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Monster Energy... Anyone Else??


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Does anyone else notice that if you drink a Monster too fast you get wicked uncomfortable and jittery? My heartrate has increased, I feel twitchy, I don't feel comfortable at all, and I just want to lay down and sleep it off. I feel wierd and I don't like it. Feels like I just did a bunch of coke actually... Not a good feeling.


Anyone else feel like this sometimes. It's not all the time, only when I drink it too fast or when I get one of the big ones. Otherwise if I drink it slow (Over the course of an hour) I'm fine and rarely ever even feel "Energized".


Man, this $%^& can't be good for you...

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^ B.t.w. the pic failed to show due to inactive account.


A lot of the energy drinks around seems to have bad effects on people, so if you experience problems I suggest that you stay away from them and stick to ordinary coffee or Irish coffee if you like that better.


I have had some bad experience from Red Bull, and I have a friend that has too.


And almost every energy drink around has Taurine added to them. But when I have tried another without Taurine added I haven't experienced any bad effects. So I suspect that the Taurine added to the energy drinks may be a culprit. It can be the Taurine itself (even if it is said to exist in food) or it can be something that's piggybacked onto it, or it may have been altered by the extraction process.

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I drink a red bull almost every morning as well as other brands and it doesnt even give me energy anymore just a a shakey feeling after a couple of hours, but if i dont drink one i dont feel right either. I have noticed the monster coffee drinks arent to bad on the shakes but a nasty coffee breath. Now that i posted this im starting to think i should layoff the stuff. Damn.
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I think energy drinks are going to create a nation of birth-defect zombies 5-10 years from now.:lol:



And to the OP- yes, Red Bull, etc, makes me very nervous / jittery when I have one.


The only time I usually drink them is when they're mixed with a mutil-vitamin, a couple Advils and it's to shake off a hangover quickly before an important business meeting.











So, basically 4-5 times a week.

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Oh I agree. It's all marketing. But kids have been getting messed up on Coca-cola for decades now... this isn't that much different.



Remember "Jolt" from 20 years back? That crap was great!




I was kidding about socking one back each morning. Kidding.

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++ Eat a healthy meal/s and you won't need dumb "energy" drinks.

It's sad that it took 13 replies before someone stated the absolute obvious. :lol:


Seriously, if something is giving you the shakes when you consume it.... probably should switch to something a little more natural. :) Like oj, or some sort of fruit juice. Try that with an egg or two, maybe even some cereal that's not all sugar. You would be surprised what a decent small/quick breakfast can do to start your day. You'll eat less at lunch too and you won't be as hungry.


<---Doesn't drink coffee or energy drinks...... unless it's a bar night! :lol:

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