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Natural vs. synthetic oil???

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Like everyone else my dealer told me not to use synthetic oil in my car because it would cause leakes. Now im all for useing synthetic oil but i would like to have good evidence to using it in the engine tranny and the diffs. Could anyone help me?
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Andreu -


I'll try to give you the straight of it:


Synthetic oils have very small, uniform molecules. This allows them to flow faster and fit through smaller spaces better than "natural" (or dino) oil, which tends to be heterogenuos and have larger and smaller oil molecules.


The effect of this is that if you HAVE a leak, synthetic will tend to leak out faster than dino oil. If you don't have a leak, you will reap the benefits of synthetic oil.


If you switch to synthetic and suddenly notice a leak, it's because you already had a bad seal and the synthetic oil allowed more to leak out.


Hope that helps.



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Like everyone else my dealer told me not to use synthetic oil in my car because it would cause leakes. Now im all for useing synthetic oil but i would like to have good evidence to using it in the engine tranny and the diffs. Could anyone help me?


I took my car for an oil change the other week and the dude said the computer says to only use synthetic for the GT. I think he was just trying to convince me to spend more money :lol:

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I took my car for an oil change the other week and the dude said the computer says to only use synthetic for the GT.


When I picked up my LGT.B from the dealer, their service advisor told me, in no uncertain terms, that Mobil 1 would "melt my engine." (Truly, he said that.)


Actually, he did me a favor: now I know never, ever to go back there for anything service-related.


But I guess that's consistent with Mobil 1's being the devil, at least...:lol: HPH

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Synthetic oils were invented with the advent of the turbine engine. Regular (dino) oils couldn't handle the high operating temperatures and would break down, hence the need for a better, longer lasting oil... nuff said....


It's actually more to it these days. Synthetic oil has a better viscosity range than dino oil making it more flexible. The big problem with oil selection is not the oil itself but the people selecting the wrong grade and quality of oil for their vehicles and then blaming the oil.

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