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Criminals are Geniuses

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11 PM. I get back from the orchestra in my Legacy, and my room mate is having an allergic reaction, so he needs to go to the hospital. He's vomiting and has hives, so it's pretty serious. My other room mate accompanies.


Reach the hospital (it's only about 1.5 miles away), and drop off my room mates. I proceed to the parking garage right next to the hospital emergency room entrance.


I locked the car, and go inside the hospital. My sick room mate waits for a few minutes, and then is admitted to the ER.


My other room mate and I wait in the waiting room, and then about 2 hours later we go see my sick room mate in his hospital bed.


2 AM. A police officer comes into the room and asks for me. They tell me someone broke into my car and take me outside.


I parked in a parking garage with video cameras, and the car was locked, so the stock security system was active. I get outside, and the front passenger window is shattered. The police officer asks me to identify things that were stolen. My Defi BF controller unit was stolen, and my Subaru CD case was also missing. Everything else seemed ok.


They tell me they caught some suspects, and they had my Defi control unit and Subaru case in their possession. Plus, they left the screw driver and scissors used to make the theft inside my car.


I don't know what the criminals were thinking because both of the stolen items were NOT in plain sight. They are geniuses for breaking into a car with a security system with no valuables blatantly obvious in a watched parking garage.


My deductible is $1000, so the damage is not enough to go through insurance, and I will get back my control unit and CD case in a month. So, I'm assuming I can pay for this out of pocket, which blows.


Cliff notes: Car broken into, stuff stolen, stuff recovered, suspects apprehended, I'll probably have to pay to get it fixed out of my own pocket.

Glass is EVERYWHERE. I get to finish cleaning it up tomorrow (well, trying to clean it up).


My sick room mate with the allergic reaction is fine now, at least.

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That is the pits... I hate morons that think it's OK to screw up someone else's property and take someone else's stuff... :mad: I think they should be forced to cut their own balls off (or other precious body part)... with a blunt knife...
"I love the feel of wind in my face and boobies against my back." - BMW motorcycle rider
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That is the pits... I hate morons that think it's OK to screw up someone else's property and take someone else's stuff... :mad: I think they should be forced to cut their own balls off (or other precious body part)... with a blunt knife...
OUCH!! That hurts. Seriously, that sux! Glad they caught the bastards! Prob. just punks lookin' for something to pass the time, not even trying to make a $ off your hard earned toys. I think if they just cut-off one thumb on each perps. hand that would be fair enuff. Have you talked to the Police about getting restitution from the thugs? I hate being inconvenienced by someone elses retarded actions!!:icon_mad: :icon_mad: On a lighter note, glad to hear that your roomie came out okay. Anaphylaxis isn't fun!
Stage2.5376, TDC ProTune,blah blah blahhhh and....Alky/H20 injection :icon_mrgr
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This thread is timely. I was awakened yesterday (Friday 2/3) morning with my car alarm blaring outside my window. So many transient/homeless people walk through my hood on their way to downtown--they sometimes stop to see if the buildings/vehicles are open so they can steal, sleep or beg.


At least the alarm stopped them this time.

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The criminals are definitely liable and I strongly recommend that you get their info from the police and sue them. Don't really even need a lawyer - it's small claims court stuff.


However, it brings up an interesting point. The thing I don't like about most tv police type shows is that the always show the unit (whatever it is, ME, CSI, etc...) solving the crime through painstaking research and clues. Not to put a negative on them because those that do the jobs are higly regarded in my book and get far too little recompense in the ned. However - most criminals are caught for one basic reason - they are idioits.... My favorite is the guy who robbed the bank and gave the teller a note on the back of his deposit slip... duh

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stab one with the screwdriver and the other with the scissors


http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d175/AndersonAndrew/rofl.gif Funny. A little harsh perhaps. They just need a good beating. Nothing that will send them to the ER. Just a mild beating that require just some bandaids, ice and Ibuprofen. http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d175/AndersonAndrew/Smileys/stick.gif

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Speaking of timely,,,:( My son calls me yesterday am to tell me that his car(95 Celica GT) was broken into overnite in front of his apt building.

They got it all,cd player,amps subamps, speakers etc..

Plus they werent very carefull about the removal either,his dashboard is literally laying in the front seat,cut wires everywhere,busted windshield,door panels hanging off etc.Basically the the interior looks like someone tossed in a grenade.

With all the damage the car is probably totaled and my son is looking at a car payment now on top of the recent moving out exspenses,apt payment, utilities etc.

The area he lives in is a great area but is ripe fr car breakins according to the state police.

He's pissed and so am I,,.fuckin thieves,drugs and what goes with it can die in hell:icon_mad: .

Rant over


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That sucks big time. It happened to me years ago, and my damage was more like jagcars'.


If they busted the guys, surely the judge will include restitution as part of their punishment. You shouldn't even have to sue them; just make sure the prosecuting attorney knows how much it all cost you (with receipts).


You don't have full glass coverage? Many policies cover broken windows without them being subject to the deductible.

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That sucks big time. It happened to me years ago, and my damage was more like jagcars'.


If they busted the guys, surely the judge will include restitution as part of their punishment. You shouldn't even have to sue them; just make sure the prosecuting attorney knows how much it all cost you (with receipts).


You don't have full glass coverage? Many policies cover broken windows without them being subject to the deductible.

I didn't have any contact with the perps in this matter, and they are denying it (they all do, lol). There should be enough evidence to easily prosecute them, and I'll find out about restitution also. I'm going to find out about glass coverage.. it would be nice if it's covered, but I'll see what happens. I'm partially relieved that they didnt fck up my car more than they did. The dash and exterior look ok. They obviously weren't expecting the car to have a factory alarm.

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I had a Dakota with a pretty nice system in it at one point.. well the local hoodies wanted it more than me, so they broke into my truck stole a case of Cassette tapes (ROFL) my Amp, a nice older Kenwood Tri-Power, and my cheapy 8" papaer cones non-name-brand mid woofers..The thing that got me most though was that they stole my stero faceplate, but not the head unit.. ROFL.. never quite got that... Also, I had replaced all the stock speakers with Pioneers, and added a Mid/Tweeter combo in the door.. of all the stuff they took, the speakers they didn't touch were more expensive than anything else they did take.


I got a kick out of that theft.. they basically took all the crap and left everything of value.

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punk bastards.. they probably have seen yoru car before and just eyed it (since the hospital is only 1.5 miles away).


You should press charges and get back your money for the property damage as well. ;) I know I would, oh and add some compensation for "installation fees"

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