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COVID-19 - who's got some?


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My girlfriend works in healthcare administration at Johns Hopkins, and just heard from a former coworker, who is now an administrator at a major health system in Atlanta, that they've already started vaccinating non-frontline employees. Her first thought was they were being greedy and administratively bumping themselves to the front of the line.


They are not mandating employees get the vaccine, and turns out that 47% of their frontline workers have opted out, which is why they've already started with non-frontline.


Note, "frontline" includes things like janitors, facility maintenance, food service, basically anybody that is physically working in the hospitals.


So, yeah, not gonna get herd immunity anytime soon at that vaccination rate.

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I read an article yesterday (i'll try to find it) where there were vaccine doses that were being given out to low priority people due to their imminent expiration.


Soon enough they will be begging the general public to get vaccinated just as they begged for people to get tested at one point.


I can understand people's hesitancy in signing up for any rushed vaccine.


In other news my 94 yr old grandmother has tested positive. Wonder if there's any correlation to the ill advised Christmas gathering they had.....?

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no quote, no link, no stats, no video. Fake news :)






I'll even quote the article and bold the important part.


Problems on Sunday caused at least five hospitals in L.A. County to declare an internal disaster, which closed the facilities to all ambulance traffic — not just certain types of ambulance patients, as is more typical.


I recommend reading the entire article, I'm not going to copy the entire text.

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Sorry to hear about grandmom. That event sounds like very likely causation.


Ty. That is probably more accurate.


Turns out Dad is now positive as well and has been admitted to the hospital. :spin:


Probably not the best time for an "i told you so"...

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My father in law lost one of his good car show buddies over the weekend due to Covid. He went to Thanksgiving dinner with his family and tested positive the week after, and now he is gone. I've maybe heard the man cry once, well until last Saturday, he is a Army Vet that served in Vietnam. He is just destroyed over losing his friend. We haven't seen my wife's parents in a year because they are playing it safe, as they should at their age.


I know people want to see family, we all do, I get it... but I could not live with myself being asymptomatic and accidentally infecting a family member that ended up dying because of it. And that is why we stayed home for Christmas, as much as that sucked.

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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That was my logic for skipping Thanksgiving and Christmas.


I can see my grandma and dad having the attitude that "this could very well be my last holiday season anyway" and hitting the screw it button.


The temptation is certainly there. It's not easy looking into the eyes of your kids and tell them they can't see their cousins on Christmas. But alternatively, they play games like Among Us together and get to hang out that way. My wife plays cell phone games with her sisters and family too, she connects that way. For the time being, its working.

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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If I was in their shoes I cannot say I wouldn't do the same thing. Thinking you may not have long to live anyway has to do weird things to your decision making process.


You and I have the future to worry about (and kids future in your case)

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I am not a front line person but when I went to the VA clinic for a procedure there was a sign " Vaccine [emoji3594]" They took anyone as long as they had the enough serum in each container. I simply answered a few questions about my health then rolled up my sleeve, received first dose. I had to be monitored for 1/2 hour since I am in high risk for reactions and was scheduled for a follow-up shot in three weeks. The only difficulty was a mild headache on day two. I guess, the first to be administered are really test subjects since we received a long list of daily monitoring check list about reactions/ symptoms/ discomfort etc. until the follow-up and emergency 800 number if needed. I am pleased to be at the right place at the right time since of my health issues including my age etc. Edited by Yoda_One
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99.9% gets well without any vaccine.

That simply is not true!


Reality check: 0.1% of the entire U.S. population has already died of COVID-19. (Current U.S. population = ~331 million. U.S. deaths from COVID-19 = ~330,000. Very rough estimate of the percentage of the total U.S. population confirmed infected by COVID-19 to date = ~10%. Do the math!)

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)


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That simply is not true!


Reality check: 0.1% of the entire U.S. population has already died of COVID-19. (Current U.S. population = ~331 million. U.S. deaths from COVID-19 = ~330,000. Very rough estimate of the percentage of the total U.S. population confirmed infected by COVID-19 to date = ~10%. Do the math!)




99.9% gets well without any vaccine.


needs a cure not a vaccine


Ya know, tinfoil hat might actually have a valid point this time.


So far, defining "get well" as not dying; 99.9% of the US population has not died from covid-19 even though they didn't take the vaccine. not-not is true.


color me surprised

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That simply is not true!


Reality check: 0.1% of the entire U.S. population has already died of COVID-19. (Current U.S. population = ~331 million. U.S. deaths from COVID-19 = ~330,000. Very rough estimate of the percentage of the total U.S. population confirmed infected by COVID-19 to date = ~10%. Do the math!)

To be fair, analyzing the death data is absolutely not that simple - 330k folks have died with COVID19 in the US, but a large portion of them had pre-existing conditions, and many "additional illnesses" (influenza, etc.) could have also done the job. The hard part with COVID19 is the ease with which it spreads, and the impact it has on folks with pre-existing conditions. The stats are presented as if someone dies with COVID19, then it was absolutely COVID19, and COVID19 only, that killed them. The "survival rate" for younger, healthy folks with no pre-existing conditions is very high.



The reason we need to get folks vaccinated is to stop the spread - to protect those that can't handle getting COVID19 from getting it - not to protect healthy folks whom will get sick, but likely come out of the experience unscathed (though widespread vaccination will definitely accomplish that, as well).

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And most importantly to protect the health care workers to keep them healthy and not be able to get infections that they could spread asymptomatically. Just because you're healthy does not mean you won't have a bad outcome w/CoV-2, there's plenty of evidence that can an does happen throughout the past year.
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I get her point, but people getting tested before going to parties are obviously doing it as a courtesy for others and not themselves. The analogy is more like getting tested for STD's before having sex with someone. Social media loves hot takes more than reality.

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