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Everything posted by kzr750r1

  1. This is good to know. Keep looking at Craigslist for a Daughter car. She's not getting my OBXT forever. Dropped off a case of ATF to the transmission shop. On the way remembered I had a RalliTek rear trans support stiffener. Asked for the part over the weekend and settled on delivering it for them to press in. Since I didn't see the car in the lot could only assume it's on a lift and waiting for the new unit install. Barring parts unobtanium I hopefully will have the car back this week.
  2. I have not made the jump. However the +45 18" may work with 245/45/18. But I'm not lowered. It's as close as you can ask for a compromise to not mettle with the speedometer/OD correction.
  3. Were back to communicating as of yesterday. He just called me making sure I really want the transgo kit in it. Concern is it is going to shift harder... While we spoke I did ask if he's intending to use the factory ATF. Since the answer was no I'm going to go buy a case and take it over there. Reading up in the manual a rebuild would take 10.1 to 10.6 qt.
  4. Holy picture dump! Thanks for sharing. Some nice cars. Your shop and store are missed for sure. But you pulled out at the right time.
  5. Me too... Frustrating. Good call on checking clearance.... Clarance.
  6. Rebuild the blown unit and stuff it in there. That way your 100% on the internals. I got lucky when buying the new head castings from Infamous years ago. I picked up new guides as well for good measure. Those sat in the horde until this last rebuild since the new castings had fresh guides in them. Was happy to use them finally. I've had one JDM swap in my life. On a honda civic. Not sure I'd do that on a Subaru. Now time to call the transmission shop again for ETA. They keep stalling. Giving me grief about it running rough. As I told them... Group N motor mounts are going to give some NVH until they heat soak. Stop talking to me about the motor and get this Trans rebuilt! It has 257K on it, Dammit! Thursday last week he promised a job estimate... Here we are afternoon the following week and still nothing.
  7. I have one in Black unit from them... went the same route. Direct as possible. Cut it in half since I couldn't run it with the Madrig snorkus. Was happy to find the second half during the motor install as I went back to the stock snorkus.
  8. Frustrating. If the wires have not been replaced try that first. Plugs are getting a different burn for sure. One looks fat and other looks lean to me. As for the P0420... Yikes. When was the last time you replaced the O2 sensors? Regarding my car, dropped it off to a local transmission shop to diagnose and get the repair/replacement over with. Well see how they do as I have no facility to pull that lump myself. Was bummed to see they will take zero responsibility for cars left in the parking lot if the Cat is stolen. Great! This will take a couple weeks worst case. Looking forward to having full chooch back.
  9. This is the product suggested by Dave (HexMod) for just this kind of situation. https://lucasoil.com/product-spotlight/5420-lucas-transmission-fix-stop-slip Happy to hear the converter swap helped. Kicking myself again for not putting a new one in while my motor was out. But in the end mine was doing this for over eight years. Not drastic but now enough it needs to be dealt with. Trans Fluid Pan drop every other oil change is just good practice with these 5EAT. Not to say I make that goal but do it at least once every 6 months. Now with 257K on the car I'm going for a rebuild. Will be nice to have a solid feel after lockup again. I miss it. Plus looking forward to improved gas mileage. Mine is only slipping on the freeway while headed up hill or increasing speed on the flats. Changing to manual mode makes no difference. So in the end well get this unit ready for summer.
  10. Well see. I hear what your saying. Have an appointment with a transmission shop for the 16th. Two different ways to go. Remanufactured or in house. Both have different warranty and turnaround times. Will likely be putting the transgo kit in as well. Rep on the phone liked this idea as well.
  11. Well at 257K on my 5EAT it's time to pull it and pay the piper. Currently lockup is slipping and result is terrible fuel mileage. Putting it in Manual helps a little. Not a cure. Looking for transmission lift I can rent and have a friend with car lift available. So at least looks like I don't have to pull the motor to get it out. Last fluid drop did show some clutch pack debris. Did add some Lucas slip fix again as David suggested many years ago. Has not cured it so for sure time to do something more drastic, like get it fixed. I'd like to get at least 28 MPG again on freeway runs. Currently best average is 20.
  12. On the first we took a 11 hour loop from the house thru highway 36 to the coast and home. Daughter rode shotgun. In total 650+ miles. Best part is 36. No stop intersections for 153 miles of fantastic roads. Wanted to scout the area for a long while. For sure this Tans is hurt, planning options to pull and rebuild now. The gas mileage is terrible. Could only muster 20mpg average on the way back and that is only because of it mostly being down hill from Humboldt. It still drives but lockup slipping is making it costly for the long trips this car normally takes. https://www.relive.cc/view/vXOnKoJpYB6
  13. Still creeping up to the full line. Checked cold last night. Still at the low cold mark. Added some more and ran some errands. I may have been running it on the low side since the motor install... Bad move. Needed to get to Costco and also the parts store for another set of low beam bulbs. Shame the only option seems to be Sylvania. Put the gold set in again but keeping the receipt in the glove box because I thought these were pretty new. Going to take it up to the foothills again this weekend. May take an excursion out to see the fire damage out by Forrest Hill Ca from this summer. See if the fire roads are open at all.
