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Getting tinted on Fri...how dark should I go?


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I'm in NY, so pretty much anything is illegal on the front windows. I'd rather get a lighter tint that I can get away with all around if I have to rather than different front/rear. I want to go as dark as I can "get away" with. Interior is tan, so that should help a bit I think. Thoughts? Pics of RBP w/tan interior maybe?
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I have seen a lot of tint cracking down recently. If you want no hassle then 50% is what you need to get. If you want to risk it, then 35%. I already got a ticket for tint not long ago.


Here is my 35%:





Also if you have a black interior, it looks darker.



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if you need to tint he fronts, go with 35% on the back and 50% on the fronts....

a nice smooth transition and the cops might pass it by without a second look.




I have 35% on all the backs with no front tint (as it's illegal up here).

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CT law is 35% for the fronts anything for the backs. Im planning on getting 35 all the way around, I think its a nice but mild tint. If you do good idea to roll the windows down, at least the driver window all the way. Whenever I get pulled over for any reason I turn the car off, take the keys out, put them on the dash and put both hands on the steering wheel. Dont get the registration or license out until asked just do what im told and polite and although ive gotten speeding tickets ive never been hassled or dicked with even when going WAY above the speed limit. Had one time cop told me he could arrest me in wreckless driving but he cut me a break gave me an 85 in a 55 and let me drive away with a 360 dollar ticket, which in contested and got down to a 90 dollar charitable donation
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How much is a ticket for illegal tint in NY anyway? Do people actually get flagged down/chased and pulled over for tint only, or are they ticketing on top of another offense after they have you pulled over?


I'm liking 35%. A friend of mine bought a car with what looks like 35% and hasn't had a problem with it. I guess a lot of it is luck. Which I have not so good of....that's why I'm even considering what to get and not just slapping 35% on there without a question. Darker than 35% seems like it would reduce visibility too much and just put a huge bullseye on me to boot.

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I think the ticket may be around $100 or so. No front plate is about $90.

20% looks pretty slick on just about every car. Or go lighter if you have a black interior.


I had a vw that was 20% with a black interior. Got pulled over a few times but never a tint ticket (knock on wood). As stated, always roll both windows down (even if its snowing). :rolleyes:


Its rare but has happened that ppl get pulled over just for tints. Usually its for something else and they tack that on.

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You'll actually get chased down if a cop see's you with dark tint. I think it depends more on the town or city your in. Seems like the smaller cities crack down more on it. Also I do believe each town or cities tickets cost you a little different. I have gotten 2 tickets. 1 in oneida it was 50 with a 30 dollar surcharge. and the other was in vernon (small town) and it cost me 150 with a 30 dollar surcharge.
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IIRC it is $60 and the will only flag you down if they have in their possession the machine to measure your tint level.


They also get you at predetermined road stops.



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Still very tempted to have a clear UV/IR blocking film installed on the fronts to cut down on heat and that pesky "one arm is more tanned than the other" problem


+1... i have that, its awesome stuff! except that i have the sunroof to worry about now...

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What did you get and where did you get it? Technically it is still illegal but nobody will notice it. How much does it cut down on heat when the sun is shining on the window? I remember my drive to Edmonton last year, had the sun shining on the left side of the car most of the day...


I got vkool (60%? Thats what the installer said, but it really looks clear with a hint of blue), actually some leftover from what my friend brought back from taiwan. I also have huper optik (35%)in the rear and that does wonders as well! Its definately very noticeable... i remember last summer i would roll the window up and down and you can definately feel how much the heat on your skin changes as the window comes up. Its also it takes a noticeably longer time for the car to warm up to ambient temperature when you leave it sitting out in the sun.

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