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Wifey wants 40+mpg commuter car - suggestions?

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I say go for a 4-cylinder Camry/Accord/G6, etc... Decent highway mileage:


32 - 34 for camry

34 for Accord

34 for G6


And they are real cars. Good room inside, big enough to be good on the highway with a quiet ride and fairly relaxed motors, nothing high-tech or different to cause problems down the road.


Maintenance costs are really low, and they all take 87 octane.


Best part is they won't cost much more, if at all, that the in fashion subcompacts. Also will be much more comfortable spending 100 miles a day in them.


I'd choose a Civic over a Fit, a bit better highway cruiser, not compared to the Accord mind you, and it gets the same mileage as the Fit on the highway.

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Wow! I was completely oblivious to the fact that you can't buy a diesel passenger car in CA right now. Is that really true!? Damn communistic, Eastern-block mentality of our state govt. Damn tree-huggers!

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Wow! I was completely oblivious to the fact that you can't buy a diesel passenger car in CA right now. Is that really true!? Damn communistic, Eastern-block mentality of our state govt. Damn tree-huggers!


Do you have rail service nearby? If she can ride the train you will save money, and she can catch up on homework on the way to class since she won't have to drive.

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Hybrids blow. The amount of money you spend on maintance and the markup over a normal car pretty much nullify any MPG savings. VW FTW.


what maintance???????? markup, that i might give u


toyota sells their hybrids for less then it cost to make them---- this is a fact!!!

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my money is on the Corolla or something of the likes.
"some say, his arms are made of coiled adamantium fibers. And that he tops his cereal with nuts and bolts. All we know is, he's called the Jose."
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You should seriously look at the total ownership cost (purchase price + gas + insurance + maintenance + repair).


I'd look for a 02 Civic, Corolla or similar. Around 8-10 K and probably won't need any work for a few years. That 4K+ difference goes a long way on gas costs increased maintenance.


I drove a 92 Accord EX up to 197k (when it got stolen last year). Until about 150K there was almost no non-regular maintenance (I think a CV joint got replaced) and afterwards the only things that ever needed to be replaced were CV joints, struts, radiator, struts, muffler, etc. Never got stranded since it got caught at regular maintenance checkups.

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Drove a new Jetta TDI. Nice. Comfortable car, nice interior. Sounded like a diesel but once it was going it was quite smooth. The power was okay... not bad with a 6 speed auto. Cruised nicely. If I wasn't so into power I would pick one up. They should have put the prev gen Passats Diesel into it.
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Wow! I was completely oblivious to the fact that you can't buy a diesel passenger car in CA right now. Is that really true!? Damn communistic, Eastern-block mentality of our state govt. Damn tree-huggers!



Well, I guess the tree huggers will be kicking themselves in the ass when in 10 years or so, all the dead batteries from these hybrids find their way into junk yards and leaking tons of acid and toxic materials into the gound and the water supply, probably contaminating the soil, ground water, ponds, lakes, and streams.


But, at least they made sure no one in Cali was able to use a "dirty diesel."





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Try finding a TDI Jetta DSG with any kind of options. Those things are selling out - a manual will be much easier to find. Even with new low sulfur diesel out (which is still not as low sulfur as Europe's) for 2007 you need to pass EPA NOx emissions requirements equal to a regular gasoline engine. This requires some type of particulate filter/urea injection technology which only Mercedes Benz will have for 2007. So buy the VW while you can. Oh and as far as Prius batteries, Toyota has a recycling program I believe.
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Well, I guess the tree huggers will be kicking themselves in the ass when in 10 years or so, all the dead batteries from these hybrids find their way into junk yards and leaking tons of acid and toxic materials into the gound and the water supply, probably contaminating the soil, ground water, ponds, lakes, and streams.


Hybrids don't use lead-acid batteries, they use NiMH batteries... it's actually lucrative to recycle these. The "dead hybrid batteries leaking acid in the junkyard" prediction is an urban myth. There are a helluva lot more regular autos with regular lead-acid batteries going to the junkyard today & we're not seeing this problem.


I'd go for a mazda miata - fun and good mileage too! Or a motorcycle :icon_tong

"I love the feel of wind in my face and boobies against my back." - BMW motorcycle rider
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I definitley agree with you about hybrids. I just didn't remember the specifics about the article. Next prius probably means 08 or 09 and it probably not get anywhere close to 90+.


Anyway since when did low post count equal Noob. I thought noob equaled, "Does soap destroy my intercooler" or "what is the best BOV and Cold Air"


Anyway I was just joking and I assume you are too.



Oh yea, if you were anywhere but CA buy a TDI and make it a greaser.

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