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05 SE-R MT v/s 05EAT Stage II

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So what prompted him to require a passenger? Why does a race between 2 drivers and their cars need passengers ?


Yeah I wouldn't agree to that. It sounds like "he has been doing some research" while you were away and doesn't think he can win now. So he is backing out of the original bet and changing the stakes to even the score.


Thats like finding out you are going to race Carl Lewis and you didn't know who he was when you made the bet so now you are tying a cinder block to him hahaha.

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We are going to run Wed morning early:) He states he did not know how light my vehicle was! Anyhew... the passenger is only 120-130lbs he has backed off the $$ on the bet but were going to run them for sh>*s & giggles.

This morning @ 6am it was 76* (cool for us)

Toyota 6EATS .........SUCK!!!!!!
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We are going to run Wed morning early:) He states he did not know how light my vehicle was! Anyhew... the passenger is only 120-130lbs he has backed off the $$ on the bet but were going to run them for sh>*s & giggles.

This morning @ 6am it was 76* (cool for us)


I call bs on the passenger the guys obviously a pu$$y now, "I can beat you, oh maybe I cant...so bring some extra weight" bah :rolleyes:

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NO NO NO.....


No backtracking on bets! :p


He shoulda done his homework BEFORE he agreed to a race for a specific wager.


Didn't he learn that once you're out of elementary school, you can't "redo" any more?




I'm sorry, but I'm rarely this insistant - he's simply got to cowboy the F-up and take it on the chin like a man....... Original bet stands, I'd say!



<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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We are going to run Wed morning early:) He states he did not know how light my vehicle was! Anyhew... the passenger is only 120-130lbs he has backed off the $$ on the bet but were going to run them for sh>*s & giggles.

This morning @ 6am it was 76* (cool for us)


Again, why does weight matter? It's all about power-to-weight, if he is too heavy, then too bad. At least do a run without a passenger, so he can see how bad he'll be wh00ped if he encountered one on the street.


I mean do you see The Sting testing the enzo with an extra passenger on Top Gear?!!!!

I keed I keeed
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no $$$ no passenger. simple.


heck even with money, no passenger.. a bet is a bet. You don't like losing.. don't bet. You want out of a bet... ask to be let out of a bet and be prepared to be told no. Don't go trying to weasel your way into winning.

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We'll the long wait is finally over, the race took place @ 5:30 this morning. The temp was 79 the humidity had to be around 90% :( No passenger for my vehicle, racing for dinner & bragging rights (NO $$$)

I have some good news & some bad to report.




1st race was from a roll @10mph - 90

I had the leggy in sport mode using the steering wheel shifter. I was in first gear when we took off @ 10mph I was turning around 3200-3400 when we left (Damn that Altima sounds great) by 50 I was leading by a car and a half...70 about the same...90 about a car length!!!:)

A win is a win, once we came to a stop he started with the "If we took it to 110 I would have had you BS" (Already Started the whining)

He had wanted to do both rolling races first, but before the 1st race took place I got him to agree on the 30mph roll last.

2nd race was from a stop to 90

I launched @ 3200 by 50 I had him buried 2-3 carlengths:lol:.....70 2-2.5 lengths....90 about 1.5-2 lengths:)

Once again a win is a win!

At least he admitted He got his *ss handed to him:lol: He launched @ 4k sd he should have "dropped around 3500 had alot of wheelspin"


** While the cars were idling I could hear the leggy making an unfamiliar sound :(**

We agreed to go by the closest gas station so I could take a look under the lights!


I will explain what I see now pictures will come later.

(The belt that goes from the AC - tensioner pulley -crank) @ the tensioner pulley base there is a long bolt that runs up & down. I believe it is for added strength, it sheared off @ the base where it attaches to the actual arm holding the tensioner pulley:(

The plastic portion was rubbing against the belt causing the noise.


I need to know how important this item is....any ideas?


3rd race

Did not take place (remember best 2 out of 3) But I do believe he may have gotten me by a hair! @ 30mph in 2nd gear my car is turning around 2.5K I would have had to wait for my boost plus I already know How hard his car pulls up top.

I told him "I think you would take me by a hair on the 30 roll so I will give you that one"


He took his defeat like a man :lol:

Although I will not be able to rub it in all week as he was leaving this morning for the ATL!


We did agree on trying to get a few cars together sometime in NOV-DEC (cooler weather) & going down to Bradenton to run the cars.



Toyota 6EATS .........SUCK!!!!!!
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congrats on the wins. I'm not sure I wouldn;t have preferred to lose and not have something break though! not the best message about the tradeoff of reliability for speed. ah well....
getting out of the legacy game :cool:
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AWESOME!!!! I had a feeling this was going to be the result from the get go. That really stinks about the belt......did you have your pullies on yet? That is strange that it happened since the belt tensioner isn't really that close to the belts. Easily fixed though. Just head to Napa and get new belts!


So I guess if the SE-R's are running 13.6's in the quarter and he was 2 cars behind you at 90 you were almost at a 1/4 mile. He may have been pulling b/c of the v6 at that point but you still would have won in the 1/4 with about 10-11 MPH to go. I would say you are probably running a good 13.7 1/4 :):):) nice job!

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From the 10mph roll, if we would have taken it to 110 he may have edged ahead! From a stop I still would have had him by 1.5 lengths:) I will say this If my Leggy was stock I would have had it handed to me!

When we go to the Track later this year I should be quite a bit quicker, I have already purchased & will be adding the following:

Perrin TMIC

Perrin turbo inlet

Greddy EVO2 catback

Pulley set

Crucial UP & DP

Crucial summer cooling Kit

Hopefully AVO will come out with the airbox for their intake by then!


Isn't life GRRRRRReat!

Toyota 6EATS .........SUCK!!!!!!
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Excellent ending to a great thread! :)


Thanks for your wonderful "play by play." And for your friend owning up to his end of the bargain, too. Also, I'm thankful that you both are safely now down from the race - always good to hear.


Definitley sorry to hear of your breakage, but hey, you know what they say about that. ;)


Keep up the great mods, and hey, ENJOY YOUR MEAL !!!! You've earned it! :D



<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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Belts are fine...pullies are not on yet!

The bolt that screws into the plastic sheered off @ the base:(

I will find out when we go to the track when it cools off but I would say @ that time I will have a sub 13.5 sec car......we shall see!

Is that 13.6 time for the SE-R stock or modded?

Toyota 6EATS .........SUCK!!!!!!
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So I guess if the SE-R's are running 13.6's in the quarter and he was 2 cars behind you at 90 you were almost at a 1/4 mile. He may have been pulling b/c of the v6 at that point but you still would have won in the 1/4 with about 10-11 MPH to go. I would say you are probably running a good 13.7 1/4 :):):) nice job!


Except that SE-R's are not running 13.6's in the quarter - more like 14.1 - 14.5.

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Modded I believe. I was over on their boards looking around and the cars with about the mods that this guy was claiming were running 13.6's


I can't wait to go stage II. Little over 2 weeks to go.


You get springs on that badboy and you will be even a thenth or 2 faster !!!

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