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Virtual Dyno


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  • I Donated
It happens. Mild variations in the road surface, different slopes of the road, and all of that jazz. What'd you make the log with, RR? Was fast polling on? If yes and yes, then turn up the smoothing option a bit. Fast polling provides enough resolution that you can crank up the smoothing and still remain quite accurate.


Yes, I used RR. I have no idea if fast polling was on; I didn't know that option existed.


Turning the smoothing up to 7 drops the whp to 287 and the torque to 319 lb-ft, which is still a lot higher than my other pulls. Either my other pulls sucked, or something weird happened on that pull. Or maybe I had my cutout open? I wish I could log when my cutout is open and when it's closed. :confused:

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Perhaps... are you logging the exact same stretch of road, going in the same direction, with the same intake temperature?


Fast polling makes the sampling rate go up a LOT. It's right on the top of the main logger screen. From my thread:

Thankfully, the new RR has a "fast polling" option that has allowed me to log a crapton of stuff and keep the polling speed very low. To give you an idea of how much faster "fast polling" is, I used to log these parameters:


  1. Engine Load (2-byte)** (g/rev)
  2. Engine Speed (rpm)
  3. IAM (4-byte)* (multiplier)
  4. Ignition Total Timing (degrees)
  5. Intake Air Temperature (F)
  6. Knock Correction Advance (degrees)
  7. Knock Sum* (count)
  8. Manifold Relative Pressure (4-byte)* (psi relative)
  9. Mass Airflow (g/s


And the polling interval used to be just about 225ms.


NOW, I log these:


  1. Boost Error* (psi)
  2. Engine Load (4-Byte)* (g/rev)
  3. Engine Speed (rpm)
  4. Feedback Knock Correction (1-byte)** (degrees)
  5. Fine Learning Knock Correction (1-byte)** (degrees)
  6. IAM (4-byte)* (multiplier)
  7. Ignition Total Timing (degrees)
  8. Intake Air Temperature (F)
  9. Knock Correction Advance (degrees)
  10. Knock Sum* (count)
  11. Manifold Relative Pressure (4-byte)* (psi relative)
  12. Mass Airflow (g/s)
  13. Mass Airflow Sensor Voltage (V)
  14. Primary Wastegate Duty Cycle (%)
  15. Throttle Opening Angle (%)
  16. Turbo Dynamics Integral (4-byte)* (absolute %)
  17. Turbo Dynamics Proportional (4-byte)* (absolute %)

And my polling interval is about 97ms. Notice how many more things I've added AND how I'm using the 4-byte of some of the things.

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If you want some degree of accuracy, you really need to run the same road on the same day, in both directions with the same methods. Do it several times in each direction, then average the resulting graphs.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I figured if I asked a question where I could have found the answer by searching, I'd get a corrosive answer. Just havin' fun!


Thanks, I didn't find in my half-assed search which parameters I'd need to log.


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needs ninja edit


Virtual Dyno is written for the Microsoft .NET framework so it works on any machine that has a .NET common language runtime. MAC has never implemented one.



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I know CAN loggers can do speed but for some reason they dont. It would have helped GREATLY and cut down on calculations to record speed. Speed is also only recorded to the whole mph or kph which sort of cuts down on accuracy.


I also try to keep the program where it works the same for all loggers and dont add special cases per logger. That way everyone gets the same attention and same support. It also does not become a support nightmare for this one man development army.


You don't necessarily HAVE to be a one man development army.


So uhhh... have you considered open sourcing this by chance? There is quite a bit of stuff in 3.5+ that could make your life a lot easier on the support/extensibility side of things. Generics, TPL and the xml stuff you get with LINQ would be very nice for this sort of thing.

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