  14. No motor issues lately no. Tune is holding well. Next on the list is a discussion with the local dealer for a solid discount so I can order some parts that I don't want to ship. Namely the dash board. I thought they were discontinued but posting found they are still available... For now.
  15. In the same boat man. Have to pick the battles. Main thing is keep at it and you will be golden for a while. These cars are getting old.
  16. Did a ATF pan drop Saturday morning. Was able to rotate 1 gallon out of the system. I may have been running it low? Added a little more than I pulled out. Ran it for an hour sneaking up to the hot full line. Also added a bottle of Lucas stop slip. Helps to have all of the fluid in there and the stop slip is a product Dave "hexmod" suggested during one of our conversations. Mileage average improved. Next Oil change will do another pan drop and add some more. 255K on the same 5EAT. So were limping it into the summer. Will see if there is a competent shop still around for a rebuild. Last estimate in the car was 4K, three or more years ago. Should have replaced the torque converter while the motor was out. Did have a nice run back from Livermore over Patterson pass Saturday night. Always fun leaving people riding your ass when the rode gets twisty.
  17. Still wish I had my 89 CRX. You could flog that thing all day long and still get 30mpg. Sadly totaled from a rear ender on the freeway by a Prius. Was on a return trip from Israel. Had just fixed a nagging issue by replacing the water temp sensor. Ran fat until then.
  18. Ok good to hear. Has to wait. I'm still recovering from the motor rebuild this year and ZRX restoration last year.
  19. One word. Dashboard. Mine is a sticky mess and didn't get the memo about the recall till it was too late.
  20. Put another DW 65C in the tank as a preventative maintenance item. Drove to a friends house to lower the tank below 1/4. Didn't make a mess getting it out of the tank this time. This would be the third FP for the car. Not surprised my friend asked if it's not broke why fix it. Not going to trust an 8 year old pump to last indefinitely. All I need is to lean out this new motor and screw it up. Didn't see much change in AF learning. Was nice to go fill at my normal station and not see the DAM dip as we were without the tune check. Curious how the mileage average looks after this tank. It did seem to improve after the last rev from snail. Still nice not having piston slap on startup. Loudest thing is the alternator, werrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  21. You should replace both. Replaced both after having similar issues after upgrading the OBXT to LGT spec brakes. Few years later needed to replace both front CV. Rear on the other hand has 255K on them so YMMV.
  22. Varmint damage sucks. Sorry. Noticed a friend built a electric cage around one of his cars to keep them out. They live in the sticks so no telling what he was fighting. Others I know were having a hell of a time with Rabbits. Brand new car and they just hacked the harness.
  23. Ahh some different vacation pics. Nice. I'll have to check these out later and see if it's a different pdf collection for the 06 OBXT. One I have is lacking. Usually get by with the 05 version. I have to dig into the seat at some point too. Have a suspension I've crushed the drivers seat to the point my airbag lamp lights occasionally. Suspecting a sensor isn't getting triggered correctly.
  24. It's a 4.5 to 5qt change each time. Depends on if on if you jack up the passenger side while draining. I lost faith in Subaru helping maintain the car. First belt change had issues and asked for a Trans flush. They didn't. First pan drop I performed it came out gray. Full of clutch pack material. Now I keep 6qt in stock and periodically do a pan drop and refresh during an Oil change, not every oil change. There is like 12qt in the system so you'll not get all of it out at one time. Takes a few to clean house. Just take your time refilling. It takes a min, air lock. Plus a funnel with the bendy extension on it that you can find at most parts shops. One thing to keep in mind is the line pressure is increased when you run in sport or manual. I normally drive in sport all the time. It will learn it's not being flogged and shift pretty normal after a while. It will also shift to 5th eventually if on the freeway. Currently 255K on mine. Shoulda replaced the torque converter during my last motor thrash. Wish I took advantage of Dave "HexMod" modifying my valve body before he stopped. There is still a transgo kit available. But Dave had some other bits he used in there for his setup. Main thing is to try and keep the slip low by driving in sport.
  25. I had to press Heuberger to get all of the actuators. In the mean time bought another used low milage center section. Have not gone thru the hassle of opening up the dash yet. Will probably wait for summer. Car still blows hot when needed... Just not where ya want it. I'm just tied of hearing the actuators failing to park. Sounds like mice in the dash.
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