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Parental Advice Thread


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Thanks for the advice guys (and gals) and even you Laff:)... I needed to get it off my chest even if just to type it out. Funny thing is the mom is an officer in the Air Force. I thought discipline was implied. They are out for the day now, likely not back until evening. Thanksgiving we're doing separate with our own families, and they do day after Thanksgiving sales which should wipe out most of Friday. Deep breaths, deep breaths...:lol::lol:


:lol: yea one would think. I work with officers on a daily basis. They have been trained to be disciplined in their duties. Some of them even fail to properly carry out their duties. Also... theirs or anyone elses... ability to exercise and teach discipline at home is completely different.

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It's tight in a fourth gen, but you get used to it. The door opening is small. They make car seats that go from newborn to several years old, however they are pricier and are limited in options. It's nice to change up after a while too, as these things can get 'used.' Lol


Seat covers are debatable too. It's not so much scratching as it is the dents. I use a lionheart one. Check your local laws and car seat mfg guidelines though. I don't see an issue personally, if they are installed properly. Do some research. There are tons of websites that specialize in this info.

I found the best location to be behind the drivers seat. This left the passenger seat able to move forward for older kid leg room. I don't prefer to be in a cramped position and the shot legs fit just fine.


If solo with the girl I would swap it to the passenger side. This way i could pass back a tissue or sippy cup when needed.


Biggest bummer is the perma dents in the leather. Just can't get around that.


Placing the seat in the middle negates the seat strap option in the rear roof of the wagon. Not sure what Subaru did for the sedan as I don't have one.

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Yup, 100% with JJ and Legwhateverletterslookright. And, depending on how your GF reacts, you may learn that you don't want to have kids with her...

:lol: Well said.



Kick em the **** out


America! :lol:

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Any advice for a guy? I mean seriously, when I was a kid this behavior and backtalk to adults would not be tolerated at all. Am I just a crabby old bastard?


i would have laid down the house rules to the kid directly, in front of the mom. that way they both know there will be consequences for bad behavior. i did that for my nephews, my friends kids and people that visit. there have been hard times with that, but in the end it is my house, so they need t respect that, or not visit.


my nephew made a habit of punching people when they werent looking for about a year. he didnt do it to me but 3 times, each time i warned him that eventually i will hit back. he reached that fourth time, punched me in the stomach while i was napping on the couch and i "punched" him in the chest, putting him on the floor. really, it was a push, but he cried because i was the only adult to ever retaliate his behavior. my bro and his wife freaked out, i held my ground and the kid doesnt punch me at all anymore. but, i do make sure im the uncle they can wrestle and play fight with, so they have an outlet for that energy build up. now they also know the boundaries of that behavior with me.


it may sound harsh (especially to the wetnurse helicopter parents), but kids that act out constantly need to learn things the hard way sometimes.

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Twisty, my sister in law did the same thing with her son when he was a young toddler. He kept pulling her hair hard enough to hurt. She told him no several times and when he did it again, she gave his locks a yank hard enough to make him cry. He never did it again. And he lived through it, too!
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Psychologically speaking, that's said to be the worse way to handle it, as it tends to perpetuate the act you're trying to scold. During formative years, that eye for an eye mentality is digested a bit differently.
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I would imagine that it depends on the kid and their age. I assure you that if I did that to my 2 yo, he would interpret that as a green light for additional biting.


My friends tried it on their 3 yo girl. She got worse as well.

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I like the removal of privileges myself. It doesn't advocate the behavior, doesn't replicate it, but hits to the core of what they want: things that they like. :lol: If I threaten to only read one book at night instead of two, that is usually the final act of defiance. You also have to speak to a toddler's level while getting them to calm down to listen. I'm always amazed at how quick my little girl (2 3/4) will stop crying when I said "If you stop crying I can hear you. If you keep crying I can't hear you." To each their own though, I know I'm lucky to have a logical kid............... so far. :eek::spin:
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I would imagine that it depends on the kid and their age. I assure you that if I did that to my 2 yo, he would interpret that as a green light for additional biting.


My friends tried it on their 3 yo girl. She got worse as well.


its all on how you handle it at the time IMO. my son was a biter. and headbutted everything. he thought it was funny. my ex bit him back one time, and spoke to him like she does when she is mad at him for behavior, and he apparently understood it was a bad thing and stopped biting other kids.

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