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M3 --> Lgt?

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Wow, really poked the hornet's nest, didn't ya?


I've driven an M3 very recently with a buddy who was looking to buy it. He went with a 335i instead. Sorry, it's a really nice car, but there isn't anything about it that isn't easily achievable with a LGT for much less. The interior isn't anything to write home about compared to the spec.B. The handling is just plain inferior to sirsimon's current setup. Sorry, that's the truth without the BMW BS bias. I really do love the M3, and very much respect it as a great piece of engineering. But anybody who thinks there's miles of difference between the M3 and LGT (once you iron out the aspects that SOA nerfed on the USDM LGT vs. the JDM) just hasn't driven them in close enough comparison. I stepped out of my spec.B (20mm rsb, pinks, pre-stage 2), got in the M3, drove it around, got back in the spec.B.


The great advantages of the BMW are a wonderfully broad torque band and the brakes. Fantastic brakes.


AWD actually gives the LGT a bit of a handling advantage, especially in anything but dry conditions. I drove the M3 in light rain on a cold day, and it was still pretty good, but you can't just toss it into a corner and let the throttle and VDC work things out, like you can with a spec.B.


The Volvo is a non-starter. Slower than the others and more expensive to mod and maintain.


So, to the OP, I figure you've got two choices:


1. stage 2 spec.B


2. http://www.horsepowerfreaks.com/price/BMW/M3/HorsepowerFreaks/Turbos/Turbo_Kits/part/HPF_750


and a bus pass :lol:

Ich bin echt viel netter, wenn ich nuechtern bin. Echt!
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I think a good aspect to look at in the comparison is the community for each car. I personally feel like the legacy is a lot more mod-able for less of a price. Personally I find a lot of gratification adding little things here and there. If you like modding and plan to spend some cash I think you will find in the long run that you will appreciate the feeling of building up your car. It is like adding a new piece to the puzzle, except you get to go faster, handle better, or just make your car look cool. You can do the same with the M3 but at a much higher cost, and from what I hear why would you want to tinker with stuff like the suspension if it is already good? I have no personal experience with the BMW community, but the guys on this forum are awesome and going to meets or hanging out at Yimi's (or whatever tuner/mechanic you go to) is a great way to spend your afternoon especially with a few beers and BBQ. When you pass by an M3 how often is the guy driving gonna wave back at you? I think subie's have a much better community. Now if all you care about is your car, the above said is pretty meaningless. Personally I think the LGT looks damn good in its own right. The interior is not the greatest admittedly. 4 doors, AWD for the price this car is definitely a worthy Daily Driver.


I just saw the first message in the thread, so yes you can make it a beast and still have a good ride and secondly, Do it! (I would go with an LGT rather than a spec b. just cuz you will probably find yourself changing the suspension anyways).

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The legacy is a good car to mod and somewhat cheap. Its cheap if you only wanna make 300whp but for us who like 500-600whp for our street demons it gets expensive. I have built a 520rwhp for 5 grand less than i paid for my stock legacy. However the legacy is a far nicer car for a DD. If your talking straight up mods, there are quite a few car you can fully build a hell of alot cheaper than a legacy. A fully built 2.5 boxer can run in the mid 30thousands. i Could built a ls1 for 18gradn that could make almost double the power, if you only want to go to that 300whp or so range the LGT is a great car.
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A fully built 2.5 boxer can run in the mid 30thousands. i Could built a ls1 for 18gradn that could make almost double the power, if you only want to go to that 300whp or so range the LGT is a great car.

Where are you getting these $$ values? Your ass?



This thread is out of control with people that dont have a clue...

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This thread is out of control with people that dont have a clue...



I hate agreeing with RC, but he's right. People need to read, take it for a spin.


To say that the spec b interior can compete with the an m3 interior is another bad joke. In the M3 you're not going to have a slew of rattles like you will in the legacy, I know my buddies M3 with 60k has no rattles. My legacy with 43k however has several rattles. The interior hands down is not even debateable.

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wow thanks for all your helpful imput RC. Go join the LS forum, you have 0 good imput. If you know something then share it, thats the point of forums. Or are u just here to talk about ass because they have forums for that too.

What do you want to know? How much a build Subaru 2.5 block goes for or how much a build LS1 goes for? Or what 20k into a Subaru could do?

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any of them, just help out a little. Give some good input thats all. I would like to know what 10grand would do for a LGT.

Power only? It would turn it into something thats no fun to drive daily :lol:


Figure out your goals and we can tell you how to get them. The problem with the LGT is the 2.5l engine; going with a bigger turbo increases lag but makes it faster. Everyone has different tolerances, you need to figure yours out. BTW you would actually get lower 60' times but better trap speed.


Now with $20k you could do a H6TT but putting 20k into a 25k car is stupid IMO. Or you could do a V8 swap and make it RWD :eek:


Honestly pull up a chair, a beer and read the forum :cool:


For reference my tolerance is a 20g figure mid-high 12's but still fun to drive in the city.

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Two of them, actually. I got one of them from a launch, twice. Another one was on the freeway. Pretty close that time, but I still pulled on him. His top speed would've got me, though. And don't say "they didn't know how to drive." That's why we drive LGT's. Nobody realizes what they can do.
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My GFs brother has a Gallardo. When springs rolls around I'll put in a few runs against him and report back. I'll probably get tore up pretty quickly.


I've driven it a couple times and that thing pulls like silly. I think Gallardo's put down 370 ish WHP. I remember one dyno'd at 414 WHP but they disconnected the front driveshaft for that run. Torque is in the low 300s.


Where you at high altitude during this encounters?

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Someone posted a Subaru-vs-Lamborghini dyno chart a while back, and IIRC the Subaru wasn't behind by much. The Lamborghini did better in the low/mid but the Subaru did a respectable job. I forgot what mods were installed... Anyone know the post I'm talking about? I don't even remember what kind of Lamborghini it was.
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