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Billy Dagwood

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naw. i was just curious how much a paint job would be. if you tempt me though, i might go lime-green. HAHA :lol:


Go "Tree-Frog Green"... like the Porsche GT3!! :lol: :lol:



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Okay, so I've got a stock downpipe that I just finished gutting the cat out of, and a Tru-Cool transmission cooler that I'm looking to install. Only thing is I've never done either of these jobs, and wouldn't mind a hand in putting them on.


I have access to a full garage, complete with lift, compressor, air tools, torches, the whole 9 yards. If there's anyone local that's willing to gimme a hand with these, it would be muchly appreciated, as I'm already gonna have to shell out the dough for a tune and figured I'd save anywhere I can.


In return, I could offer beer and food, maybe a little cash for the helping hand, or access to said garage in the future with me as a helping hand for something you've got going.


LMK if anyone's interested, date would be pending the tuning session. Thanks in advance. :D


Oh yeah, I'm in Fitchburg for all intensive purposes... zip 01420. ;)

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haha, well there's only 1 bay, room for one more car in the garage if my father gets his vette' and harley out of there. the driveway is gravel, so not the greatest for jacks and jackstands. But I'm open to suggestions...


of course I'd have to run this all by my father... but he's a pretty kewl dude so he might not mind. :)

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Okay, so I've got a stock downpipe that I just finished gutting the cat out of, and a Tru-Cool transmission cooler that I'm looking to install. Only thing is I've never done either of these jobs, and wouldn't mind a hand in putting them on.


I have access to a full garage, complete with lift, compressor, air tools, torches, the whole 9 yards. If there's anyone local that's willing to gimme a hand with these, it would be muchly appreciated, as I'm already gonna have to shell out the dough for a tune and figured I'd save anywhere I can.


In return, I could offer beer and food, maybe a little cash for the helping hand, or access to said garage in the future with me as a helping hand for something you've got going.


LMK if anyone's interested, date would be pending the tuning session. Thanks in advance. :D


Oh yeah, I'm in Fitchburg for all intensive purposes... zip 01420. ;)



Wanna give me your stock cat and gut it so I can put it onto my car and we can all go stg 2 :) I'll give you my own stock one in return.. hehe

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I'm open to having people down to my father's house, only issue is time and space depending on what people wanna do to their cars. I don't wanna promise we'll get all this stuff done for everyone, and then find out we didn't have the time/space to do it all. Like I said there's one lift, and room for one other car in the garage, and the driveway's probably no good for anything requiring the cars be jacked up. That being said, people could do taillight tints, BOV installs, or something like that in the driveway where they don't need solid ground under them.


From what I'm being told, the DP and tranny cooler is about a 3-4hr job (correct me if i'm wrong), so that's gonna eat up a fair amount of time on the lift if thats correct. I've also got a front sway to go on, but I'm more concerned about the engine/tranny stuff first.


Anyone here swapped a downpipe or installed a tranny cooler themselves?



Rice_Rocket - if we get your car up on the lift and get the DP off, it really only took me 5-10 minutes to gut the cat out of it. I dunno why people make it out to be such a hard/messy job, I found it to be very, very quick, easy, and not too messy at all. If you wanted to, I don't see why we couldn't rip it out and have it back on catless for the ride home.


If people are really interested, which it seems like they are, I'll run it by my father and see if I can get the garage for a day. From the sound of it, we'd probably have to start pretty early in the AM, and I'm warning you guys up front that it's not close to anything... he lives in the boon docks! :lol:


To give you an idea, actual zip code is 01469... do a mapquest and see how far it is for you. That being said, why don't people start posting if they'd be down or not, and then listing the stuff they'd wanna get done, so I can get a better gauge of what we're getting into.


Of course, even if you've got nothing to install, and just wanna come meet, have some burgers and dogs on the grill, and hang out or lend a hand, that certainly would work as well.

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LOL that IS in the boondocks. damn. that would be an awesome drive though in the fall or now, since its like 80 outside.


depends on when you schedule it. next 30 days is probably un-doable for me. but i'm down any time after that.


i got my tranny cooler installed by paul (GTTuner) but i saw what he did and could help. lol. plus you just look at mine and copy that? it's not that hard really.


the DP install also looked ok. not like the UP which seemed to a total PITA.


never saw how my sways got on, since i got them done at fastrack.


i don't need any install done. maybe i'll just fiddle with my LEDs. :)

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