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Everything posted by BarManBean

  1. Lol. My wife agrees with this statement! (FYI, her face doesn't laugh like that. it looks like this: )
  2. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2BzLf2jwIM]Morgan Freeman in The Narrator - YouTube[/ame]
  3. Pssssshhhhhhh. It is there, I hear it too--I still think it's the table and really don't think it's the straps. They have a very different pitch if you 'pluck' them
  4. That's what she said It's an old school drop-leaf table, I think the noise is from the hinges The only piano in the house at the moment has only 8 keys and is played exclusively by the "narrator" in the video
  5. OK, I bought a tool today to test it out on the zip ties. It makes things much better as far as getting the ties nice and tight (you can see in the video how it works). That said, I'm going to buy 10 similar tools to put into "circulation" as loaner tools for those installing the kit. The one's I'm buying will be slightly different from the one used in the video, but the function will be similar. I'll include the 10 tools in the kits going to those who paid first. After that, my hope is that the tools will circulate between those that need it. Video of the style of tool I'm referring to and the results--nice tight zip ties and a super-slick bullet-proof mod that won't have any clearance issues at all (sorry for the crying baby, what're ya gonna do...): http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/BarManBean/th_DSC_0007.jpg
  6. Wouldn't argue with you--probably takes a bit of the guess work out of it as well. I've packed mine though, so it likely won't be seen again until sometime in mid-September, lol.
  7. Quick test fit last night--everything went on as expected. Still need to play around a bit today with getting the zip ties nice and tight, but the rails aren't going anywhere. I'm going to try a tool today to get them extra-tight, and if it works I'll likely by 5-10 of them and put them into "circulation" for people to use to help with installation. Will update how it works a bit later. Unfortunately I still have to wait for the last pieces to be returned with the groove corrected for fitment. I'd be willing to send out what I have now if you are in an absolute rush to have it sooner rather than later, just let me know. I think the groove will be a bit nicer, but looking at the kit the front rail isn't going anywhere as it is now. http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/BarManBean/DSC_0006.jpg Note: don't hold your block of wood like this, you'll been fins on your intercooler
  8. Good news (and news that is 'meh')! I now have a large amount of "rail material" that is milled to the correct dimensions as far as the legs and the "groove" are concerned--yay! I'll get to cutting up a good bit of it this evening to get it to the final dimensions for the kit. The "meh" new is that the groove that they put into the pieces for the front rails is slightly off-center as I requested...just to the WRONG SIDE. This isn't the end of the world though, as I'm just going to have them widen the groove and all should be ok. I'm not sure yet if this will be done today/tomorrow or early next week. In the meantime, I've take one of the pieces for the front rail to do a test fit sometime tonight/tomorrow no matter what. The zip tie may still fit OK or I may find out that the groove really does need to be wider. Either way, I have 90% of the material already that I can start working with. More updates and pics to come.
  9. No reason for you or I to buy them, correct. But like I said, maybe perfect for others with more time than money (I'm not "flush with cash" just ultra short on time, lol).
  10. It also has to do with the person who's selling the item. Mark has a feedback rating of 32, has been around a while, and knows his shit. The bearing is likely a great deal for someone who needs one. Installing used parts is not for everyone, but it's perfect for some. I would prefer not to put used parts on in some cases (namely wear items) because I don't have the time to do the job twice and can't justify the savings. Others (read: younger and single, not have two jobs, etc.) can afford the extra install time for increased savings.
  11. Original post updated with interested parties and those that have paid, one more kit sold and paid for Spoke to the shop this morning and should have good news for those that have paid very shortly :cool: If you have paid me and are NOT marked as such on the original list, please please please let me know!
  12. No worries at all, I'm definitely nagging on my end. I called the owner's cell this morning and he said he'd have an update in 24 hours....so I called the shop directly to see if they could give me an update sooner---aaaaand ended up with the owner on the phone asking why I was calling again, lol. At the end of the day they missed a deadline right off the bat, so now I'm going to hound them to make sure that this is getting done.
  13. I spoke to them this morning and from what I can tell they are still on track, but for some reason they can't give me a firm update until tomorrow morning. I hate not being in control here. I have everything lined up to ship--zip ties, corbin clamps, instructions, OEM TMIC for test fitting, etc--and at the moment I'm just stuck waiting on the shop to provide the machined rails I should definitely have more info one way or another tomorrow morning from what I've been told. If even a portion of the pieces are ready, I'll make sure to do everything I can to be able to pick them up so I can send something out this weekend--I know that you are one of the folks waiting to install this immediately and want to get it in the mail for you as soon as possible.
  14. Isn't the Denso the same as OEM? Just doesn't come in a subaru box so it's $50 cheaper?
  15. Call napa autoparts, I got mine there for $8X.XX I think. It was a denso sensor. EDIT: location different because 2.5i
  16. Drill bit FTW! Glad to hear others are using it, makes things easy.
  17. Compsurge bought my gold BBS, I replaced them with these: http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/BarManBean/DSC_0714.jpg
  18. For those following along, I was really hoping that things would be ready to at lease ship out a few kits by this weekend--looks like that's not going to happen. I contacted the shop today to find out when I might be able to pick up the finished material and was informed that the job has barely been started. That's the bad news. The good news is that I've been given an actual date this time: the 10th of August (Friday). It's possible that things will be done before then, but I can't say that with any certainty. Every machine shop that I've been in contact with has been extremely busy, and their organizational skills and ability to deliver on the finer details (i.e. budget / time) have been a bit lacking to say the least. I don't have a day off from work until the 25th of August () but I will have time set aside to bust out some finish work on the material on the evening of the 10th and during the day on the 11th (before a night shift). That means that assuming the shop comes through on the date they've laid out, at least some of the the kits will be shipping before the post office closes on the 11th.
  19. Lol, if you paint those wheels I'll track you down!
  20. Have been talking to Fred Beans about the large corbin clamp / hose clamp order that I placed last Monday. Hadn't shown up yet so I was starting to wonder. Turns out the order cleared out the stock as far as Georgia and they've been waiting to get the rest. Props to them for deciding to ship what they have so far so that I'll have some to send out if the kits are ready before next week! Zip ties are also in hand as is a stock TMIC for a test fit. Just waiting on the rail pieces to be finished up and then I have a bit of cutting / finish work to do before sending out the first kits. Big thanks again to those that have prepaid and thanks for being patient
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