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Worst SICK in your car stories...

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So I woke up on two Friday's ago fine. Went through my day, everything was all good. Around lunch time I began to experience minor discomfort in my stomach...didn't think much of it, and continued about my day. Around 8 or so at night one of my friends calls me up to come over and hangout, play a little x-box. Cool. So we are playing and playing and my stomach discomfort starts to become pretty severe, so I decide to head home around 10:30. On the way home while driving I suddenly begin to get extremely light headed, no good. I quickly try to duck into the first parking lot I come to, a busy Townhouse complex. I wasn't quick enough. I proceed to puke all over myself, trying my DAMNEDEST to keep it all in my lap. At this point the car is in neutral coasting and I'm trying not to hit any other cars. I make it to a parking spot and fall out of my car puking a few more times. I never felt like that in mylife, or else I would have obviously not driven. Usually when I feel like im gona be sick, I have some early warnings...feeling hot, and my mouth waters a few minutes before it all comes back..but not this time. I also remember thinking it was an oppurtune time for someone to rob me but atleast the wouldnt wanna steal my car :-p. After a minute or so i pull myself together, strip down to my boxers and try as fast as I can to sop up the mess. The smell is horendous. I start driving home (about 10mins away) with all the windows down finally make it back to the house. Rush inside to grab some fabreez, grease lighting and clean towels to clean out the car fast as I can. The good news is I cleaned it out in time...and my car doest smell. And that ladies and gentlemen of legacygt.com is my worst story of someone being sick in my car..whats yours?
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I had the flu, and went to work anyways, feeling like crap, light head, kept sneezing, coughing etc. Result was on the way to work I kept stalling the car, I couldnt find which gear to shift into,it was like I was learning to drive stick for the first time again. Good thing i didnt puke all over myself though :)
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gross. must've been something you ate? the "stomach flu"?
yea i think it was just some food poisining, it was rough tho.


so this has to be IN a car then?


my only story involves my ATV and my helmet...

haha originally yea, but that sounds like its gona be a good story, I say post it
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Ok slmgringo, here goes then :)


I had JUST bought a brand new 2006 Raptor 700R.

the very first ride out on the Raptor, i got sick...


Started the day with a small headache, but i'm going riding.. so tough it out right? :) we are out riding for 3-4 hours, and we all started Bs'ing and pulling out our snacks. My dad pulls out some beef jerky and hands the unopened bag to me while he grabs his water bottle off his 660 raptor.

Without even thinking i open the bag while everyone is talking, and reach in without looking and grab a peice and toss it in my mouth. as i'm chewing i start thinking... hmm odd flavor. as i swallow a little i hand the bag to another rider with us.... he looks in and instantly starts laughing at me...


Him:"dude, the jerky is moldy"

me: (spits out everything in mouth and grabs my water)


well, i'm feeling like crap the rest of the ride. with a nasty taste in my mouth for the next 4 hours. (We ride in Wallace Idaho, 1000's of miles of trails and are gone for 6-8+ hours each ride)

In Wallace you can legally ride on the public streets as long as you are not speeding or pulling wheelies and such. So we are coming back into town to where we parked right across from a gas station. (there is a huge dirt parking area that truckers use to sleep overnight, we are allowed to use it also as long as we are not rowdy, we know the sheriff)


I'm in the back of the pack cause i wasn't feeling good, didnt want to hold anyone up even though i had the fastest quad among us.


so here i am... 300 yards from the truck, and i get that metallic feeling in my mouth... I try and just keep swallowing any saliva i have in my mouth, and trying to drink all the water i can get from my camelbak.


200 yards... oh crap... it's getting worse. more water, and i start trying to take the strap off my helmet ahead of time.


100 yards, directly behind the gas station, where the rest of the riders can't see me, but EVERYONE in the gas station and hotel restaurant can...

I can't get the strap off, i pull both hands off the ATV and stomp on the brakes to stop the ATV RIGHT NOW!

