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Everything posted by BarManBean

  1. If you come detail my car I'll take the soiled pants off your hands.
  2. Seems that the extra/missing "T's" caused some confusion over the weekend, but all is well. Apparently certain model years may look a little different, but the routing of the hoses is essentially the same. Basic rule of them is to zip tie / clamp every hose you can find while you are in there so you hopefully won't have to remove the intercooler to reconnect a hose under there. I'm going to be cutting up some more kits this week, likely on Thursday. The couple folks that have ordered should have their kits in the mail by the end of the week.
  3. Jeff, am I mixing up bpv/pcv hoses? Gray, my hose routes down similar to yours without looking under the intercooler. I'm moving tonight / tomorrow so may not be of Much help until Sunday, but I would guess if your car has been running fine you don't have an issue.
  4. Jeff, am I mixing up bpv/pcv hoses? Gray, my hose routes down similar to yours without looking under the intercooler. I'm moving tonight / tomorrow so may not be of Much help until Sunday, but I would guess if your car has been running fine you don't have an issue.
  5. Watch the video here: http://legacygt.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4022125&postcount=83 You should be able to see where I hit it. Basically, there is a small ball inside the locking piece that you need to prevent from rolling around. A sharp tap on each side of the housing should do it.
  6. Wow, didn't realize these were being made right down the road from me. So I don't have to dig through this thread, what exactly are you offering now (are there multiple versions available?) and what are the prices? Thanks.
  7. Unfortunately, it's too much to ask right at this second. After I move (this weekend) and more importantly after I get settled into the new place and back in a routine, I wouldn't mind picking up another spare TMIC and doing a full write-up of the install with pics. That said, if you want a copy of the instructions that I send out with each kit I'm happy to send them to you digitally--you may read through them and find that pictures would be a bit of overkill . You can also download them from the FTP site that SeeeeYa has up and running. Thanks Jeff, that thread actually has some great photos of the process.
  8. Good stuff, glad you got the kit installed! I have to say that while there is definitely some "wiggle room" in the kit it is ultimately designed to provide maximum security against endtank separation. If it's not installed with the rails fully seated there is a possibility that an issue could come up at a later time. Just a thought.
  9. Both those lenses sound like fun for completely different reasons... How much you lookin' to get for 'em?
  10. EDIT: Just make a post in the other thread (the sale thread) that you have a tool available. That way you will have control over deleting the content of that post so that you don't receive any unnecessary PMs once you have shipped the tool to someone else.
  11. Just as a note: GrayT has purchased that last kit I have "in stock and ready to ship". I'll have more available as soon as possible (a few days or so).
  12. Received, thanks for the order I highly recommend the tool that NAPA stocks in their stores. It has an integrated handle and cutter and runs about $23 (this is the tool used in the video). Whatever tool you use, only tighten the zip tie until it is snug. If you attempt to overtighten the tie it will break since there is no "give" in the system (metal-on-metal). Snug up the tie and lock it in place, that's it.
  13. A couple more kits shipped out today. Also, the first order came through from the website (only up since last night)! Thanks for the orders, all kits belonging to those that have paid will be in the mail by tomorrow. I believe I have 2 kits cut and ready to ship at the moment. If those go quickly, it may be a week or so until I have more available since I'm moving this weekend. I'll get more cut/cleaned up and ready for shipping as soon as I have a free evening.
  14. Website for ordering is up and running: https://sites.google.com/site/bptmickit/ If you would like to purchase a kit please use the paypal link to select your kit and order, thanks!
  15. Full credit for the design of the kit will always go to Jeff (SeeeeeYa). His name appears first in the instructions that I'm sending out with the kit. Mine appears second as the "manufacturer / seller" of the kit. Credit where credit is due Jeff has been crazy supportive through this whole process--thank you sir. Glad to hear that folks are receiving their kits, looking forward to hearing that they are getting installed.
  16. I would like a ride in your car please Want to feel the suspension setup you have going, may go a very similar direction... Nice wheels, BTW
  17. Thanks guys. This has been a fun / stressful project that has taught me a lot. Glad the over-communication was well received and I hope you're just as happy with the actual product.
  18. Packed up a whole mess of kits to go out tomorrow. Most of those that have paid for a kit should receive them on Saturday or Monday depending on where you're at
  19. All prepaid kits are DONE . All of the cable tools are scheduled to show up tomorrow (according to Amazon). Assuming this is the case I'll ship out all of the kits that have been paid for on Thursday--most should receive them on Saturday or the beginning of next week. I currently have four unclaimed kits on the shelf ready to go (not including the cable tool) and should have more after this weekend.
  20. First kit was shipped out today Others will fly off the shelf as soon as I have the zip tie tools in stock (beginning on Thursday). Everyone who prepaid will be getting one of the tools to help with installation. Those in the future are strongly encouraged to purchase one to help with installation of the zip ties (search for "CV Joint Banding Tool")--it makes things much easier and really finishes the kit nicely by getting the ties nice and tight. Perks to those who prepaid, I thank you all very much!!!
  21. Drove to the shop to pick up the last of the material--it looks great! Fired up the saw tonight and cut the final pieces for 8 kits. Should get some more done tomorrow. I also ordered every cv banding tool that amazon had on Saturday--the first tools will get to me on Wednesday according to tracking which means the first kit will ship on Thursday! http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/BarManBean/DSC_0001-1.jpg
  22. Process west TMIC on craigslist if anyone is interested: http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/pts/3202703628.html Not mine and I'm not affiliated with the seller. I assume you'd need a new splitter as well.
  23. Funny thing, I know for a fact that we both have great wives!
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