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i hate old people

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u can say its my fault all you want, dont really care, the way old ppl are down here, i always stay a car behind, mainly cause of the heavy traffic down in new port richy, if u look it up you'll see theres alot of accidents, do you think i wanted this happen after god knows how much time i put into this car. but you guys can keep talking your shit thinking you know everything. unless you were there and seen, go **** yourselves, have a nice ******* day.
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You are 100% responsible for the area in front of your car.


Not really sure what reaction you were expecting posting a thread like this..............


It's still your fault


You assumed traffic would continue through a green light, didn't happen

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Not pointing any fingers, but a car length isn't even enough anymore.


The human reaction time still isn't enough to bring a car to a stop if the person one car length ahead of you slams the brake pedal to the floor at 40 MPH.


I took one of those advanced driver training courses a few years ago, and after we got through all the emergency lane changes and slalom courses, they had one car tie a traffic cone on the end of a rope that was one car length long. They stuck the end of the rope in the trunk of the lead car. They made us bring the car to 40 MPH, with the bumper of the chase car (The ones the students drive) even with the cone, but next to the lead car. At random, the lead car will slam on its brakes. You had to do the same. If you stop before your bumper passes the rear bumper of the lead car there is no damage. If you stop with your front bumper up to the rear wheels on the lead car its a fender bender. If you stop with your front bumper up to the rear seats its a wreck. If you stop with your front bumper at or past the B-pillar of the chase car, its considered a severe wreck with a good chance of injury.

Not One Student Passed The Test. All The Students, Young And Old, Would Have Had At Least A Wreck With Only One Car Length Of Following Distance.


Keep it in mind. Nothing can be done for this car except replace it. :(


And as far as rear ending a car goes, You are to be in control of your vehicle at all times. I could be driving in front of you and literally slam on my brakes for NO GOOD REASON and FORCE you to rear end me if I think you're following too close.... And here's the best part, you would be buying me a new car.


That's why following distance laws exist, to ensure that a vehicle can perform evasive maneuvers and/or emergency braking without worrying about someone getting a taste of their steering wheel. Heed to this law next time and it just might be the driver behind you who's buying YOU a new car next time.


Here in MA, the minimum following distance allowed by law is 3 seconds, which isn't enough for anyone driving faster than 25 MPH.






At 45MPH a car covers 66 FEET per second. The average human response time to process and convert stimulus to motor skills (Such as hitting the brakes) is between .5 and .75 seconds. That means in the time it takes your foot to go from the gas to the brakes, your car Has already traveled between 33 and 49.5 FEET. The average length of a passenger car is Between 13 and 16 FEET. At that rate you could have Already gone between 2 and 4 car lengths before your foot even touches the brake pedal. Now assume the car that's one car length in front of you is stopped. It would take you about 0.19 SECONDS to hit that car at 45MPH. At 45MPH a car will travel 198 FEET in 3 seconds.

Some of that math I looked up online, and whatever was missing that I thought would be important I did on a calculator. Please don't make my effort go to waste. Leave some f*&$#g room between your car, and the car in front of you. I'm not talking to just one person, I'm talking to everyone.

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I was once told that a decent measure of distance is one car length per 10mph, so at 60mph, that should be 6 car lengths, not 1, and by your own words you acknowledge a ton of accidents down there, and still don't adjust your driving to suit. So good job contributing to them and our higher insurance rates.




By the way, I did watch some of the vids you posted of your car in a couple other threads here, it was a nice car. Shame to see it gone.

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but the pictures show it all


I feel this isnt right. The visual damage to a car after an accident cannot determine how fast he was going/when he broke/how close he was travelling.


My sister was barely moving when she rear ended someone a few months back and check the damage below. Someone merged up ahead of her and she wasnt concentrating and BAM! It was her fault and she had to put the claim in for all 3 cars that were involved but thats not the point. I wasnt there but i can honetsly say she was doing about 30-40kms/h (about 18-24 miles/hr)






and here's the car she went under - barely touched.



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u can say its my fault all you want, dont really care, the way old ppl are down here, i always stay a car behind, mainly cause of the heavy traffic down in new port richy, if u look it up you'll see theres alot of accidents, do you think i wanted this happen after god knows how much time i put into this car. but you guys can keep talking your shit thinking you know everything. unless you were there and seen, go **** yourselves, have a nice ******* day.



a car lenghts is the minimum as instructed for following any car,


now you get on a highway and an instructor would tell you to allow multiple car lengths, and tailgating doesnt get you to your destination any faster than 10 seconds its useless..


if you cant pass someone dont ride there ass, when people do that to me i ussually slow down more or tap my breaks to scare them and make them smarten the **** up.



The fact is, two cars came to a stop before you,


either you were stoned and reacted very late,

or your breaks are very weak,

or you were simply way to close, I mean the saturn stopped fine, how close were you to it, and how fast was it going??



you must have been accelerating at the time the saturn hit his breaks.



you can keep on blaming old people, or adjust some of your habits aswell, because if you were 100% in the right, you wouldnt of smoked the saturn.



nobody wants this to happen, if this happened to me i would be in the same boat( except i dont have full coverage, and wouldnt get a flippin dime $0.10) , AND IT COULD HAPPEN TO ME EASILY its not just you but 90% of all drivers need to pay a little more attention.

