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Max Capacity

I Donated Too
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Everything posted by Max Capacity

  1. Sold it with a broken 5mt. I have been knowing I need to let it go for a while. I knew it wasn't smart to plan on driving it to VT again to ski each week. So when the 5mt broke, that was the final straw.
  2. As long as we're doing snowporn, here's after getting to VT last Sunday evening. Sorry it's upside down. Picture was taken with iphone and sent to my email, then downloaded to laptop. I have no idea how to fix that.
  3. Pleides, Yes, snow packing in the wheel wells is a common thing here in New England. I even drove from Ludlow VT from Okemo Ski Resort to Sugarloaf Ski Area in Maine, in a snowstorm. The back of the wagon had about 8-10" of snow plastid to it. Had a ABS light, rt front, because of the amount of snow stuck in there. After it warmed up and the snow melted out, all was fine. I'd post a photo but I don't have them from that trip here on the laptop here in VT, skiing...
  4. Search the web for those parts and see if you can come up with a trusted vendor. One of the import shops that have been around for a while. Hey, call Mike at www.AZPinstalls.com They have been repairing these cars and selling parts for many years. They are in NJ. I have bought from them. They have a real shop.
  5. I hope you don't have to use all those tools on your Spec... Nice box...
  6. I got my T50+ from the local auto parts store back about 12 years ago. It's still hanging in the shed.
  7. Welcome to the 1940's truck transmission. Mine made that noise for over 10 years. I learned early on to put it in neutral and coast to the stop sign, etc.
  8. You can sometimes find paints at places like Ocean State Job Lot, or Big Lot's if you have those type places near you.
  9. Have you searched around the web for how or what to paint wheels with. You may find something that last longer.
  10. The other day, a guy over on the Outback.org had the seem type issue using a plug in cord. I suggested he call SOA and start a file with them. I have never plugged any car in, and never have had an issue when the battery was good and cables clean and tight. I tend to replace the Walmart Maxx Everstart battery before the 6th Winter. My cars are started a number of times while the temp is -29F over the past 30 years or so. Other question, do you drive the car for some distance so the battery charge fully before shutting the car off. When I'm skiing in VT for a week and only driving the car a mile to the hill each day, after the third morning of starting, I tend to take the car for a ride for 7 miles after skiing that day to charge the battery. 7 miles is what I was told back in the 1970's.
  11. importimageracing is one of the sites I was hoping to find, just didn't spend enough time looking, there are a few import vendors here in the USA that are trustworthy. I seem to recall they had a good price on NGK spark plugs too. There is a Vendor forum on here you may want to look at too.
  12. FWIW, I did a google search, https://www.google.com/search?q=exhaust+pipe+for+a+subaru+legacy+GT+2005&rlz=1C1OKWM_enUS906US906&sxsrf=ALiCzsbL7yFQIgN0Qzl8yW0R3iO83sTfkA%3A1671227083928&ei=y-acY-GUOKDs5NoP1eik-AQ&ved=0ahUKEwihprSFjv_7AhUgNlkFHVU0CU8Q4dUDCBA&oq=exhaust+pipe+for+a+subaru+legacy+GT+2005&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQDDIHCAAQHhCiBDIFCAAQogQyBwgAEB4QogQ6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6BAgjECc6CgghEMMEEAoQoAFKBAhBGABKBAhGGABQgRtYpzBgkl9oAnABeACAAWiIAZoCkgEDMi4xmAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp Anything help ?
  13. cheese, If you don't have any bearing wear, that may have pushed metal around...I think you're good to go. Crack ringlands, don't put metal into the oil system...(?) "m sprank" may be a good member to ask.
  14. https://www.autohance.com/exedy-oem-replacement-clutch-kit-fjk1001fw.html I found that, by searching google. Verify that's the correct car, it should be.
  15. Have you looked around the web to see what pricing is from one of the trusted Import Shops. I'm not a fan of giving my money to one of the richest men on the planet.
  16. That's going to be fun. Make sure you leave extra room on the highway, your closing speed comes much quicker now. Learned that years ago.
  17. Any Subaru dealer can get that hose for you, some may even have it in stock. Why is it so hard to understand for any Subaru part that you can't find on your phone...just go to the dealers web site. They all have links to OEM parts.
  18. I'll just say the Spec 2 clutch only lasted 50,000 miles at my 280whp. The 2+ is the way to go. I used to talk to Jerramy at Spec, or our racing buddy Danny who would "Rep" for Spec at Drag Races. Danny had a blue Civic hatch like our yellow hatch.
  19. How close are you to AZPinstalls.com in northern NJ ? Maybe call Mike or the guys at his shop and see if they can help. Thinking out loud, I wonder if the bigger turbo's don't mind the 3" midpipe as much as the vf52, vf40 size...?
  20. Ask them if you can bring your own clutch kit and have them install it. It sounds like they are telling you, it's $900 labor to remove and install the transmission. Plus the cost of the clutch kit. I have been using Spec 2+ clutch kit in my 05 GT wagon since back in 2008. The Spec 2+ clutch is what Spec recommends for GT's. It had a light, almost stock pedal pressure but great holding force. It was easy to drive in traffic. Next you need to decide what FW you want. If yours still has the dual mass stock FW you'll want to put a single mass FW in there. I went with the Spec LWFW which has a replaceable friction surface, that surface is $80. When it needs replacing in another 90K or more miles. You'll need 8 FW bolts for the new FW. 07-09 GT's came with the SMFW. There are a few different brands of clutch's that will work, but they all have a different pedal pressure feel. You can read some of the reviews. There is a thread for that on here. I call Spec Clutch and order my parts direct from them. You talk to an expert and know what you're getting, they have great customer service. Oh, what fluid do you use in the 5mt ? Motul Gear 300 is the best, Amsoil Sever-gear gets great reviews too. I'm a Amsoil preferred member and get better pricing, One of the members on here is a Amsoil dealer too. I think he's, NORULZleggy
  21. Yes, most any local car repair shop can splice that back together if you can't DIY. I-wire may have something too. https://iwireusa.com/collections/1-2-pin-replacement-plugs
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