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15 year old w/ the "Top Secret" 520whp car

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*sorry if this was a repost but i felt the need to do this*


Now dont get me wrong I am young, only 18 but am a college student and have been through my share of close encounters. Yes i realize i still drive like a shmuck sometimes too because I have a fast car and am a late teenager, but i have 3 years of blizzards w/ a light rear end jeep cherokee, terrential downpours, and 4 days of skip barber racing under my belt so I know better than most people how a car is going to handle(especially for my age). Although I was financially helped out buying this car I still realize it is no toy... But, this boy has no idea what hes gotten into. Hell, he probably doesn't know what half of the stuff in his engine do. I dont want to make assumptions but I do not feel very comfortable with him driving on the road with this beast of a vehicle.


Nevermind that introduction. This has been posted and nasioc. The Top Secret 520whp STI was sold to a 15 year old boy who has no driving experience under his belt and has been told repeatedly not to start driving with this car. Here are some pictures... I dont know about you guys but whenever he gets his liscense I give him 2 weeks to live.


Here are some pictures of this boy:


These pictures were taken from MYSPACE, and ill post his comment with how he displayed them under each picture in this thread.


Pic # 1:"Yes i was eating in a restaurant like this no joke" Pic # 2: "Yes my car was on the cover of import tuner" Pic # 3: - Pic #4: "520 hp ..try and beat that..i dare you" Pic #5: "FCUK you if you didn't think i had it"






06 TB EVO IX SE stock turbo monster subaru hater :lol:
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The kid has a selfish attitude, and probably has no idea what kind of work went into that car. Somebody else's blood, sweat, and tears went into that.


All that money for all that effort is gonna end up wrapped around a tree. Or worse yet, taking someone else out.


I have no love for the bling, but this seems like an utter waste just so a smart mouth, smart ass kid can say: "____ you if you didn't think I had it..."


That says more to me than anything. :dismayed, but ultimately don't care, as long as no one else gets hurt:

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does he have an older sister? :icon_bigg


No joke... He can say all he wants...


Pic # 1:"Yes i was eating in a restaurant like this no joke" Pic # 2: "Yes my car was on the cover of import tuner" Pic # 3: - Pic #4: "520 hp ..try and beat that..i dare you" Pic #5: "Fuck you if you didn't think i had it"


RobY: "Oh yeah I f'ed your sister"

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I sold my 90 Mustang sedan with a Intercooled supercharger, bored over to a 347....(11.2 sec car):eek: to a 17yr old back in Oct of 1994.

The car was totalled in Dec 1994:lol::lol:

Between my father & I we explained to the other father till we were BLUE in the face "Do not buy this car for him"

He gave me 1.5k over my asking price:).......SOLD!

Toyota 6EATS .........SUCK!!!!!!
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These same parents probably wouldn't have bought him a Mustang or Camaro because they're "fast cars".


The average person honestly can't fathom 500 whp. If you told them it's far more than a Viper or Lamborghini they still wouldn't grasp how fast that actually is. So, they buy it for someone who probably has driven a Tarus or mom & dad's minivan so far with his learner's permit.

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Hey... If he wants to race... I would put him up against almost anyone with a slightly modded legy on here(with some time under their belt)... Hell, it dont matter if you have 1000+ hp if you dont know how to drive worth a dang...

And on top of that yes, he gonna get killed in that thing...

But seriously, take anyone in here that knows how to drive... You cant trade power for experience.

That and... take wukunda's new roush against him :) hehe... bet that would be a flogging of a lifetime...

If I pass you on the right, I'm flipping you off.
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no worries mate, Darwin will 'correct' this aberration. :munch:

Just adds fuel to my "Pre-Parent" permit test and "Sterilization" bill that should be put forth to Congress.

Stage2.5376, TDC ProTune,blah blah blahhhh and....Alky/H20 injection :icon_mrgr
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what's the over/under on him crashing that car? I'm going with a month & taking the under
"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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what's the over/under on him crashing that car? I'm going with a month & taking the under

Im not sure... Im almost for the fact that he will burn out the clutch or jack up the tranny before then... Death is certain under a month if he actually knows how to drive a manual.

If I pass you on the right, I'm flipping you off.
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*sorry if this was a repost but i felt the need to do this*


Now dont get me wrong I am young, only 18 but am a college student and have been through my share of close encounters. Yes i realize i still drive like a shmuck sometimes too because I have a fast car and am a late teenager, but i have 3 years of blizzards w/ a light rear end jeep cherokee, terrential downpours, and 4 days of skip barber racing under my belt so I know better than most people how a car is going to handle(especially for my age). Although I was financially helped out buying this car I still realize it is no toy... But, this boy has no idea what hes gotten into. Hell, he probably doesn't know what half of the stuff in his engine do. I dont want to make assumptions but I do not feel very comfortable with him driving on the road with this beast of a vehicle.


Nevermind that introduction. This has been posted and nasioc. The Top Secret 520whp STI was sold to a 15 year old boy who has no driving experience under his belt and has been told repeatedly not to start driving with this car. Here are some pictures... I dont know about you guys but whenever he gets his liscense I give him 2 weeks to live.


Here are some pictures of this boy:


These pictures were taken from MYSPACE, and ill post his comment with how he displayed them under each picture in this thread.


Pic # 1:"Yes i was eating in a restaurant like this no joke" Pic # 2: "Yes my car was on the cover of import tuner" Pic # 3: - Pic #4: "520 hp ..try and beat that..i dare you" Pic #5: "Fuck you if you didn't think i had it"


i'm sorry but.....RIIIIIIIIICE someone burn that thing

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Im not sure... Im almost for the fact that he will burn out the clutch or jack up the tranny before then... Death is certain under a month if he actually knows how to drive a manual.


When the NSX came out, some rich fools bought an NSX for their 17 year old in Burlington, Vermont where I was living. The car was very distinctive in that area and you could hear it from blocks away, just wailing as that kid flogged it. Within two months I read that he and a friend were dead after hitting a tree.


Supercars and kids- bad mixture. Video games make this worse because there are no consequences to crazy virtual driving. To bad the people who are nutty enough to indulge their kids like this don't think of driving school as a first step.

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speaking of NSX's, a good customer of mine spent $20K on a custom stereo for his '99 targa. After months of niggles and tuning, the car was 'done'.....I dropped it off at his place. He took it down to a detailing shop to have it fully cleaned, etc. A 16 yr old punk employee decided to take it for a joy ride and wrapped it around a telephone pole. I'd bet my guy ended up owning that detail business after that. :mad: Luckily, the kid wasn't killed and the car was replaced.
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^ +1 Very true... Video games definately dont help the driving experience in a good way (well... correction, Need for Speed series...)

Now, I will admit... I play racing games, they are fun... I definately notice a little less care after I have just raced and then I drive.

But, at the same token, a good racing game (eg. Toca Race Driver 2/v8 Supercars 2 in Australia) can have some benifit to driving. I have noticed that the realism aspect of those games can improve your thought process and the principles you learn in the game can apply to real life situations. So, therefore helping. But... that is only if the game is actually done with realism settings and is truly made for that.

If I pass you on the right, I'm flipping you off.
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