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Everything posted by Flinkly

  1. @ rhino6303 could you measure the width and heignt of the connector body? or maybe the tabs/blades? trying to source thru Mouser and i've narrowed it down. my TGV connectors aren't as accessible as i assume yours is. thanks!
  2. Yeah, one of a few reasons i was thinking a re-imagined bracket would be best for us all. But probably still a little trim on the outer edge of the caliper regardless. Le sigh.
  3. I'm sad that my 04 bbs's probably won't fit these. I guess girth really DOES matter...
  4. armature. gotta be quicker than that to ask a question...
  5. So does anyone who has the ATS calipers in-hand, could they weigh one and the bracket? And pads and rotor if available. wondering what the weight is for this "kit" vs. LGT calipers/rotors (i can measure my LGT calipers when i get home).
  6. i'm not sure what he did, but if you've got some correctly sized nuts, could double/snug them up and then use them to turn it. like removing/installing a threaded stud.
  7. that's the second time i've seen that from you, and it still hurts my insides. you need to move and then replace half your car... ...or just push it back into lake erie (or simplify and just burn it to the ground).
  8. Are the ats brembo's lighter than stock? In for potential weightloss. EDIT: as for the cock-eyed slant of the caliper, why not just re-invent the re-invented caliper mount and rotate the caliper a little more? making 2 bolt locations to align the new bracket to the knuckle mount, then a second set of bolt location for the AST calipers... could also align the ATS caliper for complete pad overlap and probably get it a little closer to the hub for better wheel fitment. and along with a potential weight savings, i'd love to get away from the sliding caliper that doesn't always slide. less parts to fail. KISS <- mechanical engineer
  9. yeah, looks like air compressor quick release male parts, i assume to quickly add in-line in your air compressor setup. would assume that one needs to be female though...
  10. the throttle body is never completly closed, on any car i've ever had/worked on. there's always a little passage past the butterfly. should smoke test fine with reasonable pressure.
  11. Oh yeah? And the trailing arms and lcas are usable at stock obxt height, right?
  12. what do beekeepers use? they've got those pump smoke machines for calming down the bees... (should ask my mom. she tends a few hives of her own...)
  13. Same reasons here, for the want that is. Cept i probably won't go flex/e85, cause it's just too uncommon round here. Wanted to, but the reasonably close station went away.
  14. Well, the kiddo will still get her first racing experience regardless of the wagon not being on track. Was gonna be a win/lose regardless: see it racing, but not get to see it up close, or vice versa. With kiddo and wife in tow, will probably just be swinging by till naptime. Next time!
  15. @PIR 4/30-5/1: Saturday is Practice and Qualifying. None of them lasts more than 20 minutes. 9:30, 11:00; 12:10; 2:10 At 4:00PM is the 1 hour Enduro. Sunday is 10:30 Qualifying and 3:00 PM race. Also, free to spectators and our own Sgt. Gator will be there with his subaru turbo wagon!
  16. My second autozone axle didn't have an inner boot with enough wrinkles to support the outback angle. Made quite a racket. And that was after "sorting" thru 3 prior axles that weren't even right prior to that. I'd gladly pay raxles for a real rebuilt axle. I might just do that in the next few months.
  17. What time will you be racing sat/sun? Sounds like me and the fam can/will try to come by this weekend
  18. #yeahthat start from the rear and work towards the front, so your overlap points backwards. keeps it from wanting to peel off, accumulate crud, and that infinitesimal drag too. i'm anal retentive.
  19. No mandrel bends for the racewagon? Also looks like your wrap is backwards.
  20. doesn't look that bad. it's not like it's structural for guages, but may need to be for an AP mount version. i usually do a light sanding and paint all my parts regardless, and they look great after some TLC. yours does look better straight from the machine.
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