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i hate old people

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:rolleyes: Just because a vehicle has a V8 does not mean its fast. Perhaps they have their whole family in the car and don't see a reason to accelerate quickly. Or perhaps they'd like to see more than single digit mpg so they don't go around flooring it everywhere.


Life's too short to wait on slow people. That's how I look at it.

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I think they need to make elders take the drivin test 4 times year. I see a lot of them just puttin cars into traffic w/o thinkin, drivin slower then the traffic, bein in the fast lane doin the speed limit, runnin their brakes, pumpin the brake, and the list goes on. lol.

Well..I think that anyone that if one cannot spell "Being" by the time of ones graduation, said one should be shot, at the ceremony, to prevent reproduction and the inevitable devolution that would follow.

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I like how when people run into stuff (ahead of them, in their direction of travel) that it is invariably someone else's fault. :confused:


but these elders just be just puttin cars into traffic w/o thinkin, drivin slower then the traffic, bein in the fast lane doin the speed limit, runnin their brakes, pumpin the brake.


so it be like this... I'd rather crash into thems then haf to drive slowa. Dats how it is yo.

My VB Garage... Pumping the air back into despair
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but these elders just be just puttin cars into traffic w/o thinkin, drivin slower then the traffic, bein in the fast lane doin the speed limit, runnin their brakes, pumpin the brake.


so it be like this... I'd rather crash into thems then haf to drive slowa. Dats how it is yo.


say word?

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One thing I will say in the op's defense is that while yes, you should always leave enough room, sometimes the accident can still happen. There are many factors at work here. In many, many case when multiple have to slam on their brakes, when you look, the gaps between the cars will get smaller and smaller as it relates to each persons reaction times to the car in front as well as their brakes. For example:


If a person has to stops on a highway and the person behinds slams (although not quite super hard) their brakes. Then say the person behind them is not paying attention and brakes a little late and really slams on their brakes. The person behind them would have to slam possibly even harder to make up for the person who late braked in front of them.....then let's say that persons brakes aren't as good then maybe they crash.


Now if everyone left the exact amount of space required to go from 60mph to a full stop and everyone braked at the correct time, no one should crash...now if one person delays this and/or gives the brakes a tad more/less that could potentially through the whole chain of people braking off and cause someone to crash.


Then there's speeds that come into play. If a person is going 1 mph less than another he/she stop stop in a shorter distance....but if they late brake, then they are forced to stop quicker causing the person behind them to stop even harder. Does this make sense?


Now I'm not saying that's exactly what happened here and I'm not saying the OP is 100% innocent, but we should give him the benefit of the doubt here.


Sorry to hear about your car though....

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Seriously.. Old people should not have licenses! I tailgate really badly but lately I've been trying to back off a little bit because I don't want to get in an accident. That really sucks though! You just painted the car and everything!


Baddog, my mom owns one of those POS Suburban's and that thing is the best car we have ever owned! It is a 2000, that thing still hauls a** even with 184K on it.


You might not think that when you get older... :eek:

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In New Jersey young and old make the same bad decisions. I always leave enough room in front but sometimes shit happens...
I'm probably the only person that has Wu-Tang Clan and Paul McCartney on their mp3.:p
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im 18 and all i gotta say is my legacy is better than your first car was...Bitch



had to :)



:spin: loving it


I got stuck behind an old dude today doing 25 in a 40 for 6 MILES. I started getting a little close, but then I thought of this thread and had an epiphany :cool:

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I rear-ended someone at an ATM once. They put it in reverse and backed into me after using the ATM!


Unfortunately, I think they are going to fault you. Sorry about the accident.

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Verwildered....I see you point, and it could hold true if the collision was minor, but the pictures show it all, this collision commenced at 30mph+. Also as the unexpected braking was three cars ahead, had he been paying attention he would have had time to brake calmly. I always leave 2 seconds between me and the car infront in dry conditions, so lets take that 2 seconds and put it in feet, 60mph is 88fps so 2 seconds at 60mph is 176ft right? Lets say that the average stopping distance for an average car is 150 feet. Theoretically, if the Saturn had stopped dead in its tracks, no braking just stopped moving, had he been paying attention and had near immediate reactions, he would stop with 26feet to spare.

Now I appreciate things dont happen like that so, lets make it a bit more real. Lets assume that the Saturn SUV driver creamed his brake pedal and somehow managed to stop his car from 60mph in 150feet. So that would give the OP 326feet before a collision with the saturn to pull up his car that has the ability to stop within 150feet from 60. So we'll give the OP the benefit of the doubt and say that it took him 0.5 seconds to realize the brake lights were on in the saturn. In that 0.5 seconds he would have travelled 44feet of braking disadvantage to the Saturn. If he was at the safe distance behind that he says he was, and he took that 0.5 seconds to react and he applied full braking, he would have still pulled up 132 feet behind the Saturn.


Ok so as he has no ABS, lets say he only had 3/4 of the normal braking capability. So instead of 150feet it took 250feet to pull up, he would STILL have pulled up 32 feet behind the Saturn.

Now read my first sentence again and tell me he wasn't going wayy to fast or driving wayy to close.

Just sayin'

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