I was able to pull one glove off.... reach for the strap with my bare hand..... too late. launched directly into my helmet and back on my face and then down on my brand new raptor. down my jersey, all over my pants, and even in my right boot.... :eek: puke got on my exhaust and frame even. it still smells to this day when it gets hot. you want to talk about a nasty smell....


I sit there for a few minutes sloping the puke off the ATV as best i can and hold my helmet in my hand for the last 100 yards... I pull up to the truck, and everyone is like "where ya been?" as soon as i look at them to explain... they all see the puke all over me and my bike. face was a little puffy for a few days lol.


only worse story i have about being sick... was with the other end, and food poisoning in Reno. thats a story that needs not be explained. :p

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Many years ago in another car I owned me and a friend were coming back home from a party. Well along the way he started not feeling too good. I told him if your be sick make sure your roll down the window. A moment later he started to loose it and was trying to get the window down which he eventually did but not before loosing his lunch inside the car and outside. I pull over quick and he finishes outside the car.


He crashes at my place and the next day I had an appointment for an alignment first thing in the morning. The car reeked as we both did not have time to clean it up the night before. I did my best to do a quick clean up before leaving. The poor mechanic had to deal with the smell on the passenger side which by this time was rancid but said nothing. I gave him an extra twenty for his troubles.


Later in cleaning the car out I come to find out the puke was shot down inside the door too. So I had to pull the whole door apart completely to clean it all out. What a friggin mess...

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Noone has ever puked in any of my vehicles. Thank God for that.


Love that Family Guy clip. [ame=http://www.hulu.com/watch/43220/family-guy-puke-contest]Hulu - Family Guy: Puke Contest@@AMEPARAM@@http://www.hulu.com/embed/aSjjHG1uriBTSojiT2dZUQ@@AMEPARAM@@aSjjHG1uriBTSojiT2dZUQ[/ame]

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my friend shanna was in her A4 and started getting sick on the ride home from the bar. She was puking out the door while driving, not stopping. so she gets home OK, wakes up the next morning and she curbed the hell out of her rims on the side of the road.....



she curbed her left side rims on the curb :lol:






my worst story my buddy and I were up somewhere on a frozen lake for st.pattys day. So theres two other kids that get in a fight and my friend and I have our two trucks up there. so 4 people 2 vehicles... anyhow, my buddy tyler is driving his truck and falls asleep at a stop sign with the truck in gear and his foot on the brake. so my other buddy mark drives the rest of the way to my house while i drop the other Ahole kid off who got in a fight with mark...


So Tyler is in no condition to drive his truck home (about 2 miles from my house) so Im going to drive it and mark will give me a ride home after I get there. We are just pulling into tyler's driveway when he starts to puke, all over the dash, then on the floor, i cringe and wait for the smell.... but we had run out of booze and while the other two kids slugged it out we were drinking Bailey's and thats what it smelled like on the return...


anyhow it wasnt my problem we made sure he got into his house and then went home..



icing on the cake, the next morning his dad had to take the truck to the train station and wakes tyler up saying what the hell happened in the truck? and he doesnt remember and says oh man, mark was sitting in the passengers seat he must have done it!

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I haven't ever been sick in my car, but one day I was out working on it in the summer.

Just wearing a T-shirt, and athletic shorts, with no underwear.

SO, everything went fine, and was taking the car for a test drive. It's all good.

Lift one butt-cheeck to eek out of fart...

OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, out of nowhere, I sharted. Just really juicy.

Anyways, thanks goodness for leather treated with Mcquires and handy paper towels - it didn't soak in.


Oh, sorry if the guy that bought my car is reading this...

I'm pleasantly surprised... It was most certainly worth the couple bucks and 10 mins of my time.


