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About Gire

  • Birthday January 1

Personal Information

  • Car
    Formerly 05 LGT wagon
  • Interests
    yardwork (keeping up the house), import cars, home theatre and audio, classic rock, good sushi
  • Occupation


  • User Title
    Old Man River

Gire's Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Throwing a post in this thread as it truly is the end of an era. My 2005 GT wagon was a fantastic vehicle, very reliable in hindsight, and checked all the boxes I wanted. Under $40K Canadian, Manual transmission, AWD, and wagon. OH! and under 3500lbs curb weight. I had that beauty for ten years. After they killed the wagon, it was mostly over for me in terms of Subaru and this forum, the car just became more and more bland over the years and lost it's 90's / 2000's identity. I miss these old-school forums too, like we used to have in abundance. Facebook groups are... not the same. Cheers, all. Gire
  2. 13 years here, although I don't frequent as much anymore. I haven't had the wagon for three years now. Still driving my grandma Accord around.
  3. Buy an Impreza for a first car if you want a Subaru. Hatch back if you are into those. Any year, they are all good. Slow, reliable, AWD. Or a Honda. Really, any Honda. I had a bunch between age 16 - 25. Best decision ever. Plus, they were slow so that's probably why I'm still alive at 40.
  4. ^^^^True. I joined back in Feb 2005 when I bought my wagon. Haven't had it for 3 years and have dropped off in frequency here, but still come back every once in a while to check in. It's like coming home. Lots of new members, but lots of old OG guys still here, which is great.
  5. I'm now in to year 11 here. So much has happened in those years. Crazy.
  6. Everyone take note! THIS is how you do a pic thread properly. Gorgeous car, could be my new favorite on the entire site. Well done all around. I especially enjoyed the professional-grade photos.
  7. The new Miata looks fantastic. And I heard the pulled 200 more pounds out of the new gen? God bless technology and progress... One day...
  8. Changed title spelling and will sticky the thread for you, Scooby Fan!
  9. Hows the Sexxi wagon? Pentastar swap yet?
  10. Gire


    I think my hair is thinning! -Gire, August 2012. Yup, definitely falling out near the front. -Gire, Jan 2014.
  11. Gire


    Playin' hurt? Baby, that don't phase me! I don't got time for pain. The only pain I got time for is the pain I put on fools who don't know what time it is!! - Terrible Terry Tate.
  12. Gire


    But but but.... he anchors a conservative right wing news program!! hahaha! I get all my American news every day from The Daily Show and Colbert Report.
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