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NH/Mass. area - Hello flooding!


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Damn....wish y'all the best over there. :( Keep safe.

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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Well, I'm back home. I was able to make it to my office, but needed to drop off the kids at the day care/sitter lady (we have a great arrangement with a retired lady - she's more like a grandmother) first. I knew my regular road to her house was flooded so I wnet a different route. That road was flooded, but still passable. Watched a Saab 95 go through before me. I decided to try it. 1/2 way through, an incredible amount of steam came billowing from the front of my car - worse than if the radiator blew. Suddenly it hit me - my headers were under water. I said a quick prayer that they would not crack (all seems fine). I got to her house and said the boys were going home with me as I didn't think she wanted to babysit for the next 2 days straight because it's only gonna be worse in the afternoon when I pick them up. Went back through the flooded road and again billowing steam. I saw the Public Works Director on the other side with a cop. Bet that road's closing too.


It sucks around here right now. If your house is near a river, pond, swamp or anything that collects water, it's under water. I was going to go out later and take pics, but I'm not sure I WANT to remember this storm.

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Where is she? Taylor, Drakes, Hampton or Old River? I live less than 1/4 mile from Exeter River and about 1/2 mile from Little River. Both are flooded and I'm sandwiched between them.

Bummer on Exeter it is always painful during storms including loss of town water on one occasion and bad access during these things. I used to live downtown basically behind the Fire/Police station on South Street and my yard, all 0.13 acres, was the neighborhood low spot.

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that better be some massive amounts of global warming going on to burn off that much water... I have a feeling it's going to be humid and sticky on Saturday then with all that possible fog in the morning to burn off too. :p
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Man does this weather suck!


I work on Epping Road in Exeter, NH and got called in Sunday night. There was water running across the main road, which inturn completely submerged the parking lot surrounding the building. By the time I got there, the water was up over the sidewalk, and just about touching the front doors.


Had to move everything up off the floor, and disconnect anything electrical. The plan was to wait and see how high the water would go.


Then it took me 2 hours to get home because a river flooded I-95 South outside the Hampton Tolls. One lane open, and driving 5mph through the flowing water. I'm glad I left the GT at home and took the wife's Outback.


Fortunate for us, the water had pretty much subsided by the morning, and never got into the building. The funeral home across the street from us is under about 4 feet of water.

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Ended up taking some random pics of flooded roads, buildings and the river downtown Exeter. Although all the bridges in our town are holding for now, there is dam a couple towns up river (Fremont) that is in danger of breaching. My friend is the Highway Superintendent and he said if that happens, we could loose all the bridges you see in these pics. One of the bridges is 350 years old. :( Another is only 3 years old and just cost $1.5m to rebuild. :icon_mad:






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