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Stu-stut-Stutter Issue n-new-news

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I have a 2007 LGT which has the stutter issue. I have not gotten a case #, but I have a rattle in the plastic somewhere near the wheel, so I called my service center. I got a fellow on the phone and made an appointment and brought up the stutter issue.

This was his comment and I don't want to mention the dealer or cause anyone there any trouble, but this is what I was told "unofficially."


The problem exists on every car to various extents. He'd not driven a car where he couldn't feel it. My method of holding down the gas pedal in 2nd was how he also felt for it. Most people never notice it and when driving hard it's usually not more than a subtle anoyance. As far as he knew there is NO FIX. Only a handful of people in the last few years ever mentioned it and fewer still were bothered by it. He wants to drive my car to see how pronounced it is, but expects it to be the same as always.


So is this a "defect?" Hard to say. Is pefectly smooth acceleration found in any car of this type? I remember a Mitsubishi VR4 that did the same thing in 2nd gear as the boost came on. The Speed6 I tested had a loss of power around 5K that was odd. I'm not sure I felt this in the STI I tested, but I have a friend down the road that says his does this as well.


I suppose we can all yell until Subaru allows us free upgrades to 2008 Spec B's, but I believe those cars have the same characteristic. And that's, PERHAPS, what the stutter is; a hard driving characteristic. Now that I know it's there, it's hard to imagine that it could ever adversly effect my driving and the car is always a blast to drive hard...and my car is stock.


The rattle bugs me, so they'll fix that. As to the "LGT Stutter" I guess I'll see what the other owners turn up.


Best ragards...



Capt RB

2007 LGT


My car:


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There isn't another thread on what my dealer's service head said. And not every new comment needs to be burried in long threads. If folks would worry less about playing netkop, this group could be even more useful. I know of at least one subie tech who ran out of here after 3 posts because of this type of stuff.

Work together guys.


Capt RB

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Heh, I was just about to put together a post on my initial impressions of my '08 Spec B, and one of them was the turbo stutter. I didn't realize that the characteristic was that common. It reminds me of when a fuel injector was going bad in one of my previous cars, but not quite as noticeable.


I was hoping it was something that would clear up as it gets more miles on it. Guess not.

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the rattle is the fuel lines coming through the firewall. they are top right drivers side. just insulate them with something. i just slipped a piece of rubber hose over the middle one and problem solved.








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I 'm one of the lucky few who don't have this issue or have gotten used to it over the last couple years and can work around it by gradually increasing throttle instead of just flooring it a low RPMs. I must say however that I have also noticed it in just about every turbo charged car I've ever driven clear back to the Daytona Turbos back in the 80's. Those things would sputter and buck like mad and it was considered to be normal operation then and may still be normal operation now. Just my 2 cents.
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Dude, you must not really have it. Mine is so bad, one passenger in my car was like "whoa what the hell was that?" It's really more than an annoyance or whatever....it's just not how the car was intended to operate. And don't tell me that it's "normal on every car" and that its "not a defect" when you can simply have someone put a different ECU map on there and the problem is fixed. Why can't Subaru do that?? Ive ridden in thousands of cars in my life, and NONE of them have done anything like this. Your dealer is full of crap.
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Easy there big shooter.:)

I must not have this issue cause my car accelerates smooth as glass with the stock map, all the Cobb maps and any of my 3 TDC maps loaded. As for the normal thing, I was just stating what I have been told about turbos for the last 20 or so years. That they all have a little lag and a slight hesitation when goosing it at low speed, but this sounds like some of the LGTs try to eject the passengers through the windshield when you get on it. I can't believe that it could be that bad and they deny that it exists.:confused:

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+1 on stutter, shudder, studder, etc free lgt as of nov 04 :)


wonder if the autos seem to have it worse?


i have seen alot of things incorrectly attributed to the stutter problem that other members genuinely have. you def cannot just floor it in wrong gears or drop gears without spooling the turbo. example doing 40 in 5th and dropping to 2nd. turbo isnt going to like that


turbo +dm flywheel + awd makes my lgt different from any other manual i've driven. there is def a balet with the clutch and throttle if you want to drive supersmooth with undectable shifts. obviously something you cant do in an auto. balls out you can let it rip though :)






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f1antic always has to put in his kind words into each and every one of them too. flame bait whore. if you don't like the stutter threads, don't bump them.


the stutter is very pronounced on my car, and the passengers can feel it for sure. my shifting is buttery smooth, but that has nothing to do with it. 2nd gear is the only time where it will send a passenger flying through the windshield, but 3rd, 4th and 5th are bad as well.


with the quality tuners out there today, that can make a 800 hp car accelerate smoothly, it cannot be that difficult to make a 250 hp car accelerate smooth. it is not just a nature of a sports car, a turbo car, or a manual transmission. i have never driven a audi or bmw turbo with a stuttering engine.


the situation is livable, but is a HUGE annoyance, and can be a concern when merging or passing on the highways. guess i should go to the lot and test drive each car going into wot in 2nd and find the one that stutters the least when i buy my wifes car.

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