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15 year old w/ the "Top Secret" 520whp car

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^ The NASIOC post about it. It was a private Ebay sale. The kids father even told the seller that his son was 19...the seller didn't know he was 15 untill the post on WRXSTi.com where the kid was bragging about having it before he was even 16.
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The pictures of the two boys don't even look the same. For one, they eyes are completely different, and second, the nose is different.


Anyway...to each their own. If the parents don't care, why should we? Maybe the kid has taken instructor based training...who knows??? If pops has that much money, then why not splurge, u know?


Life moves on.

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I'll take the over. $20?


We gotta find out when he gets his license first. I think it might be bad karma to bet on someone's misfortune though. That's why I never get in those "death pools" or anything. It's a really safe bet this this car will be destroyed eventually. My mom insisted I drive a 1988 Buick Century as my first car (she got a new car & gave me that one). Funny thing is, since it was a free car, I drove that thing for 4 years till some asshole crashed into me in a blazer & wrecked it. I'd have driven it longer if I coulda. Why not? no car payments, just the insurance. Ok, sorry, off topic. Back to our regularly scheduled program.

"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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Spoiled, selfish, immature, naive.


He will crash it, like all my buddies crashed their 5.0 Mustangs when we were teenagers. It's just a matter of time.



But something tells me that he won't give two shits when he does, and he'll be yelling at his idiot parents to buy him a skyline, or some AMG Benz.

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Same thing happend to my dads 70 'cuda. He got hard up for money and had to sell it. The first guy to give him asking price was a guy that was buying it for his 17yo son. He blew the motor within a month then had the nerve to bring it back to my dad to have him fix it. The father bought a 318 out of a duster and had my dad put that in so the car wasnt as fast. 8 months later the kid ran a redlight and totalled it. My dad still gets a tear in his eye anytime you mention it :icon_frow



This is like giving your kid a loaded gun and telling him "go ahead wave it around, point it at you head, its okay". Hopefully I'm around when it gets wrecked so I can stand there and call him a dumba**. Its a matter of time.

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I just hope that when it happens, he only takes himself. We have a big problem just east of here on highway 4 where kids routinely race their ricers and kill other motorists and occassionally themselves. It's too much like drunk drivers, it's always the drunks who end up living and the innocent bystanders that go six feet under.
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yeah... it is unfortunate with the whole drunk driver thing. i mean, if they wanna be stupid and try to drive, then they should only take themselves out. too bad it doesnt work that way....


neway, it is a nice car, since Top Secret does some awesome work, namely their 2JZ powered Supra... too bad some kid who couldnt possibly appreciate it got it. and like yall been sayin, it'll prolly end up wrapped around something or someone in around a month... what a shame.

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