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COVID-19 - who's got some?


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All supports the supposition that ignorance rules the country just behind loyalty to the almighty tangerine man. If he was uncolored (lol) would he have the same adherents? Rhetorical question, of course....
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What’s dumb then and now is hoarding TP for a respiratory infection. Lay people still refer to GI infectious issues as da flu....when influenza is a respiratory infection. But, you can always blow your nose in TP, haven’t done the math on cheaper than hankys/snot rags...


Blow your nose into something?


If we actually get short on tissue paper or ass wipe, I’m holding one nostril shut and blasting snot out onto the ground. I hope the snot rockets are so epic hot chicks look at me disapprovingly. I give zero shits.

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Brother-in-law just tested positive after having sniffles for 10 days. He's been anti-mask since day one and convinced most of family to be as well.


This is the second scare in as many months. We'll be settling the mask vs not debate pretty quickly as most of the family got together for ancestors memorial day two weeks ago. 3 of 25 ppl wore masks. The another 15 or so stayed home.

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My in-laws seem to be on the mend. They're both close to 70 years old. Just had a shitty cold/flu like experience. Father in law was a bit winded doing normal stuff, but says he's doing better. No hospitalization thus far.
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I'm on Day 43.

Still have many symptoms.

No taste/smell (sad turkey day), weakness on my right side, migraines, heavy fatigue, brain fog (can't focus, sporadic short term memory loss, etc).

Apple watch recorded an AFib event yesterday after pushing it too much (I was helping build a sand castle, slowly).


Do what you can to not get it or spread it.

I'm at the point where I'm hoping/praying that I can get back to teaching at the end of Jan, but not convinced it'll happen.

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... new independent studies showing that masks don't do shit. Look at the one out of [Denmark]...



Q: Did a recent study in Denmark show that face masks are useless for COVID-19?

A: No. The study found that face masks did not have a large protective effect for wearers — not that masks provide no protection at all or don’t offer benefits to others.



See: https://www.factcheck.org/2020/11/danish-study-doesnt-prove-masks-dont-work-against-the-coronavirus/

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)


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You see folks posting that masks don't do anything like that all over the place - folks can't seem to wrap their mind around the fact that the masks are to protect other folks from the person wearing it, as the image posted by cww516 a few posts up very clearly demonstrates. Their opinion seems to be "if wearing a mask doesn't protect me, why should I do it" - they can't get it through their thick little skulls that if everyone wears a mask, the risk of transmission goes down...
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For the sake of argument what if I see others getting infected as not that big of a deal?


People transmit diseases to one another all the time, and the survival rate of COVID is now very very high even among old people, certainly among those of us who are working age. We don’t wet the bed and cower in fear about the flu or common colds, yet the flu is more deadly to younger people like small children than COVID. CDC stats show that COVID is by far more deadly for people 65+ particularly septuagenarians and octogenarians. Well hate to break it to everyone but old folks die at an alarmingly high rate of all sorts of things every year, COVID isn’t even the leading cause of death among the 65+ crowd.

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This again? Then I think you're a narcissist, or worse, esp. if you use that belief to justify not taking simple pandemic public health preventive measures.




Stay safe and healthy. Same to any elderly family members you may have.

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You didn’t answer the question, or maybe I did phrase it correctly.


Again this is for the sake of discussion, not a position I am advocating or practicing (I do wear masks indoors around strangers).


So rephrased, hypothetically speaking what if I’m devoid of compassion for high risk groups like morbidly obese people, smokers, diabetics who got that way due to diet, or others with self inflicted medical conditions that put them at high risk? Removing any moral duty arguments, which are perfectly valid outside of the narrow scope of this situation, what is the best reason that the aforementioned groups of high risk individuals who are not elderly should see all of us modifying our behavior to protect their health?


For example is there an economic case for doing so, and to what length should we go to? If masking isn’t enough to keep infection rates low and otherwise healthy working age adults get COVID and recover as they’re 99.9% likely to, but fat chain smoking diabetics keep dying because they’re unhealthy does that constitute a reason to go back to lock downs?


I would pose the same question for very elderly people, they die all the time of a wide variety of causes. What is the economic case, outside funneling huge amounts of money into the nursing home industry, of modifying behavior to keep this high risk demographic safe from COVID? Factoring in that they will die of some other causes in the near future because they’re very old. If masking doesn’t work, do we lock down everyone else so an 85 year old doesn’t die of COVID next month but instead dies of some other cause in three months for example?

