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Diagnostic charges for warrentied car?


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Brought in my car for a dome light being stuck on. I take a rental car, since they need to look at it for a while.. which ends up being Hertz, NOT a suby :(

Find out that the previous owner cut a wire near the BIU and they are saying that shorted, causing the dome light issue

Thatll be 800$ to fix it and put everything back

Yes, I have a 100K mile gold warrenty..Wtf?

So Im like ummm. No Dome light != 800$

Get a voicemail at 5:56 that the diagnostics will be 130 some plus 35 for the rental + tax = 186!!!!!!!!

HOW is that possible?! Should not the Diagnostics be covered if I have a warrenty?! I understand the out of warrenty repair fee, high as it is.. but then charging me for looking at it?

She did offer that the dia. fee would be deducted against the repair fee (lol)

Am i insane that they should not charge me for any thing that would covered under warrenty Until its found to be out of warrenty?

They did NOT state that anything OOW would be charged, and I authorized no charges!

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Name the stealership.


I think it's a grey area... a mod is not covered under warranty, then technically diagnosis isn't either.


Since you didn't know about the modification a decent dealer wouldn't charge you. If they insist on paying, pay and never go there again (tell them this) and make sure to post their name.

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its not modded other than a boost guage..

but thats no where near the BIU

let just say this dealership is in the same town as SOA corp.

Im going to call and complain like hell

I brought this damn thing in for this 3 times now...

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Did you sign the repair order when you dropped the car off? If so you've signed that you agree to pay for at least a basic diagnostic fee, plus any other repairs that you authorize.


Plus if they found a cut wire they can attribute the failure too...it's not a warranty issue regardless of it being caused by a previous owner.

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Sorry to say but if it was a cut wire by you or the previous owner or anyone that repair is not covered by warranty. I know you went in trying to get a warranty repair but now that they have looked at it and they found the problem that has caused them to deem the repair a non warranty issue . Since it is non warranty that makes you pay for the repair or anything else associated with the job. I know that sucks but the $800 bill is nuts
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Did you buy the car from said dealership? If so, I would believe it is their responsibility to look over the car before sale or offer of the extended warranty.


In other words, if you bought the car from them and they offered the extended warranty and later there was a problem that came up from a previous owner that you had no knowledge of, how should you be responsible for it?


Sounds like a scam to me... (assuming you bought it off the lot from them)

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No :( I had to buy it from a Toyota dealer (who didnt even notice the headlight was out when I bought it :-/ ) way out near Erie PA.

Only 05 LGT wagon I could find with a MT in my price range on the east coast

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Brought in my car for a dome light being stuck on. I take a rental car, since they need to look at it for a while.. which ends up being Hertz, NOT a suby :(

Find out that the previous owner cut a wire near the BIU and they are saying that shorted, causing the dome light issue

Thatll be 800$ to fix it and put everything back

Yes, I have a 100K mile gold warrenty..Wtf?

So Im like ummm. No Dome light != 800$

Get a voicemail at 5:56 that the diagnostics will be 130 some plus 35 for the rental + tax = 186!!!!!!!!

HOW is that possible?! Should not the Diagnostics be covered if I have a warrenty?!


they didnt repair it..

just looked at it, and they have looked at it 3 times now for the same issue and was never billed...


It appears the previous owner had an aftermarket alarm system installed. That's why the dome light wire was cut/tapped, so the alarm system would know when a door was opened. It's very likely that quite a few other wires going into the BIU were tapped/cut as well, which might explain why the tech recommends replacing a wiring harness, an expensive procedure.


This clearly isn't covered by any warranty. The dealer has obviously spent considerable time tracking down the problem (three visits). The fault was caused by the previous owner and Subaru shouldn't be expected to pay for his/her negligence. This is a classic case of caveat emptor and you should pay the dealer's diagnostic fee, since SOA will not reimburse the dealer for this.

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This isnt a case of Buyer Beware in the usual sense.

