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Everything posted by Smithcraft

  1. Paid it off! Also did a bit of vacuuming since I was cleaning up the Civic to get rid of it. SC
  2. Reset the annual P0600 CEL. I should have noticed it when it was always showing 100 MPG, but I was too busy staring at the ABS light. SC
  3. I've found that when it's in the mid 50s, RainX won't really set up as well as when it's at least 60. Or it could be because I'm near so many bodies of water, plus the Puget Sound, that there could be a humidity issue when it gets cold. SC
  4. Probably gave it the best wash I've ever given it. It still needs help with getting in better shape, but that might have to wait until spring. Also re-RainXed the windshield, sun roof window, and the drivers side window. Third time in a month for the windshield. I wanna get a good layer of RainX on it while it's still warm enough to do it. SC
  5. Oil change, topped off the power steering, cleaned all the yellow bits under the hood (except for the clutch cover), and some vacuuming out of the interior. SC
  6. Congratulations! I'd maybe see about swapping in a later radio that has the AUX input, to get the AUX feature. You'd maybe also need the faceplate/garnish that hides the radio. I think most here would recommend the Centric rotors. There's a very wide range of suggestions for brake pads though. I made a thread asking what people liked. You can find it here I've heard that the prefacelift (05-07) model fog lights are actually useful so maybe a impressive bulb will work better? SC
  7. Yours is certainly blocked, but you'd need that little bit of fuzz to extend up a few inches to beat my CAF!
  8. Not quite today, but in the last week or so: Topped off the power steering Replaced the low beam headlight bulbs (drivers side was out, and I figured I might as well get both of them - Sylvania Xtravisions) Replaced the cabin air filter. I saw a post from someone that had just recently replaced their CAF a bit before all the fires we've been having on the west coast and he pulled it. It was already quite fouled. That got me to thinking that I've never replaced mine in the five years I've had the car. So it might as well be time to do it. I was somewhat expecting to find a dead yellowjacket nest, from the year that it sat, but that would have been pleasant compared to what came out of the CAF compartment. What has been seen, can not be unseen - CAF01 What has been seen, can not be unseen - CAF02 What has been seen, can not be unseen - CAF03 What has been seen, can not be unseen - CAF04 Now the HVAC system blows air out of the vents! SC
  9. About to go out and do the quarterly oil change. First one with Rotella after using Motul for the last year. SC
  10. Last week, while enjoying S# for a few seconds, a vacuum line popped off. I took it down to PIA and they put it back on with a bit of adhesive. And I picked up a pair of Hella Supertones. They had some cars out in front with them and they gave me a quick demo. Definitely loud, and certainly louder than the Sharptones that a coworker put on his STi. They'll be another thing to put on when I pull the bumper for the JDM grill (and maybe Depo headlights). SC
  11. It should be the pump. When they were looking for the issues with my excessive knock (loose knock sensor) the commented about all the fluid residue on the front of the pump. I hoped it was just the fluid that leaked out before I changed the o-ring as I was only able to clean the top of the pump. SC
  12. Did the quarterly oil change. Noticed the power steering reservoir was nearly empty, and I checked the connection on top of the pump and it's dry. Looks like it's time for a new pump. SC
  13. From what I recall, it's a completely different process for the facelift models, as opposed to the simple process for the prefacelift models. I was reading up on Tacoma Subarus reviews on Yelp and Google. I'm not sure I wanna go there now... SC
  14. You might want to consider a first gen Legacy forum like Legacy Central. SC
  15. I'm hoping to get the airbags done this week (living on the edge!) and I've heard that Tacoma Subaru is ok. Any feelings about Tacoma Subaru? SC
  16. As an update, Jaime no longer has anything to do with subarupartsource. SC
  17. Not much, but it was a super nice day, so I really cleaned up the windshield and gave it a fresh coat of RainX. If it's have decent tomorrow, I'll see about giving it another coat of RainX after I get back from PIA. SC
  18. As a follow up to my prior comment, when they were looking things over the last time I was there, they did comment that the AOS was doing it's job, as in there was no oil in the cool side of the TMIC. So, I'd still go with the IAG since it's kept warm by the coolant so it shouldn't clog up. SC
  19. I haven't. I waited for a set of silver ones to come along. I'm still waiting to kill off the Continental tires I have on the stock 18 inch wheels before switching to new tires on the 17 inch SSRs. I didn't say it was. You can find the post by Latent Wagon for a better description. SC
  20. I think I mentioned getting my SSRs powder coated and Latent Wagon said it would be bad for them since they were cast forged, and the baking process would be bad for the metal structure. Perhaps for fully forged wheels it would be ok to do a regular temperature powder coating. SC
  21. Changed out the o-ring for the power steering pump, and cleaned up the pump as well as I could. Looks like it went well with the first o-ring. I set the torque wrench to 29.5 ft-lb but the bolt was making some sounds before the torque wrench clicked so I stopped there. SC
  22. While not exactly for the Legacy, I did put a screen protector on my AccessPort. The screen was scuffed up a bit, and now it's nice and mostly shiny. The top edge is a bit messy, and there's a dust bit in the lower right corner, but it looks much better! Anyone considering such madness should remember to trim about half a millimeter along each edge. SC
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