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next mid-life crisis car?..........WWYD?

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But I would still get the Vette :icon_chee


Dave, almost certainly the case here. I was just curious about that particular Porsche 911 model.


still, its staggering that those cars retain so much value. honestly, I don't think the Subaru Legacy retains 70% of the sticker price the moment the front tires touch the road leaving the dealer's lot. :lol: much less a WHOLE DECADE later!

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If you lived in So Cal, you would not say this. Out here, I see just about as many 911's as I see vette's.


I work down the street from a Porsche dealer (the sister store to the one I work at and the one I almost went to work for). Yes I see them oftern (still work on one or two once in awhile) but not nearly as often as I see vettes. You really don't need to do much if anything to the TT either, out of the box it handles like its on rails, good power, and the brakes are about the best you could ask for.


I still say that I would wait for the new Camaro or CHallenger to hit the streets first, but if you gotta have something now a 993 TT, 996 TT, or 964 Turbo would be high on my list.


Not sure about your stance towards Audi is, but a CPO RS6 could not only double as a family car, but also a good track car. There is an aftermarket for them (IIRC a chip and exhaust put you at about 525hp). It is an auto only car though which might kill the fun at the track for you.


964 single turbo for you


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The 993's have held their value much better than the newer watercooled models, since they are the last of the "real" Porsches in the eyes of some of the snobbier cognoscenti. You can actually find very nice 996 Turbos for LESS money than cherry 993 Turbos.
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the 996 is a lame watered down version


the 997 is a back to roots version

Yes and no to that. The 996 is actually a better DD. My biggest problem with them is that from the front seats forward they feel and look to much like a Boxster. That and the 996 was the first time they offered an automatic version of a turbo. However in the 996 body it was the first time they offered a GT2 and GT3 version in the US. I would suggest getting a 01<.


Another alternative even though not a turbo would be something like a 993 C2S or C4S.

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I dont understanding how buying a used, older Porsche makes one a poser. One of my ultimate, lotto winner, dream cars is the 959, and that's 30 years old. How is buying an old Porsche any different from buying an old Mustang or Ferrari. Some (many) Porsches are drop dead classics the second they come off the assembly line.


New cars are highly overrated, and more of an attempt at being a poser than having the tact to buy a classic used car. Antiques are typically bought by passionate people, where as many new cars with high sticker prices are bought new by someone who just wants to be able to say they bought it new. Congrats, you just paid 10-20% more to have the privelidge of driving it off the lot! :lol:


Sorry, you hit a nerve. Poser.....I think not.

life in spin cycle.....:spin:

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Wow, we are talking about a car he wants as a DD. Anyone who buys an old porsche as a purpose of a DD because they can't afford a new Porsche is a poser, plain and simple. Now, if it he was a gazilionaire and wanted a 1959 porsche for his collection, thats a ton different than having 50k to spend and buying a 1993 porsche cause its the "only one I can afford other than a boxster."


You knew exactly what I was talking about. Everyone here is trying to get him to be a Porsche Poser, they aren't trying to get him to buy an antique porsche and throw it in his garage with his other 13 antique cars.


Granted, at the end of the day if it makes you happy that is what matters. Not what others think :)

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First off, its a 993 not a 1993 Porsche. The 993 was made from 95-98 and to this day consider to be the last "real" 911 cause it was the last 911 body to still be air cooled like the original Porsche's. Secondly having driven almost every style of 911 made, I still have a soft spot for the 993's. They are extrememly reliable for the performance you get, hell for any car. Vettes never really impressed me. Anytime I got behind the wheel of a 993 TT or any turbo 911 for that matter I always had a smile going. Buying a used Porsche just means you like a certain era car. There is nothing poser about it. Its not like getting a 84 vette to say you got a vette. You also don't have to worry about voiding that warranty by racing a used 911 like you would with the brand new vette.


Also he said this is going to be his toy car in which his MS3 will probably remain his dd.

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Barrok, if you read the OP, he is looking for a toy weekend car, and then later on asked what people would recommend for a DD too. The Porsche recommendations are for the toy/autocross car, and there has been a lot of talk about a VDub Diesel Rabbit as his DD.


