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Everything posted by creep_nu

  1. i got a bit lucky with these...they'd been on craigslist for like 3 months. started at $600, dropped for $400 a month ago, dropped to 300 last week and i lowballed him and he surprisingly accepted. lucky nobody else picked up at $400, which is still a decent deal for a set of OEM wheels, and super lucky nobody grabbed em the 2nd time they dropped.
  2. Welp, $200 later and a 4 hour round trip and I brought em home. Crappy mock up, but I think the color is going to look great against the red, and I've always preferred 5 spokes over multi spokes and/or meshes, so I think these are gonna be great. Just need to order adapters and new TPMS sensors, and tires eventually, and I'll be all set.
  3. you mean you don't want to taste drive FL? betcha that thing is sweet
  4. gonna stay in the subaru family or are you moving on alex? looks like a solid deal if it's not rusted out underneath
  5. looking good, did you end up needing to trim down the studs with the 15mm adapters, or do the pockets in the back of the hub let them sit down without trimming?
  6. thanks to the both of ya, yeah i think i'm gonna like how they look
  7. yeah i'm actually getting the graphite ones, so i guess they're technically wrx wheels, but same design and errything, that was just a stock photo i grabbed real quick. i think the graphite's going to look pretty nice against the RRP paint at at 18x8.5 et35 after adapters, should be pretty solid fitment too.
  8. well...picking them up on saturday, but i got a screaming deal on a set of STi split 5 spokes...anyone run them on a leggy before? i'm like 97% sure i'm gonna like how they look but wouldn't mind a little looky loo. gonna order some adapters eventually. my current tires are still probably 60-70% tread left, so the wheels are going to be sitting for a while until i need new tires, or i get bored and find an extra $1000 just sitting around with nothing to do.....that's something that happens, right?
  9. with how good battery powered tools have gotten, you really don't need an air compressor for much anymore. air hammer and spraying paint maybe not but for the most part they do a great job. hell, aside from a couple bolts my 3/8 dewalt impact takes em all out, and the ones it doesn't (axle bolts etc...), it does if you just do the initial breaking by hand. i also adore my 1/4 inch battery ratchet(some off brand one because who cares about its breakaway torque), they make life so much easier, especially during reassembly. that said, i wish i had access to an air compressor...
  10. that's what i've done with all 3 of mine that needed head gaskets. just keep it topped up until you start seeing bubbles coming out the reservoir when it's hot, or the engine starts to run rough change the gaskets then. probably not the actual best advice since you *can* end up doing some damage, but...
  11. looking good D, someone's gonna be a happy camper if this gets flipped, or you're gonna be a happy camper with 2 GTs!
  12. i've got this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078B56BYJ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 it's a little large, and i'll be changing it out at some point for something a little slimmer, but if you want something with a screen, and more importantly on screen controls so you don't have to download an app, it works just fine. video quality is good enough, though suffers a bit in low light, so if you do a lot of night time driving it may not be the best option for you. i know with this one it has basically no battery, so if you *do* want motion detecting you'll need to hardwire it in. easy enough to do with an add a fuse circuit, but a little more involved than just plugging it in to the cigarette lighter.
  13. financially and logically you're not wrong, but that also means i shouldn't have done the head gaskets, the full suspension refresh i'm piecing together, or any of the mods i have done or plan on doing. not to get in to a whole story, but this is the first car i've owned that wasn't a junker, wasn't a beater, after the better part of 4 years i'm still in love with this car as much as i was on day one, and don't plan on letting it get away from me. emotion trumps logic sometimes...
  14. gotta be honest, digging the steelies and the wrap on the rear end. steelies give it a down to earth look with the high end mods, and the rear end looks much more aggressive with the wrap. keep up the good work, interested to see more
  15. kinda hard to replace the C pillar:lol: ...falling tree limb took a nice little bite out of that. but yeah, as i've been doing more research in to wrapping, for the amount of bodywork that would need to be done to get a nice finish, it's probably going to end up being just as much as a paint job. there's a bunch of PDR that needs to be done, failing clear coat that needs to be feathered out...just a bunch of stuff. the car's got 160k miles and lived a good portion of its live in a city, so all the chips and dings and scratches that come with that have taken its toll. after being taken off daily driver status and living a nice restful life on a quiet suburban street in the city, i'm thinking painting's going to be the way to go. *definitely* going with some paint protection film if I do end up biting the bullet on that...like...next year...
  16. you're right FL, that's also a consideration, as well as my loving the ruby red color, leaning the paint way but my pocket book isn't going to be happy.
  17. car will be paid off in 1-4 months depending how antsy in my pantsy i get to get it paid off, so after that i'm weighing the options of repainting or getting it wrapped...i plan on keeping the car forever, so either way would be good, but paint is finicky and expensive for a decent job...wraps deteriorate and have to be redone...decisions decisions.
  18. subaru has never been known for their paint quality. even being taken care of, i have some clear coat peeling, a zillion chips, and some spiderwebbing all over my car...this is my 3rd subaru and none of them had good paint.
  19. yall need to move a couple hours south down to richmond. after i moved out of fairfax i will never ever go back, except to visit my folks. hell, for the price of a decent house in nova you can buy the better part of a mansion down here
  20. lookin good, those headlights look slick. gonna have to bite the bullet at some point here soon...
  21. yeah, never hurts to experiment, and a little extra experience never hurt anyone for the next time they install. personally never thought the glue on trim pieces looked great--i'd just go to the junk yard and grab a set off a wrecked car before doing those...gonna be cheaper, and you can get the nice silver ones...could even probably get someone to ship them to you from car-part.com or the ilk. I keep planning on doing that, but never think about it when i'm at the junk yard... the finger prints and it scratches sooooooooo easily. after a few years they just end up looking bad. you can polish them out but man is it a pain.
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