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School me on home brewing


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  • 2 weeks later...
Just about finished building my keezer so once I get that project squared away I can brew more since I will be able to accommodate a bit more volume. I'm thinking I need to get something lighter in the works as well for my friends who think bud light is gods gift to mankind.
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:lol: There's no help for those people. I just tell them to bring their own beer and there's more tasty beer left for me. We did a blind light beer tasting once with about 8-9 different light beers and nobody was able to tell the difference between them. You should have seen the dismay on some people's faces when they couldn't pick out the light beer that they have been so blindly following for so long :lol:
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  • 4 weeks later...

:lol: I've been wanting to do this with a bunch of my buddies from college. Some only drink keystone, some coors, some bud, mostly busch (all light). Maybe next time I get together with them I can talk them into it.


I'd really like to take a bunch of coors light bottles (or other light beer) and fill them with an imperial IPA or RIS or something and recap them and then give them out to those guys too.





Anyways, anybody been brewing lately?


Got my keezer squared away. 4 taps, 3 kegs at the moment. Blackberry Cider, Bourbon Vanilla Porter and a Red Rye that should be done carbing saturday-ish.


Brewed a pale recipe I made (first recipe I made myself so I figured I'd start with something simple) on the 24th of last month and then did a nut brown on new years eve - day.

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I'm planning on bottling the session PA tomorrow. Although it's more of a hoppy amber ale. Also about ready to bottle a roggenbier. I'm hoping to brew twice next week. Still too many ideas on what to do next...I'm thinking a belgian pale ale, or maybe I'll do a barley wine and an old ale to drink next winter.


I'm going to make a carbon block filter to reduce chlorine since my current method of boiling all of my water before using it is a massive PITA and adds a couple of hours to my brew day.

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Doing pretty good. We're in 4 bars so far and the tap room has been pretty busy. They're brewing a CDA today. Can't wait for that.


Take the water report with a grain of salt (pun intended). It's just a report from one day. It's pretty reliable on minerals, but for chlorine, it varies day to day. There are also days where they use considerably more. I didn't do anything to my water for a while with no issues. Then on a brew day, I happened to taste my water after it sat out for an hour and smelled a lot of chlorine. That batch ended up with the plastic bandaid chlorophenol flavor. So now I bring all of my water to a boil and cool it down to the temp I need. That gets rid of all of the chlorine, but takes a couple of extra hours to boil and cool around 10 gallons of water.

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