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OK, I'll restate and say they are back in fashion with the 18-25 YO crew. KRB - put those f'ers to rest, unless your 11YO has anywhere near your foot size. Then, just put them to rest until she's ready to be the new bohemian chick.



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I agree that each kid is different. As long as there are some kind of limits/boundaries set. You can't let those little fukers run the show.

And timeouts are useless until about 3 1/2 to 4yo. They just don't grasp it really.

Yesterday my son was going ape shit and my wife put him in his booster seat that has safety straps. Within minutes he was dozing off and she sent me the video at work. Hilarious.

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*sigh* I'm going to be reaching out here quite a bit next year I think. Right now my wife is TAD for a couple weeks and my son is starting to drive me nuts. Starting in March she'll pretty much be out to sea for the next year and I'll be single daddy for that time. Her last deployment I went to live with my parents and my son was just a year old so it was still a fun age where they are just soaking things up. Now he's 3.5 almost 4 and seems like he's going on 15. We've done timeouts, we're removed privileges and overall he's actually pretty good. There is just some behavior which we are trying to modify with him that gets perpetuated by the grandparents any time they see him.


First is listening and doing as asked: If he's with us without the grandparents for a couple of weeks he's fine but as soon is he's around the grandparents he thinks he can get whatever he wants and do whatever he wants including throwing his toys around and not cleaning them up. The last time I was there and he did this at their house I told him to stop and clean up his toys before he started drawing. He ignored me and kept getting his papers out to draw on. I asked him again to stop and clean up, again he ignored. We follow the 3 strikes rule so i told him that was 1 strike. He broke down crying and grandma stepped in and scolded me for being to harsh with him and started cleaning up his toys for him. I scolded back at her and told her she is turning him into a brat.


Second is eating his food, also problem perpetuated by the grandparents as they will follow him around and feed him as he is playing whereas I would like him to sit down, eat his food quickly so he can go play. He's skinny, like below 20th percentile for body weight so any food is good but this leads to him not sitting still long enough to eat his whole meal which isn't a whole lot to begin with.


Any thoughts?


TL;DR: Grandparents turning kid in to brat by spoiling him and treating him like a baby. What to do? Wife is deploying soon and not sure if I can handle a year as a single dad and kiddo is bratty.

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I agree that each kid is different. As long as there are some kind of limits/boundaries set. You can't let those little fukers run the show.

And timeouts are useless until about 3 1/2 to 4yo. They just don't grasp it really.

Yesterday my son was going ape shit and my wife put him in his booster seat that has safety straps. Within minutes he was dozing off and she sent me the video at work. Hilarious.


I think that is also dependent on the kid. Our kid (just about to turn 2), definitely understands timeout. When he's acting out (which is getting progressively more every day), if you mention timeout as a form of punishment, he will start shaking his head no, and often stop what he's doing. Sometimes he'll then just throw himself on the floor and cry, but he'll off stop the initial troublesome behavior.


We've been using time out since he was walking, or about there. We just remove him from the geographic area, and place him in a distant corner of the living room. if he immediately gets up, we put him back. Not for a long time, but just long enough to make him realize that things aren't going his way.


We tend to use timeout for actions that are.... more worrisome than others. And the ignore method for things that he does for obvious attention (with no immediate injury to himself, us, or the dog in mind).

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*sigh* I'm going to be reaching out here quite a bit next year I think. Right now my wife is TAD for a couple weeks and my son is starting to drive me nuts. Starting in March she'll pretty much be out to sea for the next year and I'll be single daddy for that time. Her last deployment I went to live with my parents and my son was just a year old so it was still a fun age where they are just soaking things up. Now he's 3.5 almost 4 and seems like he's going on 15. We've done timeouts, we're removed privileges and overall he's actually pretty good. There is just some behavior which we are trying to modify with him that gets perpetuated by the grandparents any time they see him.


First is listening and doing as asked: If he's with us without the grandparents for a couple of weeks he's fine but as soon is he's around the grandparents he thinks he can get whatever he wants and do whatever he wants including throwing his toys around and not cleaning them up. The last time I was there and he did this at their house I told him to stop and clean up his toys before he started drawing. He ignored me and kept getting his papers out to draw on. I asked him again to stop and clean up, again he ignored. We follow the 3 strikes rule so i told him that was 1 strike. He broke down crying and grandma stepped in and scolded me for being to harsh with him and started cleaning up his toys for him. I scolded back at her and told her she is turning him into a brat.


Second is eating his food, also problem perpetuated by the grandparents as they will follow him around and feed him as he is playing whereas I would like him to sit down, eat his food quickly so he can go play. He's skinny, like below 20th percentile for body weight so any food is good but this leads to him not sitting still long enough to eat his whole meal which isn't a whole lot to begin with.


Any thoughts?


TL;DR: Grandparents turning kid in to brat by spoiling him and treating him like a baby. What to do? Wife is deploying soon and not sure if I can handle a year as a single dad and kiddo is bratty.




I usually mention the grandparents thing to people, and they look at me like I have 2 heads. Grandparents are GREAT. However, they can also fuk up your kid pretty quickly. Lots of people use them as daycare and babysitters constantly, and it ends up biting them in the ass. Grandparents are... grandparents. They're not paid childcare. The experience that the kid will get at daycare will be far different than with grandma or aunt jane. They end up getting a second set of parents, and tend to be more spoiled and learn manipulation far more intensively with grandparents constantly in their life. I've seen this issue with my own brother, a few of my friends, as well as kids of people that I know. It sounds horrible, and im not saying family isn't important; but you just have to watch out for the overuse thing.


