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Everything posted by FJuan

  1. Only for looks. Maybe hear the BPV a little better.
  2. It's so funny that they spend more money on their rims than what the car is worth. Ghetto..........I'll never get it.
  3. http://img.izismile.com/img/img4/20110812/640/top_posts_640_02.jpg
  4. On a 2.5i, no. There is very little to none to gain with this open cover. Just a little more sound and looks.
  5. The light green doesn't match anything in the room, plus your furniture and entertainment center is dark. That's why a light sand or beige would look good there. The green on the stairway looks great, since there's no furniture to off set. New landscaping looks good, and will look better once it matures. But, the lower bricks are throwing me off. It's the color that stands out and doesn't blend with anything else on the house. IMO on the bricks - Black to match your trim or white to match the house.
  6. Yes indeed, looking damn good for a DIYer. The living room came out great, and I would have used a light sand color on the walls to blend better with the wood flooring, but that's just my taste. Any mods to the outside?
  7. Yup, a pain it is. I've done 3 sets myself, and only had to reopen just one to re-align the housing. Hopefully it's just the housing.
  8. That maybe your best bet, to make sure it's aligned in the housing correctly. Also, recheck the bulb and see if it's seated right. If it's off, it will cause your beam to be slightly off too.
  9. Did you recheck the housing and make sure it sealed correctly?
  10. Believed I found my problem. My sprak plugs were glazed, plus the octane booster I previous added did not help either. When I pulled the plugs out, all 4 had reddish to yellowish color deposits all over them. After researching the different colors, this is what I found. Reddish color deposits - "effects from octane boosters", research shows some fuel additives which contain octane boosters will leave conductive deposits on the core nose. Avoid fuel additives that contain octane boosters. Yellowish color - "High Speed Glazing", indicates combustion chambers temps has risen suddenly during hard acceleration. Normal deposits melt to form a conductive coating, causing misfiring at higher speeds. Recommendations - Change spark plugs. After changing the plugs it was night/day difference in power and responsiveness. I'll need to data log another run to determine if the plugs were the main problem here.
  11. I'll recheck all connections again and burn through this tank before next log. Thanks.
  12. It's been several months back since my last log, and I've lost my old hard drive, so I don't have that log.
  13. Thanks for the info. The learning view was taken before I started my runs. Here's a couple that I took after those runs. You'll notice the IAM has dropped quite a bit.
  14. I have checked all hoses for leaks and everything is tight. After I reset and IAM is back to 1, the car goes back to full boost (16psi). It's only after I run a few WOT runs will the boost drop down to (8psi).
  15. Looking for some pointers here. Car is Stage I tuned by Infamous1 over 2 years ago, and now the car is dropping boost by 50% after a WOT run. A few times under WOT (16psi), once it hits 5k RPMs, the car feels like it's surging off/on up to redline. Then after cruising for a few mins, I'll hit the throttle again and this time boost only goes up to 8 psi, a 50% drop in boost. Here is my data log, any help is greatly appreciated! romraiderlog #1.csv romraiderlog #2.csv
  16. http://i50.tinypic.com/5zmdlk.jpg
  17. http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/12/11/128735073572221398.jpg
  18. A dad buys a lie detector robot that slaps people when they lie. He decides to test it at dinner. "Son, where were you today?" The son says "at school dad." Robot slaps the son! "Ok, I watched a DVD at my friends house!" "What DVD?" "Toy story." Robot slaps the son again! "Ok, it was a porno" cries the son. "What! When I was your age I didn't know what porn was" says the dad. Robot slaps the dad! Mom laughs "Ha Ha Ha! He's certainly your son." Robot slaps the mom...
  19. Stupid is, is stupid does.
  20. :lol: I don't know which is funnier, the chick with the sign or the Burger king dude.
  21. I like your version, what was your list of materials?
  22. This one kills me...... http://media.peopleofwalmart.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/2466.jpg Is that a boner in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?….sorry, I’m awful at pickup lines. :lol:
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