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Everything posted by BarManBean

  1. Material is going to the shop on Tuesday--hopeful for a quick turn around. Thanks to those that have expressed interest, I am keeping track and will update folks as things become available!
  2. tazswing, as WRX USA mentions, neither of us had any issues with the rear mounting point having that orientation. Our TMICs bolted right up. The splitter issue is real, but should be easily rectified by adding a spacer at the front TMIC mounting point to angle the core up slightly and also adding small spacers to the front mounting points of the splitter to bring the front of the splitter down a bit. Doing this should bring things together in the front without changing the rear at all. I also had no issues with any hoses--haven't yet at least. And I've done a couple of 3rd/4th gear pulls to redline (6mt, not 5mt) at 19+ PSI in order to create logs for my tuner. Sorry you had such issues though. Overall, this is the easiest installing intercooler that I've dealt with--previous intercoolers that I have used include stock, Perrin, and a Process West.
  3. Yeah, sorry to a bunch of folks about being out of stock, it's been a while too. Life got in the way, I guess Good news though, I finally got a bunch of material cut up yesterday so everything is ready to go to the shop. I'll keep updating the thread here with progress but hopefully I'll have things shipping again shortly.
  4. A buddy of mine spoke with him--he's local to us. Apparently he moved and has had trouble getting things back up and running?
  5. Very true. I've actually said many times that given the outcome I wouldn't have chosen any other car to be in. We went end over end into the trees and I woke up still buckled in but with my whole upper body bent down so that I was under the dash / in the footwell. No idea how I ended up there. Friend was flipping out thinking I was dead (was knocked out). Woke up and asked him if he could get out of the car, and we both just kind of stepped out over the doors because the roof was completely gone Was in shock I think, but physically fine except for minor scrapes and a big ass bump on my head. One of my lives gone, for sure!
  6. I keep wanting to buy a second vehicle that's fun...need to stop modding the outback and may as well pick up something small and fun and turn it into a track bitch. Every time I think about it an older miata just seems to be the right answer. That said, a '91 miata piloted by a friend tried to kill me in college. They aren't meant to fly upside down in the air and into a thicket of trees
  7. Bracket doesn't need any modification, you just install it under the stock bracket and you're good to go.
  8. ^^yeah, a bit of movement from both sides is definitely not a bad idea. Once you install the splitter, you'll also see that it should be very easy to re-angle it a bit without causing any permanent issues for a future user who would want to install it on an LGT. I think there is plenty of flex there for those who might need it.
  9. No no no, it's not just about the samco. The samco actually has a lot of flex. I'm saying that if you raise the core itself, you may have issues with the turbo hose and the TB hose. The connections at the turbo/TB will remain the same, but you will be hoping for more "flex" in order for the other ends of the hoses to connect to the core. Does that make sense? The splitter is really attached to nothing but the hood, so there's really no other "conflicting interests" to deal with. Just move it around as needed.
  10. Again, raising the front of the core could cause issues with the 2 hose fitments. Better to adjust the splitter that is attached to nothing but the hood. And mine is already installed under the ac bracket due to the lip that is there. That only makes an 1/8" difference where the engine difference is closer to 1" on the OBXTs according to the info I've come across.
  11. Lifting it at the front may cause issues with the hose connections. Better to lower the front of the splitter I think--would just mean slightly bending the rear mounting points of the splitter.