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We walk the dogs daily through our little slice of public righteousness. We mask because we can. We have noted most of the neighbors dont. For the most part, we cross the street and otherwise social distance. In some cases, the dogs don't want to leave "their" sidewalk so we let others find their own way. The ones wanting to contest the sidewalk never wear a mask.


I'm allergic to the dogs (long story), so putting out an ugly death rattle cough is easy. I wait until there's no room to escape and deliver my best effort. My favorite was the teenager that turned too quickly into mailboxes and staggered off clutching his ribs. Watching ppl social distance afterwards always puts a smile on my face.


I get tested regularly so not sick. I wear a mask so others know I might be concerned about it. Personally I think ppl are idiots.


On a positive note, driveby shootings are up since the county voted to defund the sheriff's department. In another year or so, the death rate from lead poisoning should be higher than covid.

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We live across the street from the biggest part in our small town. Having an active 3 year old son and two big dogs we are over there a lot.


Very rarely do I see anyone wearing a mask, and this bothers me not at all. There’s lots of room and no one usually comes with 10-15 feet of one another (immediate family excluded). We have masks on us just in case we need them, but have yet to need them.


No one walks their dogs close to us, in fact unfortunately when they see us coming they usually pick up their small dogs if that’s what they have and head in the opposite direction. They see a German Shepherd and a big male Rottweiler and decide to go elsewhere. Their loss, my dogs are very well adjusted and love people, plus they get along fine with strange dogs that behave. Occasionally they will not turn around and we will clear the sidewalk well away from leash range and have our two fur balls sit or down until the other dogs pass.

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You're so much kinder than me. I reach down and grip the snap ring on the leash offering to unhook mine to make it all fair. Recently stray huskies view all small dogs as food. Yappy ones are especially interesting.


I still don't get ppl willing to "play chicken" with dogs who aren't particularly well mannered. Seems like you're asking for it. The public right-of-way is 60', so its not like you don't have 58 other feet to trod on.


The mask thing is what it is. Wear it or not. Don't wear it and come near me, I promise make you equally uncomfortable.

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For the sake of argument what if I see others getting infected as not that big of a deal?

In that case your argument just devolves into a variant of the old, empathy-free, "Most people are poor because they deserve to be." Your new iteration becomes, "Most people contract COVID-19 because they somehow deserve it."

Edited by ammcinnis

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)


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I'm allergic to the dogs (long story), so putting out an ugly death rattle cough is easy.



That's annoying, especially if you like dogs otherwise. Some claims that poodles are less problematic when it comes to allergies though. (OK, off track though)

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Part of the problem with COVID is it's not just Live or Die. An estimated 30% have ongoing damage to various organs/systems in their bodies. (I'm one of them right now).


If only it were as clean as 90+% live as they were and <10% die. And it's not just people with prior issues. I had zero prior issues, I hadn't needed to go to the doc for years, hadn't been in the hospital for decades.

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You're so much kinder than me. I reach down and grip the snap ring on the leash offering to unhook mine to make it all fair. Recently stray huskies view all small dogs as food. Yappy ones are especially interesting.


I still don't get ppl willing to "play chicken" with dogs who aren't particularly well mannered. Seems like you're asking for it. The public right-of-way is 60', so its not like you don't have 58 other feet to trod on.


The mask thing is what it is. Wear it or not. Don't wear it and come near me, I promise make you equally uncomfortable.


LOL, making the world a better place one dead yappy nuisance dog at a time.

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So..... while we're are being told not to see our families for the Holidays, I noticed that, once again, the department stores have all been packed to capacity. So much for the Governor's 25% max capacity edict, it doesn't appear the stores are following that, like at all. Parking lots have all been full, not much social distancing going on, not enough room for that.


The problem people are having with 'the science' these governors are using to take our rights away (and notice we never get to see 'the data' they are using, isn't that strange), is that nothing adds up, nothing is logical, nothing is consistent, nothing makes sense. It's obvious the majority of the population doesn't give AF about Covid, otherwise these stores would be empty and everyone would be shopping online.


It's hard to take these people complaining that families are getting together seriously when this stuff is going on every day at a Costco near you.


Seems simple to me, what's taxed is open, Stores, Liquor, Pot Taxe$, Cha-Ching $$ and what's not taxed is closed, Churches, schools etc. Huh, wonder why that is.

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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It’s all about control. Lots of lemmings on here who will do as they’re told, stands to reason there are even more out there not on an Internet forum.


We’re all going to get COVID-19 eventually you silly fuckers, what you won’t get are your rights back when you willingly give them up.

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