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What's on your mind at this instant? -- Volume 13


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You went to the wrong place in CA.


There are really nice places to go in CA. The people can be tough. FL is just a North East relocation center with rednecks, nasty heat/humidity, and huge bugs.


Miami was cool for a few days, and I really want to go to the Keys. But otherwise, Florida leaves me with bad vibes.

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Had a brief scary moment with our dog over the weekend. We were out in the burbs at a friend's house for some backyard beers, when a neighbor starting shooting off fireworks.


Dog freaked out, ran up to the deck - deck is off of the 2nd floor, with stairs down to the backyard.


I ran up there to try to corral him inside, but he decided the deck was not a good place to be....so he pushed his way through the deck rail supports (banister? or is that only the term for stair railings?) and jumped/fell, like a 10-12 ft drop.


I run back down to the yard and he comes booking it back around the side of the house.


Conveniently, my friend whose house we were at is a vet, so gave him a quick once over. All good, no injuries or anything. Had my heart pounding though.

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Growing up we had a Tuxedo cat that looked like Sylvester' from Looney toons. One day I was playing catch in the back yard and the cat was over by the wood fence. We had a 2nd story deck just like you described above with stairs going down into the back yard.


All of a sudden a large dog broke through the wood fence, came into our yard and chased the cat up those stairs onto the deck (which ran the length of the house). The Cat bolted across the length of the deck and didn't even slow down as he ran through the pickets as he dropped 12-18 Ft to the ground. He paused for maybe a half second after landing and then ran off. The dog had to turn around go all the way across the deck and back down the stairs where he was greeted by a baseball thrown hard into his hind quarters by an irrate Uncle. Never saw that dog in my back yard again.


TL/DR- Cats can fall from high places and not break stuff, it's kind of amazing.

Edited by DickDastardly00

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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we recently adopted 2 huskies. We have 13 foot high rock wall with a fence topper. Until we built an overhead fence to keep them from cresting the wall, they would run across the yard, jump to the top, run across the top of the wall, try to jump the fence, then jump back down.


You could hear the thud when 60lbs of dog hit the ground from inside the house. Finally added the overhead fence, when one of them cleared the wall & fence. We didn't see it happen, just the neighbors yelling when they realized how much bigger a husky is than a shi-zhou (little yappy dog barks incessantly).


Dogs in search of prey or scared aren't calculating danger.

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we recently adopted 2 huskies. We have 13 foot high rock wall with a fence topper. Until we built an overhead fence to keep them from cresting the wall, they would run across the yard, jump to the top, run across the top of the wall, try to jump the fence, then jump back down.


You could hear the thud when 60lbs of dog hit the ground from inside the house. Finally added the overhead fence, when one of them cleared the wall & fence. We didn't see it happen, just the neighbors yelling when they realized how much bigger a husky is than a shi-zhou (little yappy dog barks incessantly).


Dogs in search of prey or scared aren't calculating danger.


One day I hope to have a Husky, also my son's favorite dog too.

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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So we're fostering both dogs as they are a bonded pair. I discovered, after we got them, I'm extremely allergic to dog dander. Would like to adopt them? Comes with everything crates, beds, bowls, food, etc



I would need to move first and get a bigger lot/yard, which we might do depending on what happens with my wife's future job and mine too. A lot is up in the air right now. Last week it was looking more like we were going to stay put, this week it's looking less definitive.

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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Huskies can be tough dogs to train. Lot of energy. But definitely doable. And amazing dogs.


Yeah, we found a 5-6 mile walk every morning pretty much turned them into couch potatoes. Until we discovered that, I was not a happy camper. My wife has been slowly training them on basics. I think mostly they humor us because food & shelter.

They lived on the street as strays for a long time, so we're not really getting the typical husky experience. However, their ability to soak up hours of your day being petted is amazing.

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Yeah, we found a 5-6 mile walk every morning pretty much turned them into couch potatoes. Until we discovered that, I was not a happy camper. My wife has been slowly training them on basics. I think mostly they humor us because food & shelter.

They lived on the street as strays for a long time, so we're not really getting the typical husky experience. However, their ability to soak up hours of your day being petted is amazing.


I dated a girl like that once.

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