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Max Capacity

I Donated Too
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Everything posted by Max Capacity

  1. Yeah, the samples don't always match what shows up. The shingles are the same issue. The new roof on the house done in Oct were the same color as the garage got the year before. They are not the same. But I'm picky. The same contractor did the work. Yet the siding on the garage matched the house, some 30 years older, pretty well.
  2. FWIW, I have had great luck with Dayco drive belts from the local auto parts store. Even the first timing kit was a Dayco back in 2008.
  3. Must feel good to get the car inside. Thanks for updating this thread, even though not many others read it...but I have checked recently looking for updates.
  4. 10 years, I'm about 20 months from being here 20 years...
  5. Interesting... Carlisle, we were there back in maybe 2004 with the yellow civic (full body kit) before it became a drag race car.
  6. 2005 Subaru Legacy Driveshaft - Replacement Driveline – Free shipping (driveshaftstore.com) You can read about it there.
  7. The Driveshaft Store, where I got mine for the wagon, comes with replaceable U joints. I've posted about it...
  8. The 3" Dp is a must for performance. Cams are not needed unless your looking for big HP. VF52 or bigger, depends on your HP goals , which are what ? Yes to GS tmic. Oh, and a great Tuner.
  9. IMO, the stock BOV is fine. Grimmspeed makes the best TMIC. I loved the vf52, its a fun reliable daily driver even on stock fueling. A 3" catted Dp will be needed for best performance.
  10. All cars will put out vapor on cold start up until the exhaust system warms up. It has to do with temp and humidity. I started my 86 F150 yesterday for the first time in a week, 36F and light rain, it blew lots of vapor, until it warmed up. I had to start the 09 Spec B for the first time since last weekend, it also blew out vapor.
  11. Welcome, I'm not a big fan of wasting money but here you go, https://www.ebay.com/itm/383902133550?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1LSyLdygmT-C2Vp_9g6EJuA20&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=383902133550&targetid=1644837434603&device=c&mktype=&googleloc=9003219&poi=&campaignid=16743749222&mkgroupid=138744546207&rlsatarget=pla-1644837434603&abcId=9300842&merchantid=6296724&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn4SeBhCwARIsANeF9DK1jp1quDPI7VZJiM6RLVNmGzvbl5YijcQi8c9P13Ylo8xIePmVNhAaAmAPEALw_wcB https://www.google.com/search?q=silicone+hoses+for+a+2005+subaru+legacy&rlz=1C1OKWM_enUS906US906&oq=silicone+hoses+for+a+2005+subaru+legacy&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l3j33i299l2j33i22i29i30l2j33i15i22i29i30j33i22i29i30.11706j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  12. I don't mind the CVT. I'm able to rationalize, the car is an Outback, made to be what it is. It's not a 05 Legacy GT with a vf52 tuned at 21psi. The car is great, for what it was meant to do. For years, I have told ski friends, when they ask me about what's a good car, I just say the Outback makes sense. Funny story, last week as I was dropping my skis off at the mt. An old buddy pulls up in a 19' Outback 3.6R. He could afford any car he wanted, but chose the Outback. I will say it took me a while to figure out the balance for the radio. I have the sound set to where I enjoy it after adding a little volume to it. I have been up to that area, in both summer and winter. I have driven over the Notch.
  13. The cap has to seal tightly, or moisture can get in there. Hopefully you just forgot to top it off.
  14. Back in Oct the tranny broke again. That was the last straw. I was kind of not wanting to drive it to VT for skiing every week. Remember, the chassis had 305,000 miles. I now drive the 18' Outback 3.6R for my daily, the Spec is still for Friday, Saturday night's going out to eat.
  15. I heard from the new owner of my wagon today, He's local and will take good care of it. He knows Subaru's. It went to a good home. He did send me a picture of it in the climate controlled garage with some of his other cars in the background.
  16. I had to have my wagon's roof painted years back for the same issue.
  17. Not sure, I know you've done a lot to your car...I assumed you've replaced the brake lines. I thought you did a post about it a couple of years back...I could be wrong. I could be mixing you up with another member.
  18. https://www.maniacelectricmotors.com/subaru.html Funny, today I found this link I had in my "bookmarks" and have added it to a couple of post. This has pieces or the starter and ALT.
  19. Don't be in a rush. If you need, the ej257 comes assembled, hey, click on my link in my sig. You'll see my ej257, my machine shop took the old heads off, rebuilt them with parts from the engine gasket set, installed the heads on the ej257 using the OEM, MLS HG's with the ARP head studs I supplied. The ej257 or newer RA block, will handle the power most go to. "it's all in the TUNE".
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