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Everything posted by Infosecdad

  1. I had a set of GC-010e that I sold last year I do have a set of Enkei Raijin 18x8 as well that I would trade if you like the look of those.
  2. Just think about how good they are for your wheel bearings... I'd offer to trade a set of 18 x 8.5 Rota Gravels that would absolutely fill out your arches, but they have some curb rash and aren't in as good shape as those look.
  3. That's awesome, I would love to do something like that sometime. LOVE those Prodrive wheels, they are one of my favorites.
  4. That's one of the few that I haven't been able to try that I want to. I don't like the oval tips and there seem to be very few of the round tips for the Legacys so I haven't got my hands on a set yet.
  5. Ganador Titan Titanium I've gone through 8-10 different ones, these are the ones on my white wagon for the last couple years. The Genomes and Stromung are also amazing, just in different ways. But, at wde open throttle these sing in a way that I haven't found a comparison for. Big smiles. The Genomes are really close in all other categories, it wasn't an easy decision to let one go.
  6. It doesn't fit perfectly because the center console is tilted slightly toward the driver. For JDM parts, that's to the right, for the US, it's to the left. There is a little wiggle room in the screws I think, but not much. If I remember right, some people may have figured out how to center it with some trimming, but I just learned to live with it.
  7. That would be amazing, but the semester is starting at the same time so I can't go.
  8. Very cool video about their forging process if you were ever curious.
  9. Haven't had time to do much, but installed a USB switch so I can switch between wireless Apple Carplay and Android Auto depending on the phone. Works really smooth and clean. Semester is approaching like a freight train so not sure when I'll get a chance to work on much else...
  10. Chirping sound is optional. To turn the chirp off or back on, unlock all the doors with the unlock button on the remote, then press both the lock and the unlock buttons on the remote for 2 seconds. The system will chirp to indicate the chnage has been successful.
  11. I wish Apologies, work is eating me alive right now and I'm barely a month until the semester starts. I would much rather be driving with you all, but not able to this weekend.
  12. I'm still hoping to figure out a way to make it. It'll depend on the workload that week and all of July looks really heavy.
  13. I actually use all three. I have a turbo blanket under the stock headshield, under an SPT head shield. Been working great for 65k miles so far. As KZJonny said, I don't think the two events are related.
  14. What does the stock stereo look like for your JDM '05 Outback? If it's a dual zone, you need a different double din kit; as Tysparks81 mentioned, that's a single zone kit.
  15. Sometimes you can get an air bubble on the thermostat that prevents it from opening until bled out. There are a number of things that could cause that behavior, sounds like your engine has hopefully moved past it (fingers crossed).
  16. If you want to fix the upside-down pictures, if you rotate them 360 and save them again, it restores the orientation data in the image and the server will render them correctly. GLWS!
  17. I'm planning to attend, depending on when
  18. Thanks for coming back to let us know what the root cause was, not everyone does that. I get this, you trusted the mechanic because they are supposed to know better. Unfortunately, as you found out, many of them are seriously winging it and don't know what they are doing. This is why I've gotten into doing all the work on my car, too many times they couldn't cover the basics.
  19. We are under a sustained spam attack for the last four hours. I've spent the last two hours trying to flag all the accounts and posts, and have mostly been able to clean it up. But, it's still ongoing. The only way to really stop it is to implement a moderator review of all new user accounts which would not be fun. I don't have the ability to delete accounts, just flag them, otherwise, I would.
  20. Was it tuned for the DW740s? The stock injectors are 550 and you would need to adjust the tune to account for that. Also, if it's tuned assuming the 50/50 BOV will dump air, but that air is actually being returned, that may need an adjustment as well.
  21. Good guess... I made it to Lexington, KY last night; crashed hard in the hotel room. Will be departing soon as I finish a business call. @m sprank if I had realized that you were up 81 I may have taken that route instead. I choose a different route that is new to me this time and am going up 64/79, then backroads to cut up to the Penn TurnPike because I do what I can to avoid driving in Maryland. I joined the WhatsApp groups. I'll be in one of the primitive sites for Friday/Saturday nights. Farmer's Daugthers Cafe sounds amazing, I'm there.
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