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Gas Prices rising. It's spring. We know. AKA Where have you been the last 20 years?

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I'd like to know what these folks with 2.5's are doing to get over 30 mpg.


I drove two 1997 OBW's 212,000 miles, and the best tank I ever recorded was 28.04mpg. And that was going 55-65 on the highway.


The H6 is getting a little less than the 2.5 so far, as it breaks in it looks like I'll get about the same, 23.5-25.5 driving 75-80 in commuting traffic.

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The way I'm looking at it, is that I work for an oil company.. I'm just putting my earnings back into the industry.




It'd be even better if they gave us a gas discount.

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thanks to the bush adminstration, oil companies feel like they can get away with alot, and they are. I think we need government regulation as to how much oil companies can charge ...


if you dont thing soo, just remeber this, it only cost 4 dollars to pump it out of the ground and ship a barrel of oil over the ocean, it cost 64 dollars a barrel ... yea enough said ...

I love my car ... basically.
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thanks to the bush adminstration, oil companies feel like they can get away with alot, and they are. I think we need government regulation as to how much oil companies can charge ...


if you dont thing soo, just remeber this, it only cost 4 dollars to pump it out of the ground and ship a barrel of oil over the ocean, it cost 64 dollars a barrel ... yea enough said ...


I suppose the President of the United States also dictates the cost of oil to all of the other countries of the world too? Oil is high almost anywhere, regardless of the company pumping it. Demand is very high worldwide, not just in the US. Maybe all of you have been living in a cave, but there is this really big country called China, and they are starting to use lots of oil too. Hmmm.... more worldwide demand = higher price of crude. Amazing.

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thanks to the bush adminstration, oil companies feel like they can get away with alot, and they are. I think we need government regulation as to how much oil companies can charge ...


if you dont thing soo, just remeber this, it only cost 4 dollars to pump it out of the ground and ship a barrel of oil over the ocean, it cost 64 dollars a barrel ... yea enough said ...


If OPEC is charging Shell Oil $64.00 for a barrel, how is the US government going to affect a change?


Roughtly 45% of the cost of a gallon of gasoline is tied up in the price of crude. A little more than 30% is tied up in taxes. Darn near 75% of the price of a gallon of gasoline is predetermined before the refiners even touch it. What do you want? A gas voucher?


The gas stations tack on a few cents so they can turn a profit, and the refiners still have to get theirs. There is no more blood to be squeezed from rock.

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The gas prices are high BUT one of the things that is peaking the price right now, I heard, is Ethanol. Eastcoasters and Westcoasters know what this is. Its added to the gasoline around here year round. Aparently This year the rest of the country is adopting the standard! So the stock market is hedging its bets that there won't be enough ethanol to go around by the summer, this is driving up the price. Majority of forcasters are guessing that the price will hit $4 premium by the memorial day. If Ethanol meets the demand we'll probably go back to the prices we were seeing this winter.

All I can say is I am so glad my wagon takes regular and does a few ticks over 25mpg with the city/highway driving I do :)

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haha .. you know who makes more money on a gallon of gas than the gas retailer? The credit card company you buy your gas with!


Markup on a gallon of gas is, on average, $.14 regardless of how expensive gas is. However, gas stations w/ the pay at the pump option (almost all stations these days) are charged around 3% of the total transaction amount for credit card purchases due to the higher risk of fraudulent purchases at the pump. So on a gallon of gas, the retailer marks it up 14 cents, the credit card company takes 9 cents, and the retailer is left with 5 cents per gallon gross. The higher gas prices go, the less the retailers make.


How's that for screwy?!

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I suppose the President of the United States also dictates the cost of oil to all of the other countries of the world too?
Not just that, but anything in my life that is bad, Bush is directly responsible for :lol:


Man I agree with you Penguin, nobody can see the big picture any more, and will blame whoever fits their idea of the world best.


Why try to find the real problem, when you can blame someone you don't like :D



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Why try to find the real problem, when you can blame someone you don't like :D




Personally, I don't understand why I'm suprised when people jump to conclusions and cling to the wrong solution to suite a personal agenda.


Audi was damn near sunk by the same attitude.


It's a terrible shame more people don't try to sniff out the whole story. :(

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Not just that, but anything in my life that is bad, Bush is directly responsible for :lol:


Man I agree with you Penguin, nobody can see the big picture any more, and will blame whoever fits their idea of the world best.


Why try to find the real problem, when you can blame someone you don't like :D





I don't always see the big picture, but I am vaguely aware that there are like 4 billion other people on this rock we live on, and some of them like to use oil too. Gosh, if a whole bunch of them want to use oil, and only a few groups of all those people have the oil; who do the ones that have it give it to? Oh yeah, the ones that are most willing to pay for it; and for those that do not know we in the US are the ones that are most willing to pay for it. We may bitch and cry a f***ing river, but we keep buying gas and buying other products made with oil.


With that said I'm all for reducing our dependence on oil as much as we can. I want to see turbodiesel cars that get 35-40mpg that perform like a good car should. I want to see more hybrids for those that don't care about performance. I would like to see more nuclear energy used in this country. If we used more nuclear energy we could make all the friggin ethanol/methanol and bio diesel we wanted, even though it consumes more energy to make right now than the end product has for energy potentail.