I bought an Extended Warrenty from Subaru to avoid these kinds of issues.

With that, I think there should be either a once over check to look for major issues, or some sort of 50/50 deal because of it. I didnt spend 1500$ for a cut wire to void all that...

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No :( I had to buy it from a Toyota dealer (who didnt even notice the headlight was out when I bought it :-/ ) way out near Erie PA.

Only 05 LGT wagon I could find with a MT in my price range on the east coast



They should step up and help you with the bill.

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the warranty company and/or the dealership owes you no kind of pre extended warranty purchase inspection. I know this sucks but there is no course of action. yeah maybe whining to the dealership over and over might get you what you want but you'll always complain about said dealership. Personally if it were my call I would also tell you that you would have to come out of pocket.
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Its not as much the repair im pissed about, its the fact I had to pay 200$ for them to do nothing to my car. I could see if they fixed the dome and said "well, we got it working, but you need to replace the computer, thats gonna be an extra 600$"

but they didnt. I knew it was going to take a long time, thats why I left it. If they had told me that if something was out of warrenty *I* would need to then cover the "Up until they discovered it" warrety repair dia. charges, I would havent left it. I would never leave my car at someplace thats going to charge 90$ an hour with the possibility that I would then need to pay for it. I know SOA, and dealers in general. Theyll find something if they can, and if it took them 4-5-8 hours to find it? What then! make me fork over 700$??!

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If you prefer to personally speak to a Subaru representative, please check the hours of operation and call our customer service number below.


Customer Service: 1-800-SUBARU3 (1-800-782-2783)

Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (EST) Monday through Thursday

10:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (EST) Friday


Written correspondence can be sent to:


Subaru of America, Inc.

Subaru Plaza

P.O. Box 6000

Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-6000

Attn: Customer/Dealer Services


Call them and ask them what can be done.



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I already asked the stealership if they thought it was "fair" she agreed that it really wasnt, and would speak to the manager. but that was 2 weeks ago, I emailed her again and she said she would have an answer on friday. so ill wait till then to call SOA...
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hey man dont get all bitchy with me cause you think the dealer should cough up the repair bill when this is clearly a non warranty issue. I do think they should have warned you ahead of time saying hey if its not warranty you will pay the diag fee (dont know if they told you that or not) but thats how it works man. I have paid a $600 diag fee in the past to tear my motor down to find out it wasnt a warranty issue..



Also cause I'm pretty sure youre going to come back with another hissy reply let me also say this. BECAUSE YOU DONT THINK ITS "FAIR" DOESNT MAKE IT UNFAIR so chalk that one up. You are the reason alot of people in postions of customer servie hate their jobs. You continue to whine I guess you are hoping some one jumps into this post and agrees with you and helps you march down to SOA/warranty company/dealership and beat down the doors of said establishments and demand your money back or picket with you. I'm sorry I'm not that guy. I'm a realist. So get real and deal with the facts


edit: So after all that bs spewed from my keyboard if they did not forewarn you I would take it up with the service advisor and that dealership.

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- ok, after the edit, ill say this.

That was my main point.

I am in "customer service" at my job, and i understand the Corp view vs person view and how its a tough line.

I dont need other people to jump in line and march on SOA, I already have the person I spoke to at the dealer, she is working with me, and the person i bought the warrenty from agrees with me. I know its a grey area, but im just trying save myself some money, its a DAMN good thing I HAPPENED to have an extra 200$ that month. I might have a nice car, but it doesnt mean im rolling in it (thats why it was used)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think the dealership should pay the diagnostice fee only. This is only for the simple fact when i bought my used suby at a suby dealership and was haggling prices, they told me they can knock off 500 bucks if i didnt have them inspect the vehicle which was necessary for the 65k warranty. So basically what im saying is when u purchase those warranties they are "supposed" to inspect your vehicle and the issue should have been mentioned at that time. Sorry to get this thread all heated again but that just my .02
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