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Everything posted by kzr750r1

  1. The kW threw me for a bit too. What happened to us moving to the metric system? I was taught both as a kid. Now I don't even think it's covered in school. Will have to check my daughter and see if the do.
  2. Yeah... As the days pass kinda wish I just picked up a new EJ257 SB and moved on. I want my car back!
  3. Well I have my Infamous parts order in now with the motor gasket kit. Confirmed half moons are not in there. Weird. Taking the old ones out the lip cracked anyhow so why not included these in the kit Subaru? Holding off on the Subaru order cause I want to pay the Machine shop cash. Edited the parts list and will compile some pictures for the second post beyond what F1 shared already. Looking forward to trying the Free Range hose kit. Need to add the upper and lower radiator hose to my next order from Mike. Back to the list.
  4. Can't get to the bloody machine shop this week. Sick kid and work kept me busy all day... Not making two trips to the east bay. I need to go there tonight but the guys will be long gone by then! DAMMIT! TO Changed my mind and blitzed to the east bay and back. 2 hours is stellar for a Friday afternoon leaving at 2pm. Got lucky. Shop is ready to roll through some more blocks. Dudes coming in now expecting same day service....I'm first bitches been waiting a month.
  5. Thanks Max. The machining is more impressive on the underside. Crazy what a CNC can do for you.
  6. Comes down to am I keeping it or not. Yeah... It's a keeper. Then keep to the goals. Rebuilding the KZ taught me a few things... Like stick to some goals. Dont go crazy unless your planning on replacing more... As it goes most mods lead to a weakness else ware. Good example is Strizzy and his axle endeavor. I'm not going to go there with the OBXT. Just an example.
  7. Other systems are going to need attention before this motor is replaced or rebuilt again. Transmission will likely need attention next. That I hope ClimberD can assist me with. Maybe take a Texas vacation to rebuild a transmission. Main thing with the pistons being forged is less likely to bust a ring land. For initial build and operation, boost goals are at present no more than 15lb. I'm probably going to talk to Dave from Cryo to see if he suggests a break in map... Then roll back to the stage 1 map he worked on with me. I'm planning to get a DP and new fuel pump for a mild stage 2 setup between smogs. But I'll probably do the transmission first. I have a few Perrin parts on the shelf as well. Up, TMIC and intake. Will probably sell the Up and Intake. TMIC is a good unit and keeping it for the stage 2 setup. The thing about the car is they don't make em like this any more. These are really simple machines aside from the ECU and sensors all over the place... Newer = more sensors and BS.
  8. Shipment pending arrival early... Pistons and bearings better forking be in this box... If so I'll be tearing over the pass to da machene chop esae... for a GO GO GO order!
  9. Oh I can get OEM oversize pistons but who wants cast pistons if you can go forged. I was glad far_side turned me onto Manley. Initally I was thinking going CP. Manley offer several sizes including A and B variants. Next bore up is a mere .05mm over stock 99.50. I'm at this mark so need to go to 99.75. With Manley there is A/B 99.50, 99.55, 99.75 and 100mm. Plus their all coated skirts. I would likely never trust the wall thickness at 100mm with 15lb of boost. With the 99.75 I may get away with more boost but its probably not going to last long so I'll probably stay at stage one and just keep it running. The transmission isn't going to last forever either.
  10. Been busy... These two goofballs need to just get it done and stop complaining about the garbage left behind.
  11. I'm hoping my 99.75mm pistons are in the first shipment from Infamous... This way I can get them rolling on this. I'm hoping for motor install by the end of October.
  12. Passenger side was pulled long ago and drivers side last week. I'd consider both clean... But gone now. I have the V1 Infamous filter kit. Once I get paid will call mike to invoice me for the second hose to replace the old capped hard line.
  13. Back on track. Confidence is high on the .25mm bore needed. Ordering pistons now. Infamous Performance just received my largest parts order to date. Will pick up standard rod and main bearings and well send the lot over for crank polish and balance. Head operations are understood. They are nervous about the sodium valves but well cross that bridge when we get there. I'm hoping they can relive the valves a bit and avoid replacing all the buckets.
  14. Well He said I'm at the 99.55mm mark now and need to go to 99.75mm bore. Going to drop in on them and confirm the other work to complete since they are ready to roll on this. Writing it down here so I don't forget anything. Inspect the crank and confirm main bearing size. Confirm rod bearing size Confirm wrist pin bore size Deck heads, will likely be needed Lap or cut valve seats depending on condition Clearance the valves to spec lash See if the block needs decking, do it if needed Bore and hone to 99.75mm, if I can't get away with the 99.55mm Anything I'm forgetting?
  15. Machine shop is now on my motor... Finally going to measure the bores and I'll be able to order the pistons. They did roll through the other couple motors, bore and hone turned out well.
  16. One looks like a crack but the other just looks like a casting void?
  17. All good man. Sharing common experience and discussing is why we have build threads. I'm going to head over to the machine shop today and see where they are at on the inspection.
  18. So your going to over bore the cylinders to use the 90.55mm? Or your saying you should be able to drop these in with a hone only? I'm going to drop in on my machine shop Thursday or Friday to check progress. My dad left a message to call back with an update. I'm getting hit with status questions from all angles with no progress really.
  19. Your reminding me to send my injectors to DeatschWerks. Thanks Man. Thanks again for sharing your work CovertRussian.
  20. Yes, I plan to have coated forged pistons. Haven't bought the pistons yet. Looking at the Manley platinum sport compact. Manley has a good tech document for suggested tolerances based on several different variables. Boost level plan and skirt coating all play a part. Of course I'm getting skirt coating so that narrows the target window. Also impressed they do offer A and B stock piston sizes in addition to the three over bore options. Machine shop is going to be on my motor soon. Then parts order. Then confirm parts measure correctly. And Then Build... Still crossing my fingers for drop ins but at 160K.
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