  12. Here are some pics, focus on showing space between firewall for WRX USA. http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/BarManBean/CA6E8C3C-0662-4E13-B678-9D2C4524D072_zpsfki2lidv.jpg http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/BarManBean/B120D94E-D928-43FD-8A6F-D125F1433E7C_zps1bprs6mz.jpg http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/BarManBean/FE05A888-3329-409A-A555-2CA7D2B60417_zpsypxvcsov.jpg http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/BarManBean/D330DF4A-739E-41B9-8330-5ED69B592544_zpsmzrvshbo.jpg http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad187/BarManBean/4B74CD59-DC1F-4730-B667-8AC4F33598C6_zpsi1dnpacf.jpg
  13. Now, FOR THE OBXT GUYS (and Grimmspeed): The TMIC fits. The splitter fits. IMO, the splitter is not perfect for outbacks. The front mounting point is attached to the engine, and therefore drops the front of the TMIC down towards the ground by approximately 1". The result is that the whole TMIC is tilted forward just a bit. Not a big deal, but the splitter material (the rubber) begins to lose contact with TMIC as you get towards the front of the TMIC. You can see the gap start to form there. Big deal? Probably not. I think it can be fixed with some foam (or similar material) being stuck to the TMIC itself. I also may try some small spacers in between the splitter and the hood where the front fasteners are installed. I think this should angle the whole splitter similarly to how the TMIC is angled and things should line up. Grimmspeed, maybe including spacers and new bolts/screws for those mounting points would be the ticket for the OBXT guys
  14. Posted this over at nasioc (http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showpost.php?p=43045300&postcount=1001), copying over here : gsrcrxsi & others: it *is* possible to get the extension piece installed over a samco hose. It's not easy but it can be done. I rubbed a tiny about of superlube inside the extension piece, and with the help of a friend I was able to get it installed over the samco. I had the metal insert in the samco, and while I pushed the pieces together my friend worked a flathead screwdriver around the inside of the extension until we finally got it over the samco. Once it was pushed on a bit, it seemed to stay on fairly well. Tightened the hose clamp and I definitely don't think it will come apart or leak. That said, it's still not my favorite solution and I think you are on to something with printing a small plastic elbow and using a straight extension piece. Interested to see what you come up with http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif Other than that, things fit mostly great. I had to move the washer hoses for the windshield nozzles to get the splitter on. Also, on my OBXT it looks as though the splitter does not and on the OBXT the splitter does not make full contact with the TMIC, especially as you get toward the front of the intercooler. It's close, but I think the lower engine tilts the whole TMIC forward just a bit so as you come forward the splitter does not make full contact. May need to add some extra foam or similar material to get a better seal.
  15. Thanks. That's more or less what my plan was so ill just run with that I guess. Not terribly happy with it though. I'll try and take some pics when it's all done.
  16. Anyone do an install with an aftermarket BPV hose, i.e. Samco? The extension doesn't seem to work with the Samco BPV hose...
  17. Only thing you can run without fuel mods will be a 16g/vf52, and even then you'll be maxing a stock fueling setup. That's probably all you want with a stock shortblock anyway. If you want to do fuel (and have a good "just in case" fund in case of shortblock issues or clutch issues), then you can open up a lot of options.
  18. So I can haz tracking info now? Pretty sure I'm just going to take a much needed day off to install this when it shows up.
  19. Who said that? GS clearly appears to be supporting the LGT platform. That install video and the rear mounting setup is the first thing that has made be me really start to think that the TMIC may not fit on an OBXT. If the whole core gets pushed lower in the engine bay compared to the firewall it looks like it's simply going to starting making contact with parts that simply can't be moved.
  20. You seem to be putting a lot of faith in virtual dyno. AFAIK, there's no way that 2nd gear should be building more boost than 3rd gear, so maybe play the common sense card there and throw the VD data out the window? You do a lot of REALLY detailed data logging and it's awesome, but without actual gauges or sensors is the data really that accurate? I thought VD was just a comparison tool and not a real-deal benchmark, no?
  21. What is a "fortune"? Coilovers are an easy swap if you have the tools. Might just be able to find a local to do them for you. You'll definitely want an alignment after, though.
  22. Good stuff, indeed. I would add that a bad seal at the airbox/filter seal can cause things to be screwy. Also, switching from a REALLY dirty CAI filter to a clean one can cause things to appear lean when the tune is kept the same. Ask me how I know
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