We use my mom for DC 1-2 times per week since my dad passed away, to help her take her mind off of things. Our son loves it, and I also work from home, so I get to check in from time to time and make sure what's going on. We also use DC for the remaining three days, and rotate in 2 babysitters for nights and weekends. We try to mix it up a bit. Sure he screams when we leave him with a sitter, but that's normal. Just gotta walk out that door.

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I usually mention the grandparents thing to people, and they look at me like I have 2 heads. Grandparents are GREAT. However, they can also fuk up your kid pretty quickly. Lots of people use them as daycare and babysitters constantly, and it ends up biting them in the ass. Grandparents are... grandparents. They're not paid childcare. The experience that the kid will get at daycare will be far different than with grandma or aunt jane. They end up getting a second set of parents, and tend to be more spoiled and learn manipulation far more intensively with grandparents constantly in their life. I've seen this issue with my own brother, a few of my friends, as well as kids of people that I know. It sounds horrible, and im not saying family isn't important; but you just have to watch out for the overuse thing.


We use my mom for DC 1-2 times per week since my dad passed away, to help her take her mind off of things. Our son loves it, and I also work from home, so I get to check in from time to time and make sure what's going on. We also use DC for the remaining three days, and rotate in 2 babysitters for nights and weekends. We try to mix it up a bit. Sure he screams when we leave him with a sitter, but that's normal. Just gotta walk out that door.



We only really use the Grandparents as sitters/daycare on the weekends or we are in town really. Even then it isn't the whole day. There also seems to be a spoiling war going on between my parents and my inlaws. My wife and I are high school sweethearts so both are within 5 minutes or each other. My parents have a larger house with a finished basement including its own bedroom, bathroom and wetbar so we always stay at my parents. Her parents have 3 bedrooms, one for them, one for storage and a "guest room" but they haven't updated their house since they moved in, one of the bathrooms upstairs is nonfunctional (leaking toilet I believe) and since its almost always just the two of them they don't see the need to update.


Digressing, so obviously my parents get more time with our son since we're there more, plus my mother in law works at a bank on weekends so when we're up, Saturday is almost always at my parents, then a few hours Sunday morning before we leave at her parents. Soo....her parents will buy my son ANYTHING. At least now they check with us before they buy something but for the first two years there were something like 15 gifts for our son for christmas and birthday from my in laws when all he really wanted to play with was the box and paper.

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Awwww shit, the gift giving war. I have two sets of parents and my wife has one. Our daughter is turning 3 in Feb. and this is the first Christmas she's understood. Had to put the foot down that it's ONE gift per grandparent couple. :lol: You can buy an additional book, or coloring book, or sticker book, but no more than ONE toy. Just gets crazy and I can tell when we go to the store together there are more toys at their houses than we know because of how she asks "can we get this one? ok... how about this one? ok... can we get this one?" :lol:
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OK, I'll restate and say they are back in fashion with the 18-25 YO crew. KRB - put those f'ers to rest, unless your 11YO has anywhere near your foot size. Then, just put them to rest until she's ready to be the new bohemian chick.



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Yeah. Not a chance. You be a slave to fashion. I'll be a slave to my comfort.



Birkenstocks rule. I've been wearing them since the 70s, and I ain't stoppin' for no one!

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Birkenstocks aren't the right shoe for everyone. It honestly depends on your foot, body type, and gait. My ortho mentioned once, that he has seen 'the best shoes in the world' contribute to joint issues.


There's likely something a bit less offensive out there for you than Birkenstocks. :lol:

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Awwww shit, the gift giving war. I have two sets of parents and my wife has one. Our daughter is turning 3 in Feb. and this is the first Christmas she's understood. Had to put the foot down that it's ONE gift per grandparent couple. :lol: You can buy an additional book, or coloring book, or sticker book, but no more than ONE toy. Just gets crazy and I can tell when we go to the store together there are more toys at their houses than we know because of how she asks "can we get this one? ok... how about this one? ok... can we get this one?" :lol:


Lol yes...our son has his own Toy Room at Grandma and Grandpa's....My mother in law started saying over thanksgiving that maybe they should buy a bigger house. My brother in law and sister in law are expecting soon and live near by and maybe it would be good to have a bigger place for people to get together in. I told her she was nuts. Its just the two of them at home, they don't use their space well. They have a two story deck, would be awesome for entertaining. A backyard that backs to public land with a playground, basketball courts, etc. They do not need a bigger house, they just need to use their space better. She seemed upset...I'm sure that means little one is getting more toys.

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Told my 4 yr old he would have to start paying rent. He was heartbroken and ran to tell on me. I died laughing when the wife came back to fuss at me for telling him that. I said he didnt stick around to find out how or it wouldnt have been so bad.
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Told my 4 yr old he would have to start paying rent. He was heartbroken and ran to tell on me. I died laughing when the wife came back to fuss at me for telling him that. I said he didnt stick around to find out how or it wouldnt have been so bad.


That also would have been a good time to give him a beating for being a snitch. Gotta teach them omerta from an early age.

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