I would like to see reduced dependence on fossil fuels not because I am a tree hugging enviro-weenie, but because I really do not like Arabs very much. If we take away their ability to make money and withhold a vital resource, we take away their power and influence. If we do that then we can ignore their dumb asses, just like we do all the shit-pot countries in Africa that spend all their time killing each other and mis-behaving. It would also give us the ability to really wield huge leverage in that part of the world, because they have nothing we want or need. Now how liberating would that be? Hell I hate taxes, and I'm prety conservative, but if we can get that accomplished I'll vote for a tax increase.


Crap, I wish I was older, I could run for office right now on that plan, and win every national election I run for.

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I'd like to know what these folks with 2.5's are doing to get over 30 mpg.


I drove two 1997 OBW's 212,000 miles, and the best tank I ever recorded was 28.04mpg. And that was going 55-65 on the highway.


Well driving a stick makes a difference. My auto only got 29. However I just drive normally and occasionally I do floor it when merging but I can still average 32. Nothing special done to achieve it.

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Still not gonna happen! I need a new job and to move before I do ANY more mods to the car.


I think.


Maybe tires and/or a Swaybar ... but that's IT! ;)

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Still not gonna happen! I need a new job and to move before I do ANY more mods to the car.


I think.


Maybe tires and/or a Swaybar ... but that's IT! ;)


Boy that sounds really familiar........Like me about 6 months ago.....:lol:

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Boy that sounds really familiar........Like me about 6 months ago.....:lol:

The first line is the most important ;)


Job first. I'm very seriously trying to move to Denver.


I love it out there, and I need a change bad. I absolutely love Minneapolis, but for a lot of reasons, I'm just not happy here right now. I might be able to fix that by making some changes here, but it's a great chance to take care of some other desires in life right now too. So the goal is to have a job lined up in Denvery by June 1.


Sadly, it's not going really well. Hard to search for jobs in another state.

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Two points. Hell yes, this is a RANT.



Mandated taxes on fuel, federal and state make oil company profits look like pocket change. when prices go up, tax revenue goes up. Unless sales volume goes down (fuel is relatively inelastic, as people NEED to be mobile.) If less fuel is sold, tax revenue goes with it... The government wants higher prices with sustained volume, even if it plays the conservation tune.

Actually, Dr Laffer's economic curve would suggest that if cost and price could be lowered, (price at the pump) people would be able buy slightly more fuel, and if the price could find it's equilibrium, where the customers get a price they can afford, the margins for the oil company could be more comfortable, and tax revenues go up too. Supply isn't the problem, new oil reserves are being discovered all the time in russia, north america, and even very recently another one in the gulf of mexico (mexican jurisdiction... where we buy most of our oil, anyway.)

When the government mucks with free enterprise, costs and prices go up.


And Government.

For all the economic independence and national security, environmental concern, and everything else...

The GOVERNMENT (read: people who serve themselves and the highest bidder who are supposed to be doing OUR bidding...) is the organization that hampers the oil industry by telling it that it CAN'T explore energy independent options, like say DRILLING IN NORTH AMERICA! and they refuse to allow licensing and approval for new refining capacity, or alternative electrical generation like nuclear power. FOR NEARLY THIRTY YEARS.


So, it is damned hypocritical when the government demands that oil companys come before congress to be berated, and talk about over-charging, or gouging, and "windfall taxes" on their record profits, when the same congressmen prevent re-investment that would lower costs and prices. The ABSOLUTE WRONG thing, again. Thank you Bureaucrats.


Then the forces of supply and demand (low supply and high demand at season changes, and natural disasters) DRIVE THE PRICES UP... but yet the brokers are unable to re-invest their newfound profits (which would then be re-investment, not profit...) by developing other local sources, which would break OPEC's stranglehold, and cut transportation costs, among other things.


I am not saying that this trend of yearly spikes is a great thing. it sucks. It hits the people in the pocketbook by raising a necessity cost far beyond the rate of inflation, and it is going to have some long term effects. It does suck. but other aspects are worse.


But I am sick of the same old belly-aching about a president (who has other things that he is responsible for than the price of oil, and has very little to absolutely no control over anyway... otherwise oil would be cheaper than ever...) and oil companys that while may not be perfect, are simply capitalists being capitalists. (perhaps you'd prefer soviet, chinese, or cuban bread lines?)


I am far more concerned with the congress. A body that consistently does either absolutely nothing but congratulate themselves on doing nothing but making it look like something; or actually does absolutely the wrong thing, thinking they are being ultra-benevolent.


So thank your representatives for screwing you from behind, and to your face. Not to mention just about any other subject they touch. Representative government (and capitalist economics) is flawed but the best that the human race has come up with so far. I am just constantly bombarded with the facts that it getting less and less "representative" of the "people" anymore.


Regardless of your politics, right or left... when was the last time that your side of the aisle politicians actually delivered something of substance to your interest? Or did they do nothing but their regular schtick, and try and tell you how big of an ally they are to you for having done all that nothing?

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The first line is the most important ;)


Job first. I'm very seriously trying to move to Denver.


I love it out there, and I need a change bad. I absolutely love Minneapolis, but for a lot of reasons, I'm just not happy here right now. I might be able to fix that by making some changes here, but it's a great chance to take care of some other desires in life right now too. So the goal is to have a job lined up in Denvery by June 1.


Sadly, it's not going really well. Hard to search for jobs in another state.


Yea, I know you are in a transitional mode right now and I'm just giving you a hard time about mods. Tough situation, you know you want to mod but, for other reasons, can't right now. It will work out, it always does. :cool:


Least you are driving your car everyday. I'm on a 2 week trip and am really missing my dose of boost! Just 3 more days...

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