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I have a similar story as the original poster...except this was with my last car a 94 nissan maxima


I went on a road trip to montreal with a bunch of friends (about 20+ of us)...go out, do the usual montreal shenanigans which entail drinking under 21 (for those that were) and eating french fries and gravy. i wake up in the morning while everyone is still sleeping (all of us staying in someone's apt we knew) and my stomach feels like crap. rushed to the bathroom and got it out of me, figured the night before was a little rough on me. go back to sleep...wake up later and repeat. still thinking it was from the night before. so we all pack up and get ready to leave and i'm still feeling like absolute crap but I drove so I gotta make the drive home (about 6hrs from montreal to worcester, MA). Basically just sipping on water for awhile. I was feeling alright, and my friends I was with stopped to get some food (mcdonalds). I took one bite of a chicken nugget, but decided just to not eat any more. So we get on the highway in Canada and start driving. i start to feel worse and worse, getting the feeling like i'm gonna lose it. try to pull the car over in time but i dont make it, and proceed to vomit all over my steering wheel/lap/front seat, multiple pulls. luckily my stomach was pretty empty, so it was mostly water and stomach fluid. finally make it to the side of the highway and strip down and change some of my clothes on the side of the road. continue driving and i see a gas station, change the rest of my clothes and clean up in the bathroom (well as clean as i could i guess) and make my car drive-able and proceed. the feeling starts to return, but this time i made it off the road and got out before i blew up.


we must have stopped 10+ times, i cant even count, on the way home. it felt like every other rest stop, and then even more times on the side of the road. it got to a point where it was just my stomach squeezing and there was nothing to come out of it anymore.


of the three people i was driving with, only one could drive, and he did for about 2hrs of the ride. the other two, one didnt have a license at the time and the other didnt have his glasses or contacts.


it ended up being some sort of sickness, as a couple other people who i lived with (house of 18) caught the same thing a few days after i got it...



but i've already had someone yack in my LGT (had it for 4.5months) :mad: ...we went out drinking (but i stayed driveable) and he looked wasted, told him that if he was gonna do it make sure he got it out the window. he did it, but some of it stayed in the car, lot of it outside on the side of the car. made him clean it up when we got back to his house that night for the most part. the next day he washed my car and cleaned it even more...gah so nasty. this was about 2 weeks after i got the interior detailed and the outside waxed/washed. i feel like i need to do it again, as every now and then i catch a small whiff...

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My wife got sick once in her Pathfinder.


We were driving home from a Thai resturaunt where they didn't give us enough water, so my wife was using wine to put out the fire. She ended up having too much wine, so I was driving. A few minutes from home, still on the freeway, she rolls the window down. I though it was for fresh air, but she thought she could puke out the window at 60mph. She did a great job of proving that the air pressure is higher outside the car than inside. Some of the puke streaked out and back down the side of the car, but the majority of it got blown back into the car. I was being hit in the back of the head with little pieces of Thai Garlic Chicken and saw that the rearview mirror was getting splattered. Gross.

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My wife got sick once in her Pathfinder.


We were driving home from a Thai resturaunt where they didn't give us enough water, so my wife was using wine to put out the fire. She ended up having too much wine, so I was driving. A few minutes from home, still on the freeway, she rolls the window down. I though it was for fresh air, but she thought she could puke out the window at 60mph. She did a great job of proving that the air pressure is higher outside the car than inside. Some of the puke streaked out and back down the side of the car, but the majority of it got blown back into the car. I was being hit in the back of the head with little pieces of Thai Garlic Chicken and saw that the rearview mirror was getting splattered. Gross.


the only way you can puke out a window is if you lean out at th waste and get the top of your torso out that window

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Friend had the mud-butt. Hauling 90+ on the interstate to get him to his brother house, it was the closest option at 1am in the morning. I got him there, my interior was safe, but as he exited the car he relaxed the buttcheeks for a second. Thats all that was needed for the dam to break. The apartment complex groundskeeper hated his job the next day is all i gotto say.

"I for one do not doubt you, dude. Your car is fast and an internet legend." -Gire

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