Get feisty once you have read the whole thread. Your ideas of a Poser are skewed anyways! If a blue collar man dreams all of his life of owning a Porsche, but cannot afford a new one in retirement, so he buys a 5 year old car so he can fulfill his dream; that makes him a poser in your eyes? Wow, you really kill the American Dream for those who don't have a wallet as thick as their dreams!

life in spin cycle.....:spin:

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I have read the whole thread. You might have to reread it. His original post discusses replacing his Speed3 with this 50k car. Then, he toys with the idea of a lotus exige for tracking, and keeping the 3. Then he toys with the idea of selling the 3, buying something economical for gas mileage and for his family, as well as a car for himself.


I think its poser, I don't care what others think. He can buy what ever he wants, if its his dream so be it. If he doesn't care what others think, even more power to him. Its a dang fine car, I realize that. But personally, it just makes more sense to buy a new vette, or a new car, with a warranty rather than have your first really expensive car be a used german vehicle. You also know, that while you paid more, this is your sports car. It's your virgin sports car, you can afford it and deserve to be driving it!


As for the 993, I know thats not 1993 :) I am just throwing out dates :)

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I think Barrok's idea of a "poser" is pretty skewed. An enthusiast that buys a pre-owned car because they like it better than a new alternative from a different make, is not a poser. They are a brand enthusiast. A guy that goes out and buys an older Porsche and then proceeds to drive it the way it was meant to be driven on a regular basis is the exact opposite of a poser.


A poser is some ass-hat that buys a brand new sports car as a status symbol and has no idea, or inclination to drive it in a sporting manner. That is a poser.

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We just have a differen't idea of what a poser is.


To me, certain things are associated with a particular "class." Porsches, ferraris etc etc are generally upper class vehicles. The people that can afford them are individuals who make alot of money. When you can't afford the vehicle, but you can afford an older model by the same brand with some of your intention being that you want a vehicle with that brand on it, that to me is poser.


You are trying to be something you aren't.


I also don't agree that buying a new 997 turbo and driving it in a "non-sporting" manner is a poser. The damn fool paid for it himself, how is he a poser? The only time most people can afford vehicles that expensive are when they are older, and as such, many of the porsche drivers are in their 50's, at least in Utah. Does that make them all posers?


I can't tell you how many 20 year olds I have seen driving 1980's porsches around thinking they are all badass, working at mcdonalds but driving a porsche. That = Poser :(

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that's okay, suggestions are welcome. :)


I forgot to mention the possibility of getting a Lotus Exige S for tracking...and keeping the Speed3 for "puttering around town.


Now you're thinking....buy the lotus and keep the speed3 for a daily driver.

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We just have a differen't idea of what a poser is.


To me, certain things are associated with a particular "class." Porsches, ferraris etc etc are generally upper class vehicles. The people that can afford them are individuals who make alot of money. When you can't afford the vehicle, but you can afford an older model by the same brand with some of your intention being that you want a vehicle with that brand on it, that to me is poser.


You are trying to be something you aren't.


I also don't agree that buying a new 997 turbo and driving it in a "non-sporting" manner is a poser. The damn fool paid for it himself, how is he a poser? The only time most people can afford vehicles that expensive are when they are older, and as such, many of the porsche drivers are in their 50's, at least in Utah. Does that make them all posers?


I can't tell you how many 20 year olds I have seen driving 1980's porsches around thinking they are all badass, working at mcdonalds but driving a porsche. That = Poser :(


So non wealthy people should be looked down upon for not owning the latest greatest car instead of a nice pre-owned car? I never knew you were such a tool bag.


You sound like some of my former clients that bought various BMW M cars that never got them over 90mph, or even gave them full throttle. They bought them as a status symbol, and yes that makes them a stupid ass snob-poser.


Those 20 year olds you see running around in older Porsches are having fun, because by and large they are fun cars.

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I never said anything about being looked down upon. I can't afford a 911 turbo, and alot of people I know can't and that doesn't make them bad people and I don't look down on them. But I know plenty of people who make financial "stretches" to get into used, out of warranty, german vehicles just so they can have a status symbol vehicle. Middleclass people shouldn't make financial stretchs for status symbols, thats just my thinking. To much of america is in debt, and with social secuirty possibly failing, it seems much smarter to buy a new fun sports car, than deal with "stretching" to get that "german or italian" ride which could rape you on part prices if it breaks down. Throw the rest into savings. Leave the expensive stuff to the people who can afford it.


There are plenty of wonderful new cars, or 1 or 2 year owned cars under warranty, that will fill the void. And many of them have been named in this thread.


And I see lots of riced out civics, they are having fun in their cars...

