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Official Pets Thread V3


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You have to be quick, be able to dart out of the bushes with an accelerant and ambush/victimize the lawnmower and then disappear just as quickly. It takes skill and practice. Stun grenades and smoke bombs are also useful in certain situations to disorient the Lawnmower first while you attack from a different direction. Tools of the trade. Eventually I'll get every last one of them so grass can be free again.



In seriousness, do NOT buy Nutro brand Adult Dog food (Small Breed), I think that may be the problem with Ellie. She went 5 days without vomiting, the only thing I still have her on is a half pill of Prilosec (10mg), all was good until my wife ....:mad:...decided to give her the Nutro last night. I told 3 times, rather sternly, Do Not feed it to her and what does she do, of course she gives her some. This morning she woke up barfing....


I think it may be the Salmon or another ingredient, but that food has some very mixed reviews with some people saying it made their dogs sick. Whatever, I don't trust it.

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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Ellie is throwing up again, no diarrhea this time. Dropped of a stool sample and asked them to test it for Giardia, should know the results tomorrow. She isn't completely not eating, she picked at the boiled Chicken a bit, but it wasn't very much. I gave her an anti-nasuea at 6:30am, hopefully I can get her eating today. Edited by DickDastardly00

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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Mrs Boxkita cooks cheap hamburger and vegetables (carrots mostly) in a stew. We put a scoop on each bowl with the kibble. Add a glucosamine tablet daily.


our pet store offers sample bags of all their dog foods. For boxkita, we bought one of every kind of dog food. set out a small bowl of them five at a time. If he even hinted at liking one, that was his next meal. Repeat until he picked the same bowl twice. He ate that for the next 15 years. The first year sucked because everything made him sick. Doc said he was fine.


have you checked for things in the yard or house that are being eaten? Boxkita ate grass like a cow when his stomach was upset. Huskies do it, too. For street dogs, they are surprisingly sensitive.

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I'm not convinced it was anything in the yard. I really think it's some sort GI condition. She tested negative for Giardia and other parasites. Tomorrow I'm taking her in for a blood panel test plus a separate GI panel test. On Wednesday we'll discuss the results.

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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Then go down and check for various food allergies, even gluten or lactose could be issues.


A lot of the over the counter foods contains a lot of stuff and sometimes contents varies a bit so even making your own food for the pets could help.


Dedicated dog foods is something that appeared during the 20th century before that they lived off the leftovers. Just avoid hot spiced food.

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So it's a GI issue as suspected, now it's a matter of narrowing down which one. Her TLI count is 50.0 ug/L (trypsin-like immuno-reactivity).


She's likely not producing enough enzymes to help breakdown food which leads to irritation and inflammation. Would have to do an ultrasound to see what's really going on in there.


For now we have her on a royal canine hydrolyzed diet. She chowed it down instantly and loves it, that food will be much easier to digest for her because the complex proteins are partially broken down. She's been back to her normal self for 5 days, playful and happy even on the old food with regular stool so who knows.

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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Absolute nightmare of a weekend. Backcountry camping in Shenandoah. Dog got bit on the snout by a copperhead at 8:30pm Friday, first night we got in. Hiked him back out 4 miles uphill in the dark (yay for headlamps) to get to the car - he was a trooper and kept going, was worried we'd have to carry him.


Start driving out of the park (emergency phone by where we parked was out of order, obviously) and as soon as we got service looked up an emergency vet, about 45 mins away in Harrisonburg. Get there around 11:30pm, vet has antivenin, cool all good, he'll be fine, right?


Well, we go to pick him up around 4pm Saturday (after hiking back to our campsite and packing out our gear), and he has a limp back right leg. Vet says he gave several antibiotic injections in that thigh, so just sore, should resolve in a couple days.


But he wasn't even putting weight on it and walking gingerly. Looked like his lower leg was paralyzed, kind of dragging his toes. Got home late Saturday, took him to my vet friend's house yesterday. He did some reaction tests (hammer tapping joints) and forcep pinching to test pain.


Appears to be nerve damage. Friend said he was pinching as hard as possible, should have been excruciating levels of pain, and it wasn't registering at all. Appears the ER vet either hit a nerve with an injection, or injected so much in a close area that the nerve got pinched by surrounding drug/fluid. My friend said he was taught not to inject in the thigh because of this potential issue.


Could resolve in a couple/few weeks then need physical therapy to rehab muscle. Could require surgery to rejigger nerves or tendons or something to restore functionality. Could require amputation.


Gonna take him to our regular vet this week and see what next steps are. 608991f094b3a819948bc9e9bd64363e.jpg5dfdad77993db0a4306c477414a8b3b4.jpg5ee04e139bf13addb21bc5573f6db008.jpghttp://cloud.tapatalk.com/s/6107e5394c2ef/20210731_165903.mp4

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^^ That's sad. I feel for you. I hope the next few weeks go your way


Boxkita nearly died from a preventative treatment. He had surgery twice. Once to fix the damage. And a 2nd time to correct an issue the doc created the first time. Dogs are super resilient, given the opportunity.


Before amputation, look around. There will be a high-end vet surgery place, probably near a big city. They will have the most options. And be stupid expensive.

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Fortunately we live in Baltimore, so between here and DC and Philly there are a ton of veterinary resources and specialists.


He's only 2.5 years old, so we would absolutely spend the money to make him right. Hopefully the ER vet's insurance would cover it, but if not, we'd still consider it money well spent

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