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I dunno why there is an argument about this car-length thing. You people must suck at visualizing this stuff. If anyone here can go out on to the road, following by ONE car length the car in front of them, and not be terrified at any speed above 25 mph, you fail at being smart / having any sense of self-preservation / having any understanding of the laws of physics. It's SECONDS. Two seconds MINIMUM between cars is what you are taught (though I'm usually closer to 1.5, lol.)
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I was taught in drivers ed to always be 3 seconds behind the car in front of you and when you are at a stop light or stop sign you must be able to see where their rear tires touch the road. My drivers ed teacher also told me that the 1 car length behind for every 10 mph you are going was the old rule that is no longer used.
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I think the biggest the problem is that homeboy here is not taking any responsibility for the crash...it was 100% someone else's fault, and not even a bit his own.


Until he mans up, it's never going to change. It's going to be the same old habits, blaming others for his misfortune.


It's going to stay the same until one of three things happens.


1. He kills someone, and doesn't drive anymore.

2. He kills someone, and goes to prison.

3. He gets killed.


He feels inherently right, and that's what everything in his conscious mind is telling him....otherwise, he would not have shared this information with us.

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I was taught in drivers ed to always be 3 seconds behind the car in front of you and when you are at a stop light or stop sign you must be able to see where their rear tires touch the road. My drivers ed teacher also told me that the 1 car length behind for every 10 mph you are going was the old rule that is no longer used.



+1 it's now in seconds. Every so often I check using signs or whatever, but car lengths is gone because it's all relative. Seconds is more able to relate to stopping distance too so anyone besides the cops who has the data could figure out if he was speeding or not. We're working on it in physics right now after my teacher rear-ended someone on his street; he doesn't like it too much :spin:

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I think the biggest the problem is that homeboy here is not taking any responsibility for the crash...it was 100% someone else's fault, and not even a bit his own.


Until he mans up, it's never going to change. It's going to be the same old habits, blaming others for his misfortune.


It's going to stay the same until one of three things happens.


1. He kills someone, and doesn't drive anymore.

2. He kills someone, and goes to prison.

3. He gets killed.


He feels inherently right, and that's what everything in his conscious mind is telling him....otherwise, he would not have shared this information with us.




Hopefully in a few years he'll come back to this thread and realize how childish he was being.

If you don't vote Trump, out, you're a bigot who hates america.
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u can say its my fault all you want, dont really care, the way old ppl are down here, i always stay a car behind, mainly cause of the heavy traffic down in new port richy, if u look it up you'll see theres alot of accidents, do you think i wanted this happen after god knows how much time i put into this car. but you guys can keep talking your shit thinking you know everything. unless you were there and seen, go **** yourselves, have a nice ******* day.



Man, don't trip off that dude. I'm guessin he got his masters in rear endin accidents. I got rear ended and it was my fault for sittin at a red light. How does that work. And it was a female textin on her cell. And it was my fault. Hmmm.

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I am going to vote for an annual driving test not written for anyone over 65 and I dont mean that in an ageist way. My grandfather would speed up to 80mph and slow down to 50mph over and over on the freeway/highway and not keep pace when we finally pried the keys out of his hands. It is a statistical fact (I can hit an almanac if anyone really cares) that teenagers and elderly are the most likely age groups to be in crashes even though most drivers are not teenagers or elderly.




I was expaning on your point in that it does not matter if you are going "15 miles over" or 15 miles an hour, if you rearend something in front of you it is your fault. Hell, if I am on a slope and you stop closer than a car length from the back of my car and I roll back going into gear and hit you, it is still your fault :lol:


Not arguing with your OP:wub: just pointing out that speed is not relevant.


True. If sumone decides they want to slam on their brakes for no reason. 2 secs isn't shit!

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Man, don't trip off that dude. I'm guessin he got his masters in rear endin accidents. I got rear ended and it was my fault for sittin at a red light. How does that work. And it was a female textin on her cell. And it was my fault. Hmmm.

Okkaaaaaayyyy... this post needs more explanation. You're saying all the facts of your case were:


1. You were stopped at a red light.

2. You were rear eneded at said red light when it was still red.

3. The other driver admitted to texting while driving when she hit you.

4. The cops looked at all this and said it was your fault.


Please, PLEASE, explain how this was so. :munch:

Please PM joeleodee For All Site Questions. He is the acting Admin and can resolve anything related to LegacyGT.com
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Okkaaaaaayyyy... this post needs more explanation. You're saying all the facts of your case were:


1. You were stopped at a red light.

2. You were rear eneded at said red light when it was still red.

3. The other driver admitted to texting while driving when she hit you.

4. The cops looked at all this and said it was your fault.


Please, PLEASE, explain how this was so. :munch:



This puzzled me as well.

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After rereading it several times.... it's all I can hope for I guess. :lol:


And by the way... did you know you can say "go **** yourself" on here now? :iam: Doesn't even cause an issue anymore evidently. :lol:

Please PM joeleodee For All Site Questions. He is the acting Admin and can resolve anything related to LegacyGT.com
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After rereading it several times.... it's all I can hope for I guess. :lol:


And by the way... did you know you can say "go **** yourself" on here now? :iam: Doesn't even cause an issue anymore evidently. :lol:


Maybe the mods think we DO need to go **** ourselves? It's all I can hope for I guess!:lol:


Speaking of hating old people...


Soilent Green anyone?

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Ummmm.... did you miss the parts about calling everyone on here who brought up differing points of view an asshole and telling them to go f themselves? A bit more than just "complaining" about it. :lol:
Please PM joeleodee For All Site Questions. He is the acting Admin and can resolve anything related to LegacyGT.com
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