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Everything posted by Gmoe

  1. Thanks. I'm talking with the advisor tonight. Hate that I even have to do this. I've had this car in a time capsule pretty much for like 7 years since modding it. Like one tank of gas through it a year. At 88k still. Them goofing up my tune or ruining my dash is my nightmare right now.
  2. Searched all over and haven't seen this asked. I'm sure this is a non issue but I'm paranoid. I'm getting this recall finally done this Saturday. Any concerns about them going near or needing to flash the ECU?
  3. As a kid the GNX was my dream car. As an adult I own an LGT. You are my new favorite person.
  4. Have to +1 the "too wide a wheel on too narrow a tire" sentiment. And not because of performance, I think it just looks broken with that look. That war will rage on for eternity though, so who cares. Regardless of my or others opinions, nice looking ride! Looks amazing in profile.
  5. I've thought about using this stuff to cover my whole front end since my paint is toast up there anyway. So basically create a bra of sorts out of it. Maybe put a couple "coats" of it for extra protection. Interested to hear about yours holds up over time up front. Car looks great btw.
  6. Looking good. Can't wait to see the finished project. Actually CAN wait because I know I'll want to have mine done when I see it....and I can't afford to (the wife will shoot me). Who gives a rats ass about the quality of the progress pics for individual parts??? Just use the good cam for the final shots.
  7. Good start. I'm on the fence on doing just that part myself but worried about looking like a Charger RT wannabe. lol
  8. Yep, or already has done it. This is full of coolness. Please post videos of this beast.
  9. Cool, I personally think it will look kick ass. Can't wait to see how it comes out. What about the door frames, etc.? You able to get that stuff in all the colored nooks and crannie that will stick out like a sore thumb when the rest of the car is flat black?
  10. How have I missed this thread!? Great cars all over, but I'm especially liking this car and shot. Nice!
  11. ^ Nice, that's pretty slick. Looks like a video game car selection screen or something.
  12. Really is no con to this unit that I can see. Provides an easy to use, good quality AUX in. OK, I guess installing yourself is a con. But buy a 6 pack and find a friend. Couple hours tops if you have any experience working on stuff.
  13. That's not loving winter, that's loving the snow. Bit of a difference. Spend months buried in snow and cold and say you love winter, THEN I'll believe you. Sorry for the Floridian insult.
  14. You floridians get no sympathy from me! Suck it up, embrace mother winter. Dammit I just want to know the part to replace to make it go away. It's obviously a piece of crap part/bushing or whatever...
  15. Or just crank the radio and drive like a pansy all winter as to not shift any load to the rear end.
  16. ++ Installed mine today. Works perfectly, sounds GREAT, at least CD quality if not better.
  17. Just did mine too. No problems at all following the same process as e-tank. Much better. Before http://lh3.ggpht.com/_y662cR2205s/SlNmxQTK56I/AAAAAAAADx4/0T1hzeP7vJk/s800/DSC05381.JPG After http://lh3.ggpht.com/_y662cR2205s/SlNm_IiX22I/AAAAAAAADyc/O95LcgPgSR4/s800/DSC05394.JPG Lit http://lh6.ggpht.com/_y662cR2205s/SlNnAzRjTaI/AAAAAAAADyk/pzSbm799Ql4/s800/DSC05397.JPG
  18. ^ Pen....unless you feel like painting the whole fender. Though if wax can hide it.....you should be able to buff it out with a polisher. Just through the clearcoat or paint too?
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