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The Goals Thread

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Finished the marathon, not the time I wanted but still a very respectable time. Need to focus ok hydration for the next one. Started cramping after 20 miles and needed to slow things way down.


I will be back!


Be aware that often cramping can be a result of not only water loss but salt loss too. Salt is a major electrolyte and if you are a "salty sweater" you may be loosing more than you can replenish. This is where a sports drink vs. water would be ideal. Good luck!!

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Be aware that often cramping can be a result of not only water loss but salt loss too. Salt is a major electrolyte and if you are a "salty sweater" you may be loosing more than you can replenish. This is where a sports drink vs. water would be ideal. Good luck!!

Yip. I did Gatorade on most stops unless they were 5 mile increments where it was gels and water. Just needed more fluid.

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  • 3 weeks later...

did a shiateloade of mudruns/obstacle and races this year, still have a few small 5ks to finish it out. goals for next year include going sub-20 in a 5k, knock a few min off my 10k time, and shoot to improve overall with the Spartans/Battlefrogs and other local OCRs too. maybe I'll try to drag jase to one of these ha.


then the beer mile, that will happen next year.

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Started doing the StrongLifts routine about 3 weeks ago to get out of a rut.


I've put on about 6lbs (appetite has gone way up with squatting 2-3x per week), and lifts have started going up again.


Currently squatting 145, deadlifting 175, shoulder pressing 45 lb dumbbells, and benching 60 lb DBs. Not huge lifts, but just happy to be improving again. I've been cheating the routine a bit with doing seated cable rows. Need to watch some videos and learn to do barbell rows, or at least do Tbar rows.

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did a shiateloade of mudruns/obstacle and races this year, still have a few small 5ks to finish it out. goals for next year include going sub-20 in a 5k, knock a few min off my 10k time, and shoot to improve overall with the Spartans/Battlefrogs and other local OCRs too. maybe I'll try to drag jase to one of these ha.


then the beer mile, that will happen next year.



We'll see. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Up to 159 lbs now, +9 lbs in 4-5 weeks. Kinda stalled out on the weight gain right now, having trouble getting enough calories while also trying to avoid unhealthy foods.


Need to get my blender back from my old roommates and start making gainer shakes. Milk + peanut butter + frozen fruit. Maybe some protein powder and/or greek yogurt too.


Moved up to 65 lb DB bench press last chest exercise, and am ready for 70 lb dumbbells today. Several years ago, I was up to 80 lb DB bench before I stopped working out, so I'm close to my personal best. That time, I was around 165 lbs with the help of gainer shakes.

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^Have added Chia/Yogurt/blue berries/almond milk mix to the breakfast menu. You do need a bit of fluid beside the yogurt to get the chia seeds to gel right, and almond milk works well for me. Chia and hemp seeds are can also be added to smoothies.


Nuts are a good source of healthy fats and protein. Don't fear fresh fruit as a source of carbs if your trying to gain. Just make sure it's whole fruit, not juice.

All I need now is a hill holder and a center passing light...
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I like frozen fruit in shakes to keep everything cold, and make it more milkshake-ish. I do eat fresh fruit, mostly bananas and apples. Especially apples with peanut butter. And I eat nuts for mid-day snacks.


I can't force myself to wake up early enough to eat breakfast at home in the morning, so I end up eating a light breakfast at work (fruit + nuts, or protein bar, or oatmeal + PB). My plan is to blend a ~750-1000 calorie shake in the evening, drink half then, and drink the other half in the morning before work, while still eating my same light breakfast at work.

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I've entered into a little friendly/subjective competition with my cousin.


Dec 1 - July 25 (Family Reunion)


Taking before and after photos and let the family decide on most improved physique; not the most precise contest, but meh.


Loser is the winner's b!tch for the week, so that's incentive.




214 lbs

~17% body fat (pinched by the caliper yesterday)


Also, I've only squated via smith machine for the last few years due to lack of a spotter and also squatting on a floating vessel, but today I squatted with the regular bar (it's so much different, holy stabalizer muscles). After sets of 135 and 185 (12 reps each) I muscled out another set of 12 reps with 225, was pretty stoked about that as well as wobbly wobbly after.




