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Everything posted by Ellesedil

  1. You'll need to find out how accurate that 56 mm bore is. Subarus have a 56.1 mm bore, so there's a chance that those wheels will not fit.
  2. But he's been online recently - within the last two days.
  3. Black 5th gen LGT stock. Andover Rd in Andover around 6pm.
  4. You're the only one I know of to experience issues like this. My biggest complaint is the interface between the controls and whatever music app I happen to be using on my phone. They all behave differently and inconsistently.
  5. Eh, I'd be very cautious running summer rubber in freezing weather. You'll essentially be driving on rubberized rocks. I get dedicated winters because stopping and steering are my chief concern. Winter tires use a different rubber formulation in order to stay softer in low temps. There's an article on edmunds.com that takes a set of unnamed summer, winter, and all season tires, throws them all on a Civic, and tests them in snow, wet, and dry conditions. They do this not to see which performs better, but to see how much better they perform. Read the winter section to get an idea of just how much better winter tires are to summers, or even all seasons for anything you'd ask a car to do.
  6. I'm not really familiar with area (although I knew some who are), but I wouldn't sweat it too much. I live on a fairly steep hill (I'd say 20-30 degree incline) and some dedicated winters on my stock OEM rims (18x7.5) is pretty much unstoppable. In fact, I stopped halfway up the hill before (partly when waiting for a FWD to finally get going and partly because I wanted to cuz AWD), and the Legacy had no issue getting moving again. Ground clearance could be an issue though. As unstoppable the drivetrain might be, if you manage to put your car on top of the snow so the snow is supporting the weight directly with the undercarriage, well... you'll be pretty stuck in any vehicle. Unlikely to happen unless you frequent areas that aren't traveled much or dump the car on top of a snowbank.
  7. I have a toddler who is now becoming interested in watching movies. And by "watching movies", I really mean "watching the same movie over and over." So... I have this stuck in my head. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWbcQyePchA]www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWbcQyePchA[/ame]
  8. Oh no rain! Mass has been slammed by two good-sized, energetic thunderstorms just today, plus another one yesterday.
  9. Spotted a dark blue LGT wagon parked near Dan's Auto in Billerica. Looked stock.
  10. Passed a blueish LGT wagon in Billerica along 129 Wednesday evening going the other way. I wasn't paying close attention until it was nearly passed so no idea if it was stock or not.
  11. I'd be more interested in soccer as a spectator if this kind of thing didn't happen in actual games as often as it does. I went to a New England Revolution game at Foxboro stadium 5+ years ago and the Revs were down a goal or two. For a good chunk of the second half, the opposing team had an injured player seemingly every 5 minutes to kill time (since the clock never stops). I wanted to throw my drink every time it happened, and I didn't even care (nor remember) how much injury time was added.
  12. I like how the Broncos are essentially turning in the Patriots team from 2-3 years ago.
  13. If I recall, I think that was posted somewhere on the failed group buy thread.
  14. Saw a gray 4th gen on route 4 in Rhode Island near the 95 on ramp. I was going the other way away from 95.
  15. Spotted a black 5th gen LGT parked at the town center of Billerica today around 10:45ish. It looked completely stock, including OEM rims and spoiler.
  16. As long as the "ink" for the printer is still clear and I can get the proper smoothness on the front like the Subaru emblem, that's a pretty good idea.
  17. Has anyone created or has info for creating their own car emblem? So far, I'm really only able to find guides on creating lettering/badges (which everyone and their mother on the internet are calling emblems). I'd rather take badges off than put new ones on. I'd like to look into creating a custom emblem for the grille/trunk. Edit: Looking at how the OEM emblems are repainted, it looks like I need a rounded, oval mold with a mold backing that contains the design I want filled with some clear plastic. I guess more research is in order.
  18. The only wheel they have in 18 that I can see comes in 5x100 is this one. And the only two sizes are in 18x8.5 +35 or 18x9.5 +40 so you might be looking at a pull or roll. They don't seem to have 19's and I didn't bother looking at 17's or 20's. I might be missing something, but it doesn't look all that great for us.
  19. I make frequent trips to Jamestown - I'd say at least once a month. If you guys end up doing something on a day/weekend that I'm there, I have no problem paying the exorbitant toll (non-resident) on the Newport bridge and showing up for an hour or two.
  20. I wish. If someone had a way to make that happen, I'd be eternally grateful.
  21. Done. I especially liked the posts that were brief. On a more serious note, I do like most of the things you've done and would have to strongly consider doing them, especially the aux fuse box.
  22. So... GTEASER, I don't understand the plan with your build thread. Are you planning to pre-populate it with each month between the date of purchase and when you sell the car 5/10 years from now?
  23. I'll drive to RI for a cookout. Hell, I already do that all the time since the in-laws live in Jamestown.
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