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I can't tell you how many 20 year olds I have seen driving 1980's porsches around thinking they are all badass, working at mcdonalds but driving a porsche. That = Poser :(


That I'll definately agree with. I also classify a person that buys the lowest line of a brand car a poser.......ie C230, Boxster, 325(or is it 328), etc. These are also usually the types tha can just barely afford it too.


So if someone bought a ZR1, Grand Sport, or Z06 used they'd be a poser too?

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Now you're thinking....buy the lotus and keep the speed3 for a daily driver.


Personally, this guy might be right. If you can stomach the pain of looking at the car during the days you aren't tracking it and wondering why you are paying for a car you aren't using, this might offer you the most "fun" alternative. You get a hoot of a car, the lotus, and a hoot of a car, the speed 3. Win Win Win Win.

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I never said anything about being looked down upon.


But I know plenty of people who make financial "stretches" to get into used, out of warranty, german vehicles just so they can have a status symbol vehicle.



You call people that buy pre-owned exotic or high end sports cars posers, I would call that looking down on them.


Anyone that buys a car as a status symbol is a poser, regardless of the car's age or the buyer's income level.


The reason to buy a sports car is because you enjoy driving the car, and you do in fact get out and enjoy it. No one regardless of income level or sports car of choice will be labeled a poser by me so long as they buy the car and enjoy it for what it is, not what people think of them/car.

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So if someone bought a ZR1, Grand Sport, or Z06 used they'd be a poser too?


Let me straighten this out once and for all.


There are three types of people, lets say. (I might have to expound on this, great). The financially well off, the financially savvy and then the financially unsavvy (sometimes these overlap). The financially well off can afford, and usually do, buy the new fancy car. They want a 911 turbo, they get it. The financially savvy might very well afford a 911 turbo, but they buy one (or wait for one) that is a year old with some miles on it so they don't take the hit as they drive it off the dealer. Then theres the financially unsavy who usually have to make a stretch to buy an old car just for a financial symbol.


Someone buying a year old z06 because they want a z06 and could afford a new one, but wants to buy used to save some cash, (rich people don't become rich by going ape crazy with all their money), is not a poser. They are someone who is making a savvy financial decision.


To me, buying a used sports car that is much older than 3 years, who wouldn't even be noticed if he walked into a sportscar dealership, just so they can have a "porsche" or a german ride is a poser. It reminds me of when I walked into a mercedes dealership with my wife. Not one person came and talked to us about the DB9 or the SLR we were looking at. I understood why, and it didn't bother me.

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You call people that buy pre-owned exotic or high end sports cars posers, I would call that looking down on them.


Anyone that buys a car as a status symbol is a poser, regardless of the car's age or the buyer's income level.


The reason to buy a sports car is because you enjoy driving the car, and you do in fact get out and enjoy it. No one regardless of income level or sports car of choice will be labeled a poser by me so long as they buy the car and enjoy it for what it is, not what people think of them/car.


Ok, then I will agree that I look down on people buying extremely used/old highend cars who can't afford them if you agree that you look down on extremely wealthy people who buy a exotic/highend car for nothing more than a status symbol. (I would be shocked to see a MAN buy an exotic/highend sports car and never at least test the limits of it)


Ok? We both look down on people. Great!

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Let me straighten this out once and for all.


There are three types of people, lets say. (I might have to expound on this, great). The financially well off, the financially savvy and then the financially unsavvy (sometimes these overlap). The financially well off can afford, and usually do, buy the new fancy car. They want a 911 turbo, they get it. The financially savvy might very well afford a 911 turbo, but they buy one (or wait for one) that is a year old with some miles on it so they don't take the hit as they drive it off the dealer. Then theres the financially unsavy who usually have to make a stretch to buy an old car just for a financial symbol.


Someone buying a year old z06 because they want a z06 and could afford a new one, but wants to buy used to save some cash, (rich people don't become rich by going ape crazy with all their money), is not a poser. They are someone who is making a savvy financial decision.


To me, buying a used sports car that is much older than 3 years, who wouldn't even be noticed if he walked into a sportscar dealership, just so they can have a "porsche" or a german ride is a poser. It reminds me of when I walked into a mercedes dealership with my wife. Not one person came and talked to us about the DB9 or the SLR we were looking at. I understood why, and it didn't bother me.


So long story short you are saying that it's A-OK to stereotype people. Well, that's just great.:rolleyes:

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