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Everything posted by f1anatic

  1. Yeah the number of Legacies on the street have increased a lot. But few are turbo. How's the CarPC install working out ?
  2. eventually hibernate fails on you and experience dictates that you need to do a hard boot every 4-5 hibernations. Sometimes using hibernate doe snot bring me back the image, just the sound. And also, i like to clear my cache, unload .dll-s etc
  3. Any of you using nLite-ed Windows XP ? What is your boot time ? Right now I have a 20 sec cold boot time from pressing the button to the end of the windows login time. This is without canceling the welcome screen / autologon and without having implemented the MINLOGON. I would like to know how I am doing relative to others. I do not have boot time into Centrafuse cause I have not installed it yet. But prolly another 10 seconds at least on top of what I have...take 10 away with MINLOGON (or so I hear), miscellaneous screen, touchpad drivers etc - probably I end up with 35 sec or so which should be decent.
  4. It is sad but so true This year we had only ONE (1) organized meet in February. A few of us have met separately on a few other occasions but yeah...generally speaking the LGT crew is at the stage of - making babies - rasing babies - practicing for babies - breaking up - moving together or officially moving together - moving away from Chicago - switching jobs
  5. i am reworking my install by putting everything on a new HD running N-lite Windows XP. Anyone have any suggestions before I nLITE on my own ? What are your boot times with nLite ?
  6. I like SilverFXT's one in that it really is a sleeper. Yours (Kamil) cannot be mistaken for anything but a monster.
  7. Absolutely. I have been thinking as well of a summer drive sometimes after the 4th of July. I will get these folks organized; summers we usually meet regularly. This spring the GT guys were busy making/raising babies, but they sure need a Meet Nazi among them and I served too many times that role to shy away from it.
  8. Hey Kamil, That would be me. My ride pales in comparison to the 2006 Spec B (internal forum joke) but that being said, your car is sick (in a good way of course). You should come to our meets - rare and far in-between as they are. We are a cool bunch of dedicated core members. And yeah, we've spotted each other 3 times in the last week.
  9. The OBD2 function in centrafuse will NOT work without an OBD-2 compliant reader which is an additional 100 dollars. I had purchased one and made it work but the refresh rate was garbage and I returned it. I am not using a tactrix cable. I have been using the accessport cable all along without issues. In many ways the AP cable is a tactrix cable. Yes it will work with RomRaider. That being said, with the Enginuity 047 B you had to navigate a few menus to get it working. I hope the issue can be streamlined in 050B release but I have not embedded it in CF and "played" with it yet. I just installed it on my laptop - I have not connected it to the car, set up ports, things to log etc.
  10. Do you have any screen shots ?
  11. well good news about the new RomRaider is that you can bring up the logger by itself meaning ... as long as it embeds properly, we got ourselves an e-dashboard and the relevant digital gauges
  12. So it is a daughter ? Well good luck with everything happening in your life. Too bad - it prevents me from using CF2RC3 now.
  13. There was a rumor on the mp3 site that the iguidance plugin (the old one as created for IG3) does not work with the new Centrafuse because of the dotnet encoding (2.0 in the new CF). Can anyone confirm ?
  14. So you"re going to be a daddy in several months ?
  15. well i am interested in the data logger/gauges obviously ! Noticed the HKS gauges on a fellow member's car and since i am upgrading the car pc i might as well look into that
  16. There's a anew Enginuity/RomRaider around version 0.5B anyone tried it yet ?
  17. so is Centrafuse RC2 worth the upgrade ?
  18. what you asked is different from what you commented on. Behind the HVAC/radio/CD there is little to no space. Behind the cubby where most of uss put the screen/where the factory nav is located - there is about 7 inches of usable space in depth and "about" enough space for a double din. There is a cross bar (structural resistance) which gets in the way but people have installed things. Look up FWEASEL or PM him. Summary 1) NO space behind the HVAC/radio/CD 2) Plenty of space behind the cubby
  19. the room is next to nothing I would not count for more than 2 cm at the most. It is VERY tight. I presume you've never taken the radio/HVAC out...
  20. I saw fweasel's ride parked on North Ave about mid way between La Salle and Halsted and 3 young ladies summarily dressed getting out of the said car. I can neither confirm nor deny Weasel's presence in that car but one of the young ladies kept screaming "He's got the most awesome fingers".
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