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Everything posted by FJuan

  1. I bet you guys will be putting 2 washers on, the 1 washer just doesn't give it the right tone. 2 washers is not that loud, gives it that boxer rumble, and has no drone inside the car.
  2. To get the full effect of the Hogzawst system, you'll need to do both exhaust flanges.
  3. This profile is SUPER LAME.


    Dat is all.

  4. When it comes to exhaust sounds, it's just a matter of sound perference of ones ear, just like car speakers. I still rock the Hogzust after all these years and still love it. For me it's the perfect balance of not too loud, no drone, but yet gives it a sporty sound.
  5. This thread should be sticky, for being the all-in-one thread. Nice job.
  6. John Cena shops at Wal-Mart.
  7. That's what I read, so I poured 50% in the 1st tank and the other in the 2nd tank. Seems to be doing well.
  8. I went with the metal can, since I didn't see the plastic bottle on the shelves.
  9. I have to say, after reading JmP6889928 review of the different cleaners, I gave B-12 a try, and I could tell the difference after only using 1/2 the bottle on a full tank. I have tried several different brands, but B-12 seems to have a noticeable difference.
  10. That means I"ll have to drive normal in order to tell the difference.
  11. After reading your posts on B-12, I decide to give it a try a couple of days ago. I have to say after driving 50 + miles, I did notice the motor is running a lot smoother and my cold start hesitations are gone. Only used half the bottle this time and next fill up I'll put in the remaining amount. Last month I used a bottle of STP and didn't notice any difference, but with B-12 there was a noticable difference. +1 on Berryman B-12
  12. Suck ma fart
  13. Mind your own focking business.
  14. Only if you show me first.
  15. Like my mushrooms, you phaggot!
  16. I see that your part of BAMF group, you don't seem like a BAMF, so GFY.
  17. Oh come on KRB, you know you like the almighty wedgies.
  18. I got what I needed, now get out.
  19. Be right over sweet cheeks
  20. Silky panties
  21. What are you wearing?
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