 13.9 (wasn't 13.8 btw) no b/c I haven't been to the track. However, I ran rediculous amount of runs with a g-tech analyzer and my 5EAT w/ pullies has been consistanly running 5.3-5.4's 0-60 and 14.02 (best) - 14.4 1/4 mile. So did I hit it no, but I missed it by 3 one hundreths of a second hahah. Happy now.


Anyway, don't try to jump down my throat when I am fine with having my auto and knowing the physics of why it is slower from the factory. I am just trying to prove to all you MT's that seem to put down the Autos that they are dogs and "can't compete". I wouldn't call 5.3 off the line too shabby for a stage 1 auto......

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not to talk bad about mblock, but he just wont accept this for some reason...he argue his ass off in a couple other posts about it


its not that they auto is slow or anyhting, its just not as fast as the mt


You know what THEN DON'T talk bad. Be mature about it don't act like a tough teenager on here, doesn't float ok. I posted #'s to back up whatever I could. Be civil.

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im just sick of people overestimating their cars. its ignorance...ive been seeing it FOREVER and a day since ive been working on cars...and i thought people would know better here.


it reminded me of this kid with a turbo rsx...didnt even build it himself, much less know what it was capable of..he was claimin high 12s, and ran a 17.5 after stalling out 2 previous runs...i like real #'s, not once that might or might not happen...and im glad you posted your numbers up


and im out of this thread until this race happens

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Why, I'd rather have my stage 2 LGT than any neon regardless of how fast it is:D

No doubt, id rather have a stock LGT then a stage 2 SRT.


To make you feel better, if you are in the LGT with a SRT-4 next to you at a stop light, press on the rear window button to bring it down and start laughing and continue to actuate the rear window up and down, cause they got nothing on us w.r.t to the electronic rear windows, nutin I tellya. :lol:



Id be laughing till he beats me in a race....


then id be doing the same thing i do every time ive been beaten by an srt4 (cry inside then remind myself hes driving a neon which still only mildly comeforts me because it still beat my nicer car in a race)

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I don't know, but I don't think it would bother me much.


as I said before, no matter how fast it is, cr@p is still cr@p. I'd forget about the race the instant someone else needed a ride.


Let's see.

Here's my nice, and still quite fast Legacy GT. A car I can really be proud to own and have other people ride in...




Here's my SRT4. I know the interior is cheap and falling apart, and it looks like dung, loud, FWD, handles like dung, as well, but it is fastAR!


No contest. nicer car wins the race of decency hands down. Look at all that the dodge-y had to sacrifice for that extra fraction of a second of accelleration. Pretty much everything else.

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The race of decency perhaps, but it still looses the street race and doesnt wipe the smirk off the little bastard whose driving its face.


personally id rather win the decency race (if thats what we wanna call it) :shrug:

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The little bastard's smirk will be gone when he ditches the thing in the wet or the snow, and our AWD is just purring along!


Or at 50k miles when the car is a rattle trap, and he's beat on it so hard that it is burning oil like a clapped-out pickup. It won't be nearly so fast, then.


Meanwhile the Legacy will still look relatively new on it's way to a full and rewarding life of ~200k miles!


If some little street-racer wants an SRT4 for street racing, I pity him, because that is such a waste of a car in many ways. How many $K for a machine, only to abuse it to a very early death. Plus, the car is so wrong for racing, other than just having power, and being built cheap enough to be somewhat lightweight.


I'll take the decency race any day of the week, and 10x on sunday. My smirk will be because I spent my money wisely, while the SRT driver is smoking his money as fast as his front tires, and looking like a neon-driver whilst doing it.

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handles like dung


Still off topic here, but where did you get this information? Have you ever driven an SRT-4? They actually handle fairly well.


I will, however, agree with the rest of your assessment of the SRT-4. :)

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