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My Run In with A Lunatic on the Freeway This Morning...


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I was driving on 60E to go to work this morning, as i enter the freeway, i proceed to change lane in moderate speed (55mph+) from the outside lane to the left.


I saw an opportunity to cut into the 2nd lane (counting from the left) when i saw this pickup truck who is acclerating but still slow and leaves plenty of space and i proceed change into that lane. He saw me and braked to change into the 1st lane (counting from the left, which is the fast lane). As he was passing me, he turned and stared at me, as i was staring at him too, he looked really pissed....


After he barely passed my car, he suddenly cut infront of me (2nd lane) with space that barely fits of compact sedan and i had to brake and change lane to the left to avoid hitting him, and he did as well, followed me and change to my lane blocking my way again..... i could see his grin from his side view mirror...


I reduced my speed, and see him swerving from the 1st lane to the 2nd, stopping me to change lane to get out... (there were too much traffic for me to pull out...)


Then he pulls infront of me, stick his hand outside the window to flip me a finger, i was so pissed and i return him two. He hit the brakes and completely stopped (60 mph - 0) on the 1st lane causing me to flip the emergency light and come to a complete stop, causing the traffic had to change into the emergency lane to avoid us... He opened his door and put one foot on the ground (At this point, i was pissed and scared)


He proceed to point fingers at me, flipping me fingers, and cussing at me... but i had my windows up i couldn't hear anything, only thru his facial expression, i can see that he's really pissed and crazy... then he gave me two fingers and took off and merged onto another freeway...



It was a silver 99-2000 Tacoma Truck, i knew i should've taken down his license plate number and report it in for road rage and threatening... god knows i was just stunned about what happened and a little bit scared for my life...

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Instagram: itshangertime :spin::spin::spin: ○ ○ ○


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Good thing you did not get crashed into...or shot


road rage is teh sucks!1




SERIOUSLY... when he was opening his door, i thought he's going to smash my car or pull out a gun, from his face expression, i was surprised that he didn't, looked like a complete lunatic :(

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Instagram: itshangertime :spin::spin::spin: ○ ○ ○


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glad u are alright mang...u never know what kinda fool be getting out of their car in the middle of traffic...


kinda OT-- anyone know what kinda trouble you can expect from shooting an attacker in public without a carrying concealed weapon license???

In Taiwan now...:spin:
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glad u are alright mang...u never know what kinda fool be getting out of their car in the middle of traffic...


kinda OT-- anyone know what kinda trouble you can expect from shooting an attacker in public without a carrying concealed weapon license???


you'd get in trouble, by law even you have a license, weapons should not be loaded and should only be in the trunk, even for toy guns

○ ○ ○

Instagram: itshangertime :spin::spin::spin: ○ ○ ○


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so what would cops/authorities want you to do when u are attacked??...just refrain from using weapons and stand there and have them attack you, WTF?!!


and ya...you dam tall Hanger...that can be intimidating enough :D


i'm too damn skinny, if i were 200 lbs i would get out of the car with my crow bar :lol:

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Instagram: itshangertime :spin::spin::spin: ○ ○ ○


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Dang mang. Sorry to hear that. But yeah People SUCK! And the GREATEST part about most of them is that even if you had the "right-of-way" it doesn't matter to them. They think you're in the wrong. I always run into these people, and I just have to laugh. It's really unbelieveable how worked up they can get over "driving".


Anyways, glad you're safe. :D

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Guest Gitster

I gave a guy the finger once. Didnt turn out well, I was a dumb teenager. I had an early 90s Maxima at the time, and some DB in a Corrolla was trying to race me. I finally gave in cause he was being a real douche. I smoked him and gave him the finger for driving like an idiot while i was getting off an exit.


He slammed on the brakes and followed me to my final destination at a soccer stadium. Luckily I had 2 friends with me, I was on the phone with a friend we were meeting when I got out of the car. He asked my BIG friend if I was calling the cops and took off.


Im not sure exactly why he followed me if he didnt plan on shooting me. I just have a big problem with a rusty old RICER POS Civic or Corrolla challenging me, I dont need it. I was young and stupid so i proceeded to do what I did. Now I am wiser.


My dad got stabbed in a similar confrontation. Its a good lesson at least, let the lunatics pass you, and dont give them the finger.

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^from what that guy was doing, swerving in and out of the two lanes to cut me off, while grinning in his car, i should've known not to mess with someone like that


What happened today is a good lesson for me



Yup, you just got to live and learn bro that's all. Next time you'll react differently I'm sure. :)

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don't beat yourself up over not doing anything. Although I'm an east coaster, I had the same thing happen to me out there last year. I was in Long beach getting on the 710 from one of the main streets there (the one the Westin is on) . There are two lanes that turn right to get on the 710, and then they go down to 1 lane. Some A-hole came up the right lane and cut me off as it had already come down to 1 lane. I flipped the guy off and he locked up his brakes. I swerved on to the shoulder to keep from hitting him and the guy got out of his car. I left and spent the next two days wishing I had stopped. It wouldn't have led to anything good. You were smart for not getting out.
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