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So, you want to drive your 15 year old LGT to a meet eh?


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54 minutes ago, jaylew said:

Honestly that looks like it is the connection from the heater core pipe (near fig.720) that sends hot coolant to the throttle body. I could be wrong but that is the only small coolant pipe I am aware of. I removed it and looped the coolant that is meant for the throttle body so that no coolant goes to it anymore. Makes for easy intake removal too. The coolant is only needed if you drive in the winter

block .png



I should do that, since mine is Spring through Autumn only as well. I suppose that it's going to be super hard to do with the IM in place tho right?

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Your right. That's the line for the throttle body, which bolts to the top of the driver side bellhousing or back section of the block. It goes from there to the line at the top of the tb.


I didn't know bypassing that was a thing. So it's only to heat the air up during winter time or what? Cause I never understood how running hot ass coolant through the tb makes any sense.

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the only difficult part is removing the TB if you want to loop off that but honestly not needed.  Just remove the charge air cooler and you should have all the access needed


Yeah it helps drive-ability in the winter. I have it bypassed for 3 years now and no issue, even in the random couple days of 30-40 degree (freedom units) weather in the spring or fall

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You heat the TB in winter to stop the butterfly plate from sticking.  Obviously it needs to be a cold weather climate.  If you dont drive in COLD bypass it as you are heating your throttle body and intake air. 

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You were right @jaylew and @Tehnation, it's the coolant pipe that goes from the block into the throttle body.

Making good progress, just need to connect the vacuum lines now and I'll be done with the nitty gritty dexterous stuff. Rain is coming in at 5pm and ending at midnight. I might be forced to come in to rest during those hours before resuming in the wee hours.

Might make sense just to clamp it during the summer months.


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1 hour ago, jaylew said:

Just remove the charge air cooler

Finally another human who uses the right term. Not a hill I was ever going to choose to die defending, but I swear, my skin crawls every time I read, or have to type "intercooler" because the masses don't understand what that really means. Lol!


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2 hours ago, KZJonny said:

Finally another human who uses the right term. Not a hill I was ever going to choose to die defending, but I swear, my skin crawls every time I read, or have to type "intercooler" because the masses don't understand what that really means. Lol!


lol, sorry to bust your bubble...i tend to jump between the terms. It is hypocritical me, because I can be a stickler for proper technical terms being used to avoid confusion.


And @BoozeRS05 No real write up that I am aware of. Fairly straight forward. If you brought your car I'd say we could do it at the ECM hahaha. But really, its just reusing one of the hoses already in that line, and looping it from the coolant crossover pipe on top of the short block, with a barb that pokes out of the top of the block. not the worst thing to get at while engine is in car

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Wagon is LIFE! - 267,000 miles and climbing

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9 minutes ago, jaylew said:

lol, sorry to bust your bubble...i tend to jump between the terms. It is hypocritical me, because I can be a stickler for proper technical terms being used to avoid confusion.

Eh, I get it. Depends on the forum and people you're talking with.

In applications where it's actually common to have a super turbo, it gets important. I use both, depending on the conversation as well. 🙄

wish there was some way to squish a real intercooler into our engines bays, or wheverever, but what a nightmare of plumbing that would be. The vacuum lines alone would give me nightmares.

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Ok, lets get technical...  In the automotive industry charge air cooler, intercooler, aftercooler, diesel intercooler, etc all refer to the same thing.  The terms are interchangeable. 

In the world of compressed air they are referred to as intercoolers and aftercoolers.

If you WANT to get scientific,  charge air cooler is INCORRECT as all of the devices are a HEAT EXCHANGER.  My HVAC training. 


In all reality I was always taught that charge air coolers use a liquid coolant, not air to air.  The liquid to air transfer makes them generally smaller and more efficient. 


It never bothered me what anyone called them.

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I take it back.

I wish there was a way to squish an inter super-turbo charge air heat exchanger into our engine bays.

Still a nightmare, and ridiculous in any event. Just having fun. 😄


My uncle was big into aircraft stuff as well as cars, so I learned a lot from him. Charge air cooler and intercooler were things that would come up when banter got to the technical side. At least to me, the names always made more sense although I guess you could argue our air to air heate exchangers are inter the turbo and engine...

Ima go ahead and reroute/loop off  that heater line when I have a chance tho. Didn't realize our throttle bodies had a warming circuit, although it makes perfect sense thay they do.

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Many cars heat the TB and have for many years.  When it gets COLD butterfly plates like to "freeze".  They either stick, or the resistance to the cable/motor is so great it causes damage.  Basically ice particles build up and cause an obstruction as the metal is not literally "freezing".  The coolant heats the TB and melts the ice obstruction. 


If it never gets that cold or you are very aware of your car and its condition you dont need it.  If you want to make maximum power, bypass it.  Do not add extra heat to your intake air. 

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On a forced break because of the rain, it should let up at 1am. Amazon came today and delivered my injector pigtails, I just had to Dremel their "wings" to make them snap in. Fuel hoses are, except the EVAP line, are all connected. I can't figure it out and I might leave it to the tuner to fix it for me. I hate to be "one of those" customers but here I am.

Went to Uhaul an hour before they closed to pick up the trailer. I was able to back up to the hitch on my first try. Backing up my narrow incline driveway was more difficult.

Does anyone know where this mystery connector goes?

I'm usually anti-OTC's, but I'm very thankful for Aleve these last four days.

mystery connector.jpg


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9 minutes ago, SubOperator said:

The height of my expectation for the ECM is to have my car washed. ugh.

I’m not even sure I have time to wash mine.

Dreams of detailing it and maybe doing rust removal/bodywork sailed a long time ago! I’m debating if it is worth the time and effort to put then rocker covers/sills back on.


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Frustration is working on your machine while the PA is announcing your class starting gate.  After spending all night working by the light of a campfire after your batteries died on your lamps. 

I was drilling out my swing arm to re-secure my rear axle bearing carrier with an Ex-World Champ standing over me shaking his head.  The PA was announcing my class starting positions.  I went full throttle right through staging past the refs to my gate as it was dropping (in a full 90deg slide to make the turn from staging into my gate).  I missed a DNS by milliseconds.  3 laps later I was being dragged off track by medics and sent to the hospital.  My last trip to the WB 4 Stroke World Championships.  Would do it all again in a heartbeat. 

Life is brief moments of pure joy intertwined with years of misery.  Its those brief moments that keep us going.  An old coach used to say "win, pin, or die.  Victory, there is no substitute."  Oh the THRILL of Victory.... and the agony of defeat.  RIP Howard C. 

Edited by m sprank
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3 hours ago, boxkita said:

If y'all are still working on your cars Thursday night, you have the right mentality to go racing. But that's a whole another bag of frustration :)

Stop working on it Thursday night? And lose all of Friday morning?!

That’s crazy talk.


Edited by KZJonny
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