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wife wants GT gone

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wife wants me to get something more fuel efficient. had the consumer reports out and everything. not only does she hate the fact that it takes supreme, but she hates it's fuel economy.


Yes, she drives a TDI which gets great gas mileage and I'll admit it's fun to drive, but it's not for me.


Honestly, even if I did want to get another car, don't know what I'd want. Besides the high fuel costs I love the damn car and don't want to get rid of it. She wants me to get something that gets more than 21mpg. (that's what I've been getting).

258k miles - Stock engine/minor suspension upgrades/original shocks/rear struts replaced at 222k/4 passenger side wheel bearings/3 clutches/1 radiator/3 turbos
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don't do it....put your foot down.....as someone mentioned, talk her into a $700 upgrade (cobb AP) that will improve fuel efficiency.....tell her it will be way cheaper than getting a new vehicle....then, later on after the "fuel crisis" isn't so media-fied and she forgets about it, then you can reflash it and...you know....


that sucks man....I tend to have to hide all my mods from my gf....it helps to have commission based pay so she never really knows how much I'm bringin home....and we still have separate finances, so I can get away with it....good luck, but don't back down man...

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Just do the the math and prove to her that the 20% loss you'll take on selling the car pays for a lot of gas. Also explain the car has a hobby and fun factor.


This all becomes easier if your wife has an expensive hobby. My wife has a horse. I can justify any expenditure short of an airplane on that basis.:D


It gets harder though when your wife argues mileage and she actually drives the TDI .... That's unfair. Its divorce material, but you might suggest she sell the TDI and get a bicycle if all other arguments fail.

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wife wants me to get something more fuel efficient. had the consumer reports out and everything. not only does she hate the fact that it takes supreme, but she hates it's fuel economy.


Yes, she drives a TDI which gets great gas mileage and I'll admit it's fun to drive, but it's not for me.


Honestly, even if I did want to get another car, don't know what I'd want. Besides the high fuel costs I love the damn car and don't want to get rid of it. She wants me to get something that gets more than 21mpg. (that's what I've been getting).


Explain to her about the financial beating you'll take by trading in a brand new car that you just bought.


You could buy a whole lotta gas for the money you're going to lose trading in or selling the Legacy this soon.

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lol..so who wears the pants in that relationship..unless she drives the car as her primary daily driver id say she has no grounds on which to bitch. if shes so worried about gas mileage make her trade in her car and get an insight and you keep your lgt. you have to think of it as a trade off, so you get a few less mpg then say a civic but just think how much faster you can get some where and how much more fun it is getting there.


wife wants me to get something more fuel efficient. had the consumer reports out and everything. not only does she hate the fact that it takes supreme, but she hates it's fuel economy.


Yes, she drives a TDI which gets great gas mileage and I'll admit it's fun to drive, but it's not for me.


Honestly, even if I did want to get another car, don't know what I'd want. Besides the high fuel costs I love the damn car and don't want to get rid of it. She wants me to get something that gets more than 21mpg. (that's what I've been getting).

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As others had said, it's a TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) issue. Any other gas-powered non-hybrid vehicle in the same size range as the LGT is not going to get appreciably better mileage in town."Maybe" 30, most likely mid-upper 20s. The beating that you take on depreciation on the LGT will buy a LOT of gas.


For peformance/car enthusiasts, part of the TCO of our cars is the entertainment value. Having to drive soething you dislike because it's cheaper to run can be torture, IMHO.


Sounds like typical female financial thinking.....a $200 pair of shoes "on sale" for $100 is a better deal than a pair of shoes that looks the same and sells for $75 everyday!!

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Don't try and reason with her or use logic. Women don't think that way. You will never win in an argument or discussion with a woman through logic or reason. Grow some kahuna's and put your foot down. If your entire relationship revolves around something as superficial as a car...then it's not much of a relationship.
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