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Will people stop making comments about the whole 'Spec B vs everyone else' comments?

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I swear to god, some of the ppl on LGT.com are the most immature idiots ever. Frankly i'm sick to death of all the ball busting and trash talk and being made to feel like some pariah by ppl who hate me based on the car i drove. If i wanted to surround myself with this idiocy than i would have remained a wrx owner. I kind of figured that stepping up to an LGT that the company i keep would be slightly more grown up as well, but obviously there are too many ppl on these boards who seem to have not enough important things in their life that they have to define their self worth by what they drive.
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I swear to god, some of the ppl on LGT.com are the most immature idiots ever. Frankly i'm sick to death of all the ball busting and trash talk and being made to feel like some pariah by ppl who hate me based on the car i drove. If i wanted to surround myself with this idiocy than i would have remained a wrx owner. I kind of figured that stepping up to an LGT that the company i keep would be slightly more grown up as well, but obviously there are too many ppl on these boards who seem to have not enough important things in their life that they have to define their self worth by what they drive.



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I consider the Spec.B to be almost identical to the LGT. I mean the only difference is the wheels(who cares), minor seat differences(again who cares), 6 speed, and the suspension(most people will upgrade anyway)...If I put all those in my LGT than does that mean I have a spec.b???


And if spec.b owners insist on being "Superior" I consider them "inferior" due to the fact that they paid a premium over the LGT for components I can get cheaper.

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That is unlikely to happen. There are several Spec B owners who insist on touting the massive superiority of the Spec B over the more pedestrian Legacy GT. What you are complaining about is a response to that.


It only takes a few bad apples to spoil the crop :)


I would never condone such behavior. In my case, I simply point out to the LGT community some of the under appreciated aspects and qualities of the Spec.B and do it with typical Spec.B owner ardor and elan.

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I consider the Spec.B to be almost identical to the LGT. I mean the only difference is the wheels(who cares), minor seat differences(again who cares), 6 speed, and the suspension(most people will upgrade anyway)...If I put all those in my LGT than does that mean I have a spec.b???


And if spec.b owners insist on being "Superior" I consider them "inferior" due to the fact that they paid a premium over the LGT for components I can get cheaper.


Most people won't perform those mods to the LGT because for most people there is no need. Enthusiasts on this site might but not the average owner. BTW, you forgot about the nav/info system and stage 1 power.

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For the record, being a Spec B owner I do not give myself "Superiority" over any other owner. I do not claim the Spec B to be superior to any other legacy model. I purchased the car because I like the way it came out of the gates from Subaru, no more no less. Performance-wise the engine/turbo/IC are the same as other legacies, with the suspension being the difference..oh yeah and that snazzy red leather (06)... I knew this when I bought it, cause these forums provided me those answers, and any well educated person will tell you and differentiate that performance-wise they are the same. I just basically like the car! Personal preference that's all!


It also comes down to this...if a person who does not know how to drive, it doesn't matter what car one purchases...the car can only do so much!


I think we can all agree to disagree, but we can all agree on one thing...the Subaru Legacy GT is a wonderful, sexy car to drive!

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Performance-wise the engine/turbo/IC are the same as other legacies... I knew this when I bought it, cause these forums provided me those answers, and any well educated person will tell you and differentiate that performance-wise they are the same.



stage 1 power.


^^ obviously not well educated... :rolleyes:

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For the record, being a Spec B owner I do not give myself "Superiority" over any other owner. I do not claim the Spec B to be superior to any other legacy model. I purchased the car because I like the way it came out of the gates from Subaru, no more no less. Performance-wise the engine/turbo/IC are the same as other legacies, with the suspension being the difference..oh yeah and that snazzy red leather (06)... I knew this when I bought it, cause these forums provided me those answers, and any well educated person will tell you and differentiate that performance-wise they are the same. I just basically like the car! Personal preference that's all!


It also comes down to this...if a person who does not know how to drive, it doesn't matter what car one purchases...the car can only do so much!


I think we can all agree to disagree, but we can all agree on one thing...the Subaru Legacy GT is a wonderful, sexy car to drive!


Have you seen that dyno results? The published times? The drag slips?


The orthodoxy must be overthrown. :jedi:


And those brick red 06 seats! :wub:



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Didnt really notice. you're going to find this anywhere.


I'm sure on forums with geezers (benz maybe) there will be AMG guys asserting their superiority over the v8 guys, then them over the v6 guys.


it's a fact of life. people who paid a premium would like to feel better about themselves :)


i'm sure more than one of us (me included) has talked down on the 2.5i. same crap.


forget it and move on :)

car for sale. PM me!
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Have you seen that dyno results? The published times? The drag slips?


The orthodoxy must be overthrown. :jedi:


And those brick red 06 seats! :wub:



:lol::lol: Brick red seats!!! I owned my LGT before the spec B even came out. I saw it at the auto show and was like hmm whats this. Looked at the rims and I was like those rims look kinda nice but they are still not wide enough to be performance minded. Then I opened the door and looked at the interior and almost hurled. Then I had to explain to all my friends "no this is a special edition my LGT does not have these ugly ass seats". If you guys think your Spec B's are so nice why don't you look at some pics of my car in the regal blue pic thread or about 99% of the other guys out there that used the load of money they saved by getting a regular LGT. And got some worth while mods with it like stage 2 and better functionable rims and tires. Keep bragging but you guys still paid way to much for a LGT with some useless upgrades.

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i couldn't care less because my car is faster than both, i'm just saying you shouldn't be such a dick to everybody on the forums about it. my friend has a Spec B, he doesn't go running his mouth when I see him like you do. somebody just needs to put you in your place thats all. bring your awesomeness SpecB to the east here and I'll find a stock GT for you to race at the track. you can race your SpecB, then race the GT, and see what the time differences are, then we can go to a dyno and do the exact same thing. sorry if i'm not convinced, but stop talking all this $hit thats all, people would rather hear informative stuff thats what the point of this thread is i'm pretty sure


besides my buddy's stock 93 audi 200 pulls on the specb :lol:

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:lol::lol: Brick red seats!!! I owned my LGT before the spec B even came out. I saw it at the auto show and was like hmm whats this. Looked at the rims and I was like those rims look kinda nice but they are still not wide enough to be performance minded. Then I opened the door and looked at the interior and almost hurled. Then I had to explain to all my friends "no this is a special edition my LGT does not have these ugly ass seats". If you guys think your Spec B's are so nice why don't you look at some pics of my car in the regal blue pic thread or about 99% of the other guys out there that used the load of money they saved by getting a regular LGT. And got some worth while mods with it like stage 2 and better functionable rims and tires. Keep bragging but you guys still paid way to much for a LGT with some useless upgrades.




See what I mean?


That's all very nice for you. More power to you brother.


(BTW, I got a great price on my Spec. :) )

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I am surprised you talk so much smack when there are so many local LGT's that are much sweeter then yours. If you would have showed up to our last meet you would have been the slowest and most plain LGT in the bunch. More power to ya.
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