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I've entered into a little friendly/subjective competition with my cousin.


Dec 1 - July 25 (Family Reunion)


Taking before and after photos and let the family decide on most improved physique; not the most precise contest, but meh.


Loser is the winner's b!tch for the week, so that's incentive.




214 lbs

~17% body fat (pinched by the caliper yesterday)


Also, I've only squated via smith machine for the last few years due to lack of a spotter and also squatting on a floating vessel, but today I squatted with the regular bar (it's so much different, holy stabalizer muscles). After sets of 135 and 185 (12 reps each) I muscled out another set of 12 reps with 225, was pretty stoked about that as well as wobbly wobbly after.




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That's a pretty damn good Body fat % for a dude your size!

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When I was on active duty, I was that size and 6% BF. How times have changed.





I'm thinking a goal of getting down to 12-14% will be sufficient.


Trainer I spoke with suggested focusing on cardio/lighter weight-higher rep workouts for the first few weeks to knock down BF% a couple points and then maintain/bulk at that level, and then finish with a more aggressive cut. We'll see...



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After engorging on Thanksgiving and the requisite leftovers I was reminded that just over a year and a half ago I was 25 lbs lighter. What a difference a year and a half makes when going from biking to work, biking on weekends, running a half marathon to moving and changing jobs to a completely sedentary desk job :( I really need to get back in shape and eat better.


First step is to pick up my spinning workouts. I've been slacking on those this past year because of going back to grad school.

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I'm thinking a goal of getting down to 12-14% will be sufficient.


Trainer I spoke with suggested focusing on cardio/lighter weight-higher rep workouts for the first few weeks to knock down BF% a couple points and then maintain/bulk at that level, and then finish with a more aggressive cut. We'll see...


Cut = calories in < calories out


I'm not a personal trainer, but I'd be more focused on calorie deficit than slight workout tweaks if trying to cut. Obviously, adding cardio helps burn calories, but as far as lifting, I'm not sure if doing lighter weight/higher rep would make a big difference.


I'm 5' 9", 160 lbs (as of yesterday...first time I've seen that number in several years), and 12-14%. I don't really have a ton of definition.


214 lbs @ 17% = 36 lbs of fat, 178 lean lbs


Dropping 20 lbs of fat, with the same lean mass would put you at 8%. I've always heard (this may be broscience) that 1-2 lbs of fat loss per week is a reasonable target.

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Cut = calories in < calories out


I'm not a personal trainer, but I'd be more focused on calorie deficit than slight workout tweaks if trying to cut. Obviously, adding cardio helps burn calories, but as far as lifting, I'm not sure if doing lighter weight/higher rep would make a big difference.


I'm 5' 9", 160 lbs (as of yesterday...first time I've seen that number in several years), and 12-14%. I don't really have a ton of definition.


214 lbs @ 17% = 36 lbs of fat, 178 lean lbs


Dropping 20 lbs of fat, with the same lean mass would put you at 8%. I've always heard (this may be broscience) that 1-2 lbs of fat loss per week is a reasonable target.



Thanks for the info!


Ive been working out pretty consistently the past 3 years and changed up my eating habits and have dropped ~50lbs and gained a lot more muscle mass.


Sort of plateaued for a while, and this contest is the push hopefully to up my routines to the next level.


Looking into the addition of supplements as well (aside from the whey protein, multivitamin, and joint health supps I already take)



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I'm thinking a goal of getting down to 12-14% will be sufficient.


Trainer I spoke with suggested focusing on cardio/lighter weight-higher rep workouts for the first few weeks to knock down BF% a couple points and then maintain/bulk at that level, and then finish with a more aggressive cut. We'll see...


My regimen was simple (and all based on a fresh foods/vegetarian diet):


Cardio: 1 mile swim x 6 days a week ~30 mins per day



Complete upper, sequential increase 12, 14, 16 reps per group M, W, F

Complete lower, sequential increase 12, 14, 16 reps per group, T, TH, S


Sunday - typically off, but I'd also include the occasional 40 mile bike ride.


My 1.5mile run time was just a shade over 6.5 mins, running in typical tropical heat and humidity.

- Pro amore Dei et patriam et populum -
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